Zilken-OG 4 Posted January 13 (edited) Hey guys! I'd like to just drop in and say hello and thanks to everyone on CombatAce and beyond over the years! I've been an avid flyer of World War One flight simulators ever since my introduction to Red Baron DOS back in the day. Red Baron 3D was the true beginning of my obsession, however and one that I still play daily when I have the time! Over the decades I've sought out every game in this genre and have to say that the "obscure" ones are sometimes the most treasured or at least remembered for better or worse. In this case I find First Eagles one and two (more so the second for me) to be the most 'returning' of my collection other than Red Baron 3D with the FCJ-SP installed! I really enjoy it for it's simplicity and even more so with the amazing mods created by you fine individuals and or teams! Sure I've switched planes over to Rise of Flight or IL-2 Flying Circus, but the much older titles still pull me back frequently. I also don't consider Rise of Flight to be old, despite it's obvious and official age, I still don't consider it as such. The classics like Knights of the Sky, Wings of Glory, or even Wings! Amiga are old hahaha. They're also in my opinion, still fun to play to this day. If it wasn't for the user created material in the mods, patches and other alterations... The games would just not be what they are today! First Eagles, WOFF, Rise of Flight, Red Baron 3D and so on are all timeless through their mods and I have the upmost respect and appreciation for all things that you guys do! These games still, after thirty plus years, keep me coming back and I wouldn't have it any other way. I've been searching through other World War One sims websites and noticed that a lot of them are either gone or just taken down over time but I still managed to find my way here! It's crazy what you find when you Google, "Sound mods First Eagles 2 for Windows" Sorry for the rant, and thanks again to everyone! Keep your eyes on the sky, Nick Edited January 13 by Zilken-OG 2 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
debmalya 2 Posted January 13 first eagles 2 game play is as good as any from any tw sim that i have played . 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zilken-OG 4 Posted January 13 (edited) It's definitely up there! It doesn't stray too far away from the basics, right out of the box so to speak. Vanilla gameplay is pure, simplistic and straight forward. I played it without ANY mods for years, as I was the paranoid type with trusting sites, links and whatnot for obvious reasons. I don't regret waiting as long as I did, I mean the mods keep coming and the community is still alive and well! Edited January 13 by Zilken-OG 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+VonS 1,425 Posted January 14 For FE2, I would definitely recommend gTerl's excellent, various Italian map terrains (as indicated above). Also very good are Stary's enhancements to stock western front terrains in FE2 (the latter were done for FE/FEgold, but work just as well in FE2). Regarding plane mods, I suggest looking at Stephen1918's hangar - superb and rare WWI aircraft may be found there, such as the Siemens-Schuckert D.I, etc. For flight model/damage model tweaks and enhancements, as well as for flight models to several beta aircraft done by Geezer years ago and never fully completed, recommended is to check the "about me" tab under my main CombatAce profile for more info. and/or mod information. FE2, properly modded, has some of the best flight models in any WWI flight sim (including when compared with Rise of Flight). Good flying to you, 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zilken-OG 4 Posted January 14 Absolutely you should check out Stephen1918's work! I think the FM's are clean, fresh and VonS is right on the rare aircraft/ types! Also I would recommend any packs from Peter01 and I think he also may have done some 'FM and DM' mods too? Not going to lie, I had a hard time understanding the Flight Model and Damage tweaks / mods when I started altering First Eagles 2 a ways back. I must have redownloaded SO MANY of the same mods over the years from dozens of sources hahaha... get frustrated and delete stuff only to come back to it later. Sigh... but I think I got it all figured out and squared away. All I can say to anyone who is new or looking at these things for the first time, DO NOT be ignorant and overconfident like me and NOT backup your files first. I really wish I learned that lesson much earlier in my life in gaming hahaha! Cheers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
debmalya 2 Posted January 14 thank you for the information wonderful to converse with people interested in sims/flight sim in general, il2 1946 and fS9 /FSX (esp fs9 modded ) is also a huge favorite of mine not many sim fanatics here in India at present (gaming is becoming a huge craze , off course , but shooters , maybe GTA , NFS ) had an account for more than 15 years , now this 2025 new year present from combat ace(no more free downloads.... ) i did give suggestions Eric & co kindly replied that there are no easy solutions , all these scam sters with multiple accounts one fellow was found with 44 accounts !!! the fs9/fsx sites seem to be operating ok one modder from the UK (mr Howard ) even sent me a custom texture pack for FS9 that he had developed ...in 2021 the amount of flyable aircraft for fs9 is astounding (unlikely to be ever matched i think, even though some of the mods are very basic ) the FS9 sopwith camel/SE 5 was one my favorite free mods ( from ALPHASIM probably ) i will of course note down the info/links that you have given , if some time in the future they again resume downloads at present the only place probably for free sf2 downloads is the GKABS website (his models are fantastic , SU 35, rafale , typhoon , but the F models are somewhat overpowered , they can make 20 g turns !!!! at low/mid altitude if the FM S are corrected then it will be fantastic , the SU 35 model is amazing ) the A team site( SF 2mods ) is also apparently not working they sent me login/passed but unable to logon will be happy to discuss any simulators/simulator mods that i know of (FS9, FSX , il2 1946, sf2 , fe 2 ) , or any other like naval sims like (dang waters , cold waters, silent hunter that i have ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zilken-OG 4 Posted January 14 It's always great to be able to connect with fellow lovers of the simulator genre absolutely! World War One lovers / fanatics are fewer it seems, but we're still out there hahaha. As far as other sims go I've always been fond of the IL-2 series, from Birds of Prey on consoles even all the way up to their entire library on PC too. When I was much younger they always intimidated me with their overwhelming controls (at first glance) and whatnot... but like most things gets easier with practice and knowledge! The MFS series were always fun but I tend to lean more into the combat flight sims over casual sims most times. Naval Combat has always been an interest of mine as I absolutely love World War Two type ships, from Bismarck and her sister ship Tirpitz, Prince of Whales, Hood and even the Yamato to name just a few! World of Warships and War Thunder is sadly the only experience I have of naval based games though hahahaha. Hopefully you can sort out the account issues so you can get into more mods! Cheers! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
debmalya 2 Posted January 15 there is a WW1 mod in il2 1946 could not get any il2 1946 mod running so far sf2/fe2 mods are easier to install yes ww1 planes are so much fun to fly slow . but low wing loading means they can turn on a dime , and slow fights up close and personal the se5 (in FE2 ) , is my favorite modern air combat is all about stealth/sensors/missile performance there is a very good channel on y tube Gregs airplanes that has started discussing ww1 aviation ./fighter design .recently . perhaps one day they will have a battle of Jutland sim.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites