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Thrust vectored swing wing

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Hi, was wondering if anyone has ever done a swing wing aircraft like the F-14 but the wing sweep is controlled by the thrust vector keys instead of it being automatic, and if not, Any idea how i can try and do it?

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You can do it :



MaxDeflection=50.0 or any value you want

ModelNodeName= ---> if two wings not animated / requires one "control surface" part for each wing
AnimationID= ---> if the wings are animated

RotationAxis=Z-Axis or Y-Axis or X-Axis (maybe and only if not animated)

ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE / FALSE (maybe and only if not animated)

and maybe other entries for the movement
It doesn't include the aerodynamic entries

The reason it never has been done is the thrust vector control key is used only by the player aircraft.
The AI / the wingmen aircrafts won't use it.

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