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Did chaff and flare launch sounds ever exist?

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I remember when I was in elementary school and I played WOE with the horrible graphics and when I pressed the X and C keys, there was a sound effect.

I haven't noticed this detail for a long time, but now it seems that whether it is the original version of SF2 or the modified version of SF2, this sound effect no longer exists.

So I have doubts about what the title belongs to. Did I meet Mandela, or is there simply a bug in my system?

If it's just a bug, can you guys provide a direction to fix it? I'd be happy to concoct a mod with more pronounced sound effects

Edited by simonmiller416

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You're confused about WoE. The first generation of Strike Fighters games never had sounds for chaff and flares. Strike Fighters 2 never added them either. Sounds are probably the worst part of Strike Fighters. If you're hit, deploy countermeasures or drop bombs, there's no sound associated with those events. Nothing we can do, it's another limitation of the game engine.

Edited by Menrva
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2 hours ago, Menrva said:

You're confused about WoE. The first generation of Strike Fighters games never had sounds for chaff and flares. Strike Fighters 2 never added them either. Sounds are probably the worst part of Strike Fighters. If you're hit, deploy countermeasures or drop bombs, there's no sound associated with those events. Nothing we can do, it's another limitation of the game engine.

Alright , my memory must be messed up

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