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P-2H "Neptune" Remod Pak

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P-2H "Neptune" Remod Pak

P-2H "Neptune" Remod Pak                11/19/22

-- For SF2, Any & All --

This is a complete overhaul, plus numerous additions, to the P2V-7/P-2H Neptune package I released in 2011 (THAT long ago????!!!!). I was going over some things, and found numerous flaws and faults, and chose to fix them up.

This package, due to numerous changes (listed in the Change Log), is designed to replace in total the early 2011 kit. If you have that original repackaging mod, you CAN just drop all of this one directly over it, or delete the aircraft and decals folders and start fresh. Your Choice (tm). Either way will work with no issues.

Skin sets NOW included are:
These 3 from the original 2011 pack--

VP-18 "Flying Phantoms", NAS Jacksonville as seen during the Cuban Missile Crisis
VP-65 "Tridents", NAS Point Magu, in the mid/late 1960s through the 1970s
VP-69 "Totems", NAS Whidbey Island, in the 1970s

plus ...

320 Squadron, RNNAS (now included)

The new skins are:

JMSDF (2,3,4 & 51 Kokutais)-squadron insginia are randomly applied
RAAF (10 & 11 Squadrons) - early Seaplane Gray/White and late Gull Gray/White skins
French Aeronavale - Flotilles 21/23(ish)
USN --
VP-9 "Golden Eagles, NAS Barbers Point (Early Seaplane Gray/White)
VP-18 "Flying Phantoms" NAS Jacksonville, NAS Rossevelt Roads (Early SG/W)
Argentina -- Both original COAN skins NOW included!

The only country's skins NOT included are the RCAF/CF by 1977Frenchie; his set for the CP-122 which is good enough to stand on it's own :) .
All skins remain in their original bmp format. All new decals are included, "almost" all with historically matching BuNums-to-Modex numbers (wherever possible, and the information was discoverable). Decal randomization for ALL skins is TRUE. For those forces with paint scheme changes at specific years, the SF2 Date Switch (tm) is active.  This can be seen on the Loading Screen, skin/squadron drop-down menu as shown below:

VP-9 Golden Eagles (>1962) (before 1962)


VP-69 Totems (<1964)  (after 1964)

As always, =READ= the enclosed readme for full, detailed instructions. This package has been broken down into the various folders that SF2 needs, to make it a LOT easier to install.

Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein



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Folks, be advised, as I've just been informed that the Aeronavale skin is missing it's rivet and panel lines (thanks Paulo!!) that I'll be uploading a fixed full pack, and a seperate AN skin later today (probably tonight, California time)

My sincere appologies for the screw up!! (must be getting old!!! LOL)

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here's the fixed fuselage bmp. Just drop this over the existing one in the /France folder. This is just a quickie fixie



edit: New, corrected Full Version Download Pack (tm) uploaded and ready for use.

thank you


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