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About Madmalamute

  1. Look the size of this O.o

  2. Haha, sucked in!

    Must have been Achmed's brother...
  3. Whatcha building right now?

    Hey guys, what's the best way to paint an Israeli style desert camo?
  4. Sorry...I've gotten really dee dee dee lately. Sorry...I've gotten really dee dee dee lately.Thanks for the info.
  5. Yes there is, that's how i knew what to modify. I finally found out what i did, i had copied and pasted on the fuselage systems and had two station 13s...woopsie... Sorry about being a pain in the backside...
  6. Uhh...in english please...
  7. Bummer...oh well. I guess I just need to learn to be patient... Thanks anyway
  8. I'm trying ton make the MIG-25PU into a kinda pseudo MIG-31 my adding some missle rails to the underside fuselage, but so far nothing I've tried has worked...any thoughts. I did manage to add a gun though...boy that B-52 got a rude wake up call !!! Thanks!!!
  9. LOL.... Didn't she pop out parachutes when landing??
  10. How in the blazing hades did they fit SIX of those under there?? Did they make it big-ger? And how do i modify the -25PU to carry missiles like that!!! I wanna freak my friends out!!! Is it really true that the -31's radar can "burn" through most ECM on our aircraft today? Read this in a book called the Encylcpedia of Modern Warplanes.
  11. That's a big "WELL DUH" on my part there ...you would think that even with my half a brain I could have figured out that the -31 was developed from the -25. Thanks guys!!!
  12. I was playing with the two seat MIG 25 that was released in the latest Foxbat pack. Afterwards, I looked up at the MIG-31 model i have standing on my desk and was hit with a thought. Could that two seat Foxbat have been a testbed/trainer for the Foxhound? Or am I totally off the deep end?

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