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Hello everyone:

Here is my question over which I've been tearing my hair out all week, maybe someone here can help! 

About three years ago I was able to get Strike Fighters 2 running in VorpX and it was fluid, beautiful, and smooth, almost VR-native quality. But when I try to run it again now with my HP Reverb G2 and VorpX 21.3.0, about 49 times out of 50 SF2 will crash to desktop without warning. That 50th time it will run perfectly. I will change no settings between the running and the crashing. It's bizarre. Here's what I've tried:

1) Changing every graphics settings in the game
2) Changing each VorpX setting one by one- hook helpers, alternative hooking, etc.
3) Running SF2 as an administrator, in Win 7 compatibility mode, etc.

Nothing consistently works. It seems totally random whether it will CTD without warning or run perfectly that 2% of the time it does feel like running. I'm writing this here because I know some members like @streakeagle have had great success with VorpX and SF2 in the past. I suspect a recent update to VorpX broke compatibility with SF2 and that's the root problem, but I haven't been able to get support from VorpX (as in, they won't even respond to me) and there's no way to download older versions, so I'm stuck trying to get this one to run. 

So my question is: is anyone running SF2 in VR, today, with the current version of VorpX? Trying to figure out if it's just my system or it's this version of VorpX that's breaking it and there's nothing I can do about it. 

Also attaching my VorpX crash logs if anyone can make heads or tails of them. Now back to the troubleshooting battle, we'll see if I'm up until 2 AM again today trying to figure this out...



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It has always been a luck of the draw for me. VorpX constantly changes. Sometimes it works really well for SF2, other times it doesn't. The Reverb G2 can be used one of two ways: Steam VR or Open XR/Windows Mixed Reality. I have not run it in a while, so I am not sure if it is currently working for me. The last time I used it (months? years?), it worked really well for the G2, but I couldn't get it working at all with the Quest 2. 

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The same thing happened to me. I got SF2 Vietnam running and after the update it went it crashed and damaged my file. I have Ace Combat 7 working. keep me posted. I am using the Rift S.

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Hate to resurect the thread but the root cause of the crah is an access violation, vorpx isnt being allowed to access something it needs and is going nuclear because of it.

heres the line in question.

ERR: App: TopCrashHandler: unhandled exception ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0x11

gonna spend a bit of time trying to find what it needs.


Minor update, most crashes bar the last have this in the middle :

ERR: App: TopCrashHandler: module: dxgi.dll, offset: 0x7390C.

Edited by TheDesertRat

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