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To @Robert Wiggins, @JJJ65, @Bletchley, @BuckeyeBob: OTT-Compatibility of your mods

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Hallo @Robert, @JJJ, @Bletchley and BuckeyBob!

I have a short question:
Can you tell me / us, if your mods are compatible with BH&H2-Expansion "Over the TOP"?

I mean specifically these ones:
+ WOFF BH&H2 Mission Editor 2.0 by @JJJ65

+ WOFF BH&H2 Pilot Log Editor v1.0 by @JJJ65 

+ WOFF BH&H2 Realistic Tracer Mod by @JJJ65

+ WOFF Bletchley's Defence Mission Types (BH&H II Version 2) by @Bletchley

+ WOFF Bletchley's Mission Types - Recon Wars (compatible with WOFF BH&H II to Version 1.34) by @Bletchley

+ User Files Backup Utility V1.6 by @Robert Wiggins

+ Historical weather mods 1.5 and 2.1 by @BuckeyBob

Thank you very much for your answers (here or at SimHQ) and Greetings!

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Hello @Becker,

BuckeyeBob's historical weather mods, as well as his cloud mods, are not compatible with the OTT expansion. As per Winding Man, the weather system has been changed/redone entirely in OTT. BB's weather/cloud mods continue of course to function well in pre-OTT versions of the WoFF series.

In terms of the other mods, I'm sure the other modders will pitch in with helpful info. (technically, JJJ's mods were never updated for OTT, so definitely be careful if loading those in OTT, etc.).

Cheers to you,


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