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Everything posted by EBW

  1. Have another question; In the Formosa add on I noticed ships sailing through land mass. Is there some way of fixing this? Or I should deal with it?
  2. SF2 Vietnam Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!

    Bro! You made my day with mod. The images and of course the music really puts you there!!! Thanks for all your hard work ......Really > The Doors! One of the greatest bands od the 60's.
  3. Third Wire General Questions...

    Well just did a ground attack over Cuba and the Break then Rejoin works way better. You still have a little work to do controlling the wingman but not even close with what was happening! Thank you!
  4. Hi everyone, I have a nagging question about your wingman in the game. Is there some way to make the wingman rejoin you and not fly over AAA and SAM sights when he's trying to rejoin? In most cases I have to send no less than 10 rejoin commands or chase him down before he gets shot down! Or is this just how this game works and you just have to live with it? Any answers welcome...
  5. Third Wire General Questions...

    Great answer! I will start trying that. Makes since to get him turning 1st and hopefully in the right direction, then do the rejoin command! Thanks for your time...
    Hi everyone; Well I've tried everything I could think off to get this version to run on my Windows 10 system with no success. Suggestions for CTD issues, followed to the letter! It's not a Win 10 issue because I'm running all the old ThirdWire flight games on this i5 system. Game will work through all the setup screens, but crashes after loading screen to cockpit to fly! Any one out there that has any ideas on solving this problem I'd be glad to hear from you. From what I can see so far this version of Desert Storm is amazing!!! THANKS TO ALL INVOLVED TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN! Eric...
  6. Hi, I have a question; I installed both Part 1 & 2 of your 48 - 56 Suez campaign. Can't seem to get the Meteor NF14 or NF14 (Arab) to be visible in the game or when you select it to fly.

    I've reinstalled the game 3 times per your instructions but still on aircraft.

    any suggestions?

    Thanks for your time.


    1. paulopanz


      NF14 or NF14 (Arab) were place holders and needed A-TEAM Lods/Planes forget them

      New NF.13 are correct ones


    2. EBW


      Well I got NF.13 you made and adjusted Suez_DATA.ini file to see some of the jets. seems to be working OK. But I don't really know what i'm doing.

      Thanks for the help! it's an awesome campaign 


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