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Hello CombatACE modders or users, I just downloaded SF2 for the first time, (now, one of my favorite aviation games.), I'm interested in modding a few aircraft & campaigns into the game. But I need help with one part. The mods folder specifically.

My main question is, once you download the game, is it just there in the directory, or do you have to make a new folder and rename it? (Like C:\Users\Username\SharedGames\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\mods\insert whatever mod in here)

Please help, and thanks very much :)



also p.s, it's my first time using the forums and this website in general, if I put this in the wrong forum. Please notify me :)

once again thanks :)

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Check out the Knowledge Base and maybe your answer will be found there. I don't have any experience modding campaigns (though I've been thinking about it recently), so I can't help you there. And you should be fine here. And welcome :biggrin:

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Thanks, but since it's my very first time using this, where's the Knowledge Base? (I'm really sorry if this question seems stupid) :dntknw:

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as for the initial run of the game, run the exe once. that will create your mod folder, most likely in [your comp]/SavedGames/Thirdwire/[your version of the game]

welcome to the party. you'll find the mods will really pick up your game experience (depending on what your particular interest is)

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Posted (edited)

Thanks for that! :)

I'm interested in downloading an F-5C Vietnam mod.. been struggling with it since this morning since I couldn't find the Mod Folder, no matter where I checked.. both in my user and my SharedGames file.

I think I most likely did something wrong.. I opened up all the games files too, very much need help, should I redownload it? Or do I make a mod file inside of the Campaign files? (i.e, SF2 Vietnam or Europe.)

Also Happy New Year!

Edited by omegaeleven

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ok simple walk through: go here





then here




then open the install you have.



if you have multiple versions (SF2 Europe, SF2 Israel etc) you will have  what is called a merged install, but with seperate exes.  when you get really high speed with it you'll have multiple exes dedicated to different whatevers.

case in point i put an F-16CM Block 52 into my test install( thrid highlighted from bottom), mainly because i was looking at something for loadouts. it was availble in any terrain or any version of SF2 within that exe. but not in any of the others

just getting started you wont have anywhere near as many exes (we say installs, although that not exactly technically correct). you may have one or you may have all 5.

pick one, and follow the directions to place the mod into your selected install


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that is after following the instructions in my first post

ther is no need to screw with the game files in the Programs folder at this time.  youre just trying to start the car, we'll leave parallel parking for another day

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Thank you very much dude :)

Hopefully I'll send some screenshots, kinda busy at the moment..

But to be honest.. this community is pretty chill :D

I'll check it out later!

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