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Steve T

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Everything posted by Steve T

  1. Nice! This looks great MK2. Not to hijack your thread, but I've got a new tile set done as well. This is available in the downloads section here (Terrain/Map mods). This is not "Historically Correct" nor meant to be. It was made to add a bit more of a "Korean flavour" to the fine work of fng2k, Edward and the other community members who've contributed to the new Korean theatre (as you list above). It is a -- sometimes extensive -- repaint of Deuce's excellent ehanced WoV tiles with the addition of new dirt airfield textures, plus custom specular lighting effects on the sea and river tiles. There are still a few misplaced tiles from the original map but I've not got the time (or knowledge) to sort these out. The more Korean stuff the better! Cheers --Steve T

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