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ODS 30th AE help needed

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I'm sad...

The few times I've managed to get the campaign in the ODS 30th AE have been glorious... zipping through the skies in my F-4G, raining hell on Saddam's integrated air defense network while fending off Mig-25s hell-bent on turning me into a smoldering smudge on the desert floor.

But alas, I consistently have a crash to desktop at 80% as new missions load up. 9 times out of 10, my hopes to take to the skies of Iraq and Kuwait are dashed.

System specs:

AMD Ryzen 5950X @ 3.4 GHZ



Nvidia RTX 3080

Win 11 Pro

Hard to think it's a "lack of enough horsepower" issue.

I've tried turning all graphics options to medium or lower, turning the sound to 32, 24, 16, and 8 bit, crossing my fingers and praying to the computer gods, but no luck.

Anyone have any ideas?



Edited by av8or2016

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Back up your Mod Folder, delete Options.ini, run the game once.Make sure the game work. Set up the game. Quit the game. Restore your Mod folder and copy the new Options.ini there. Don't forget to set the correct dates in it. If that doesn't help, try disabling individual mods and find out which one is causing the crash. Transfer, for example, the Flight folder Turn on the game. Game not working? Get back the Flight folder and move Effects. Did the game work? So the problem is in this folder. Dig in it.
PS I didn't play on Windows 11. The game has some problems on Windows 10, and then there's a whole Windows 11. My game crashes on Windows 10 until I turn off the second monitor. The cursor jumps out of one monitor to another and the game instantly folds into Windows without ability to be restored. Windows 7 doesn't have this problem.

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That seems to have done the trick! The “flight” folder appears to be the home of the problem. Digging through it, there are all kinds of “stuff” buried in there, so maybe I’ll try to figure out specifically what is causing the problem this weekend. Thanks for the help!

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