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Rise of Flight PWCG Take off issues.

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Wasn't sure where to put this but I've been using ROF +PWCG for years and have encountered a few minor anomalies similar to this but this is far worse.  I am doing a campaign on the eastern front as the Russians and the start positions for my flight on the ground are all messed up resulting in several planes including the flight leader to be unable to take off.  I was spawned inside a building one time.  Does anyone know of a way to address this without switching squadrons as there are only 3 available and two have already exhibited this issue to a certain extent and the one that works reasonably well is in a part of the map where I never encounter any enemies.  I flew 4 straight missions without coming into contact with a single central powers flight.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

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Recommended is also to post here under the official RoF forums -- your question might get addressed more quickly that way. As far as I know, the eastern front was never fully implemented in any version of the PWCG - thus the peculiarities, of aircraft sometimes spawning inside of tents, on storage boxes, etc. The problem may be less noticeable on the eastern front in the beta ver. 3.x.x of the PWCG than in ver. 16.x.x -- but 3.x.x has its own problems, since it was more so optimized for the modern IL2 series. RoF, even with the venerable ver. 16.x.x of the PWCG, excels best at western front action (and squadron options). For good eastern front variety, as well as a middle eastern front and other exotic destinations - permit me to recommend First Eagles 2 (modded fully, it's the most expansive, theater-wise, of the WWI sims that are available).



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