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SF2 T-34A Mentor (USAF) Upgrade Pack by RussoUK/Wrench  

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SF2 T-34A Mentor (USAF) Upgrade Pack by RussoUK/Wrench  

SF2 T-34A Mentor (USAF) Upgrade Pack by RussoUK/Wrench       1/12/2023

-For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged plus Expansion 1 Reccomended)

Mofications to RussoUK's fun little T-34A Mentor (USAF) make some major and minor adjustments in skins, decals, data ini and other misc stuff. This is the full aircraft, with all the bits as issued by Russ in the original release. Just in case you don't have said original release, you won't have to go scrambling around trying to find the "weapons" (ok, drop tank) pilots and sounds. Also, because I was/am too lazy to pick out and remove stuff. Easier this way :)

Both the NMF and NMF/Orange skins have been redone with a lighter shade of pale metal, all new historically correct decals. It should be stated that the serial and buzz numbers, while historically correct, are generic in nature representing no particular base unit or squadron. The SF2 Date SWtich (tm) is active, and will cause the skins to change on partucular dates.
The names in quotations "xxxx" are how they will appear on the game's Drop Down Menu on the Loadout Screen. The skins are:

NMF (Early - starts Day 1) -- "USAF NMF (Early)"
NMF/Red-Orange (Late - starts 1959) -- "NMF/Red-Orange (Late)"

USAF 3-tone SEA came (1965). This is a non-real skin; I suspect the original FSX/? version is based on a Warbird, privately owned Mentor. However, the markings are correct for the time frame. They represent 80th Flight Training Wing at Sheppard AFB.  --- "80th FTW (F)"

Most markings are decals; exceptions would be wing insignia/nation names. Other markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. There are 18 serial/Buzz numbers for each aircraft. The 2 NMFs use a 'pool' of the same numbers. The Camo uses the correct style for the Vietnam Era. The "F" in the title obviously means "fake".

The aircraft keeps all it's original designations, so will appear the same in-game as the original download.
When in game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown menu, you'll see:

Beech T-34A USAF (R)

Hopefully, this will diferentiate it from any other T-34A Mentors that may (or may not) be available. The "R" stands for RussoUK, the model maker.

As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions.

Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein



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