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Posts posted by Foug84

  1. 14 hours ago, daddyairplanes said:

    the animation wont do a thing

    That's what i meant. I wanted to disable drag in case JDAM-izing it could work with toss bombing. I didn't mess with the animations setting however.

    Guess there's still the possibility of "JDAMizing" a Yellow Sun or an AN-11/21 for high altitude delivery for a V-bomber or Mirage IVA to make it work like it was released with the computer system and the bombardier-navigator. Guess it can still be nerfed by having a poor accuracy with a zip-code sized CEP (which might not be a problem for the Yellow Sun Mark 2, but might be for the smaller yield of the AN 11)

    (Yeah, i really want an easy fix for 1960s nuclear bombing, sue me if you want :biggrin:)

  2. 4 hours ago, Wrench said:

    as has been shown over the last 20 odd years of this game, you don't need anything special, just practice, practice and more practice. And 'slick' bombs

    (I noticed the OP is showing a high drag para (balute?) so no wonder it don't work)

    The model is an AN-52 whose original model was retarded, but i disabled the drogue in the options.


    Given the fact the bomb flew horizontally for several miles without losing altitude until crashing into a hill, the drogue animation definitely didn't work into slowing the bomb.

    Also, i get that yeah, practise is important, but it would be more easy with some tables

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  3. 3 hours ago, dtmdragon said:

    Try doing the trigonometry to work out the speed, pull up angle, and release point to toss the bomb dumb. A little bit of practice and you will be surprised how accurate you can get. Just like they did back in the 60's....

    I tried finding bomb tossing tables without success. Also, i'm pretty sure that back in the 60s, the bombs were released using (mechanical) computers. It's not really to the level of precision of newer CCRP computers, but the release point during the loop is left to the computer

  4. I'm currently trying to make a workaround for nuclear toss bombing in absence of CCRP and other bombing computers (as far as i know) by turning unguided tactical nuclear bombs into "JDAMs" in order for them to be a bit more precise, by making them GPS guided, however i'm encountering problems. Instead of the bomb following a modified ballistic trajectory towards its target, it simply flies horizontally



    (The target is the radio station, however the bomb flew horizontally until it exploded when encountering terrain)

    I do not know if it's because of the era (the mission date is well before the introduction of GPS) or something wrong i did


    Here's the Weapon editor page. I first tried to make a copy of a JDAM, but i then put max turn rate and max launch G to max (to allow toss bombing)




    I also don't know if what i'm trying to do is even possible, but i guess that asking first won't harm

  5. 2 hours ago, UllyB said:

    Read the manual, "how to use the radar section" and you will discover interesting things you didn't know about a plane's radar and how to use it in order to fire a missile SAHM/AHM. For BVR AMRAAMs and stand-off Phoenix work and anything from their class (Soviets use other missiles but with aprox similar features). Differences between a SAHM and a AHM are obviously. AHM are BVR fire-and-forget weapons. Learn how to use the weapons editor , in order to see/find the optimal distance you can fire a AHMissile. For example, if the AMRAAM is set to have a 30km optimal/max distance, if you fire it at 35km it won't work or it won't even start. The same with any other missile, so it's esentially to KNOW the missile optimal fire distance! Also keep in mind that DIFFERENT AMRAAMs have DIFFERENT ready to fire distances, the newer the missile, the bigger the distance you can fire it. SAHM are semi-radar-active meaning that , after you fire it you have to maintain the tip of your aircraft to the target until it hits it or it misses it. If you are high enough you can fire SAHM from long distances, as a BVR missile. It all  depends of your skill and experience, exactly like in real life combat. If you set HARD for enemies skill don't be surprised to be hit by a BVR suddenly.You need to pay attention to the wingmen's phrase "he fired a missile" and to use map to see if the plane you suspected fired at you or at a collegue. The sooner you identify that plane, the better, you have a better chance to evade it and fire bacl at it. If the enemy fires a SAHM you will hear its ring, as it comes closer to you. When you hear that ring you better start the evasive manouvres you learnt until then.(the best is to stay at the groung level (20-30m abobe it) and wait for the ring to stop. It is also a good idea to figure otu who fired at you, until is not too late and he will fire another missile at you. Good luck!

    On JAT81500's Rafales i can use the MICA IR in range in excess to 10 to 15 NM in a R-27ET-like launch (I did "scores" against maritime patrol aircraft and bombers at that range) while i'm confined to 10 NM range with the same missile with a radar seeker (MICA ER) or even the METEOR BVRAAM. On older missiles like the AIM-7/Skyflash on the F-4, i don't have any problem, mainly because the 10 NM range is more than enough to launch a medium range missile, so i'm not complaining about SAHM not reaching the maximum theoretical range.
    For the weapon editor, you mean the loadout page ?

  6. 1 hour ago, EricJ said:

    Which mod aircraft are you having issues with? It seems odd that you can't fire at aircraft beyond 10NM.

    Well, i'm mostly interessed in JAT81500's Rafales  which have the MICA EM and METEOR that should be able to fire beyond 10 NM. There is a combat mode that goes up to 10 NM (which is the only way to lock radar guided missiles) and a TWS mode (which can't lock missiles even within the 10 NM range the combat mode has, so it's more of a search mode in the practical sense)


    Most SARH missiles are only effective at ranges less than 10 nm anyway, unless you are at high altitudes and/or high Mach numbers when you launch.

    I don't have trouble using boresight mode for AIM-7 in the stock F-4 for example in the 10 NM range or for the Super 530 for the Mirage F1 C200 , in a boresight 7 NM mode (which seems to be short against bulky aircraft but enough against fast small targets before switching to heat-seeking missiles)



    I am guessing that the radar is not being used correctly. Use search mode to find contacts at long range.  Use the appropriate key shortcut or mapped button to move the radar cursor to a detected contact. Use the appropriate key shortcut or mapped button to lock on

    I'm using the search mode to find the contacts at longer range, and i don't have problem with it. For aircraft with a boresight mode (F-4), i usually point, use ACQUIRE_RADAR_TARGET and release the SARH when i'm within the 10 NM "range" (obviously closer when the target is not a big clumsy drone the size of a maritime patrol aircraft flying gently) and there are no problems.
    For the more "modern" planes (which are mods), I find however difficult to use more modern missiles at distances farther than 10NM. I might however use the radar totally wrong as you pointed, which may be entirely possible (even if I tried to browse the forum to search for answers which work obviously better for the older planes). I can acquire targets at distances far greater than 10NM (with the red cheat marker box showing at 40-30NM) however. But for modded planes and modern missiles that would be able to shoot over 10 NM at big clumsy non-manoeuvring bombers-drones being used very gently for the missile, i find quite impossible to shoot beyond 10NM with modded "active radar homing" missiles, even if I can, in the case of the Rafale, shoot the MICA IR like a R-27ET extended range infrared guided missile at distances about 15-20 miles when the target is slow and clumsy


  7. Hey
    I'd like to ask a question about radar combat. While long range (>10 NM) BVR capacity is quite poor for stock planes (at the exception of the F-14A Tomcat, where it seems that the Phoenix missiles works), it seems i can't use missiles on modern "mod" planes on distances farther than 10 nautical miles, the radar combat mode distance limit (i'm thinking about the use of the Meteor BVRAAM on JAT's Rafale, neither can I launch a fox-3 in a maddog move ,launching it in a "fire or forget" move) I'd like to know if it's a hard lock in the software and in the mods or if it's something that is easily fixable and that I should have figured out alone by now, in that case i'm sorry for bothering you.

  8. Hello


    I have two little problems with keys : I cannot fire guns (yet I still can release weapons such as bombs, rockets and missiles) and my ECM keys are kinda messed up : The "Release Chaff" key turns on and off my ECM, and chaff is released on "select previous gun group"

    I'm using a X56 Hotas setup as well as a delanclip "trackir" and I have SF2 as well as the Israel, Europe, Vietnam and North Atlantic modules. I previously played only on a -mod israel executable, but I still encountered the problems in the other fresh installations

    I have found threads that were close to this problem (such as this one), yet I didn't found solutions about guns not firing when "Fire Primary Guns" is pushed, or when secondary guns are also toggled. Only "Fire selected weapons tend to work



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