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Everything posted by Goob113870

  1. Font size on screen

    the game does not support DX11 yet, maybe one day. you might have to play with the resolution settings in order to be able to see the fonts or read the gauges
  2. Just purchased. Unable to download.

    have you checked your router speeds for upload/download speeds or tried recycling the router. you can also use a speed test app like ookla to check download speeds
  3. Hmmmmm.....?

    probably landed at another air field
  4. Mirage F1EE (1981-1993)

    i turned off my anti-virus and it downloaded perfectly. Thank You.
  5. Mirage F1EE (1981-1993)

    looks like a VIRUS detected in download
  6. Wings Over Ogaden

    this is pretty interesting and promising once it is completed and bugs ironed out.
  7. A-6A Early Intruder

    Looks and Handels great. New pilots look swell too. kinda wish we could see the BN in right seat.
  8. Tornado GR.1A Desert Storm

    this mod is the BEST! I love that you can also sit in the Weapons officers cockpit. it would be really cool to see the F-4, F-14 and F-15 with the weapon/Radar operators cockpit added also.
  9. SF2 MiG-31BM enhanced avionics

    This is AWESOME!! THank You
  10. TSF 2: Expansion Pack 1

    this mod is just awesome!
  11. I just updated to windows 11 and reinstalled my strike fighters 2 full merged in correct order. Now I go to make the Vietnam Air/Ground gold mod folder and nothing happens when running the newly renamed exe. It does not show up in the c:\ThirdWire\Saved Games location. i’m stumped as to what the problem can be. Anyone have issues with this happening in Windows 11. i think I encountered this early on in win 10 also
  12. Thank you for your advice. I figured out what I was doing wrong by going back and reading the instructions thoroughly. Now I have a bad to the bones SF2 & all the mods to go with it. Thank you again.
  13. That pretty much looks like what I have every time I do a merged install of SF2,Vietnam,Europe,Israel,Exp1,Exp2 & North Atlantic. my problem now is say I want to do the Mod wings over Korea and I follow the steps to make a duplicate copy of the .Exe and .ini and rename them to proper mod name and run the Exe so that it makes a mod folder in the Users/Saved Games, nothing happens now.
  14. Looks awesome! i really hope it does get a campaign mode for the immersion.
  15. Razbam A6-A cockpit

    Would anyone be willing to share their Razbam A6-A cockpit for me as it looks like it is no longer available for download from Razbams website.
  16. Razbam A6-A cockpit

    yes i was talking about SF2. I do own SFP1 & all the WOxxx series on cd-rom. Razbam A6-A cockpit sadly is no longer available for purchase.
  17. SH3 - U-33's back at sea!

    cant wait to see more of U-33's exploits

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