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Ground Objects missile yaw/pitch problem

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I don't know why, but when I assign missiles to ground objects (including ships), they often fail to move with the YAW axis.

As shown in the picture, on this IFV, the Pitch axis is good, but the YAW axis does not work.

There is another project, a warship around 2000, has the same problem on its SA-N-20 launcher.

I refer to the DATA.ini of some warships (such as the Perry ), and even if I use the same values, I can only get the same results.

So I guess there is something I need to pay attention to during the modeling stage? Can you give me some tips?

(Another thing that confuses me even more is that on the HIMARS I made earlier,  rockets and missiles were apparently fully at right yaw and pitch angle)



Edited by simonmiller416

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ALl those yaw, pitch movements are related to the model (the easy part) as you have to set all axes correctly in 3d program, and to data ini. (pain in the a*s part) as sometimes you have to make "fake" components in data  to have multiple turrets, independent movements, etc. Somehow it is hard for me to explain how you should exactly proceed. I have learned everything based on trial and error path. Not like I do not want to share my knowledge, just that there are many things you have to pay attention to, needless to say I would know where to start explaining. I still struggle when making some ground object mods - that is why I always refer to older working mods or simply to mods of others and then modify and test...You would not believe how many things guuruu improved just by - "let's check what this will do"

If you check my BMPs from my Bonanza pack you will have a quite good idea of how things work.

as for the rockets, missile launchers always have to face  "front" of the vehicle (even if it is wrong for a model it does not matter - the game will fix everything - data ni (yaw/pitch angle rate, default angles, yaw/pitch limits etc)

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I understand.

I know the axis thing and I can tell I can set them right.

key point behind is those “fake component” yeah, I did use them often, a single canard has 3 more axis etc etc. 

Its hard to talk more because I know its some logic thing.So I wont blame anything or been upset.

But any example like bmp you mention is great, thanks! I will check that out.

I cant let those missile “yaw” correctly, but it could be a way start:good:


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and those missiles on the turret...yeah it will be madness believe me.. And there is no way to work it properly. You can make some walkarounds....check BMP-1P or BMP-2....This is the point where I gave up...anyway, the moment I fly I stick to the cockpit view. But yes when testing and just watching battleground...small things are annoying. 

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:dntknw:Maybe I will fix a missile model on each launcher rack and not use Showmissile=True as a temporary solution at this stage.

Yeah, after all, we usually don't stare at these ground units unless we are testing them.

Edited by simonmiller416

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