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Everything posted by Mfair621

  1. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Well this is it for the week and I'm still alive! Juthro Bodine Mission 7 MacScotch led us again on a patrol of enemy lines. Again the Huns had the jump on us. How do they fly so high? Bodine found himself climbing up to get on one and tracers from 2 of his flight converged on it. He turned away to hunt for another. There he was crossing right in front of him! He let go with a burst and the machine instantly turned over a went straight down to the dirt. "Even a blind hog finds an acorn now and again" he thought. Circling he saw two specs going round to the east so he turned to join in. As he came close the SE broke off leaving him with the Albatros. Bodine soon shot his engine out. It took two overshoots before he was able to send it down. Bodine was feeling purdy full of himself. He now had 9 victories.
  2. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    I would not begrudge ado over under those conditions Rick. My wife knows if she hears engines and machine guns coming from the man cave, if she opens the door, the house better be on fire! That started back in the Red Baron days. If she came in just to watch, my pilot died! Nice videos mate!
  3. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    That last one was close Lofty! Your still alive and that’s what counts.
  4. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Rick, that was close Amigo! A mug in my future? Way too early yet. One mission can dash all hopes. Catch, oh yes, those lovely high school romances! Those were the days. Ended up putting my brand on one and 44 years later she’s still here. Stache, a broke lot attacking a gaggle of 2 seaters. Lost a many a pilot to the devils.
  5. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Stache, Good on ya mate! 2 victories and still kicking. Catch, how the heck did that claim get rejected! Lou, RL can be a cruel mistress. Just a note, I advanced 10 days instead of 8 for 5 kills and becoming an Ace. Will be adjusted as I move along. Jethro "Tull" Bodine Mission 5 Nov. 19th Ol Naps led 6 of us to patrol the lines between Vimy and Arras. More rain! I sure hate this flyin in the rain. Jumped again by Albatros scouts. What a shindig! Everyone was flyin and dodgin all over the sky. I sent one down quick and had to climb up to get another one. I used up all my vickers ammo and 2 drums of Lewis to send them down. The whole crew took a lot of damage. The mechanics are shore gonna up late tonight patching all these holes. Back at the field, the commander told him to pack his bags. "There going to pin a medal on you Bodine! Jethro smiled. "I bet the girls are gonna love to see me for shor!" Mission 6 Nov. 29th After an 8 day absence for the medal, Ol Naps, myself and one other were headed over the lines to take down a balloon. This ought to be fun I thought. "I'll hang back and watch how this is done" Bodine said. Just before they dove on the balloon, Ol Naps pulled up in a steep climb. Bodine did the same looking all around as he knew this meant trouble. He could not see anything! Not realizing he was pulling back on the stick as he looked around he stalled his darn machine. When he pulled out of his spin, tracers flashed by. He still could not see anything! Turns out, the Huns were painted a pale blue and blended perfectly with the morning sky. He finally saw one when he looked down. He got on it pronto and it rolled over as soon as he fired. "Yeehaw" Bodine yelled as he pulled up. More tracers came by but the eager Hun overshot and gave Bodine a perfect shot which he took. "Make that two!" he hollered. He spied one more, catching sight of an SE as he did. He was soon on its tail and shot out its engine. He made two more passes at it put overshot both times. "Third times the charm" he said as he fired and watched the Hun crash into the ground. Turning west he saw the balloon. "Not today! I'm low on ammo, aint got no friends around and i'm headed for vittles!" Back at the field Bodine was jumping around like young pony. "What are you so fired up about Ol Boy" asked Naps. "I got 3 of'em" exclaimed Bodine. Naps rolled his eyes. "You might have hit 3 but only one hit the ground." Bodine was beside himself. He walked off all hang dog like to the mess.
  6. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Fantastic videos gents! I see we have our first brave pilot go west. I fear there will be more before it’s over.
  7. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Rick, our posts must have crossed in space. I’m Right? Do I get 5 extra points!
  8. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Thanks trooper. I’m sure Rick will straighten us out. I’m a high school drop out so don’t take what I say gospel. Actually I skipped my last year of high school and went to college. Lacked an elective and a senior project for a degree in Mechanical Technology but had decided on a career and left. It all worked out fine but I do get a kick out of saying I’m a high school dropout. Good luck to all, it’s a long way to go yet.
  9. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Trooper, If I understand correctly, I flew the 11th, advance time 2 days. Flew the 13th, advance 2 days and then the 15th. Repeat 17th and 19th. If I follow suit. I will fly the 21st. and will be done with my 7 missions for the week. Of course if I become an ace, I will advance in time some more. You can fly all seven missions in one sitting if you want. Just no more than one on the same campaign day. Now I'm confused. Rick can chime in if I am wrong. Jethro Tull Bodine Mission 2, Nov. 13th. Well, we went out again looking for the Huns and we found them. Got jumped near Arras by a covey of Scouts. They were escorting some 2 seaters but came down to play with us instead. I stuck to one of the scoundrels and sent him down in a spin. Saw him crash near the trenches. All looked a bit lonely and I climbed up to get back across the lines when another one of the buggers tried to sneak back across the lines without anyone noticing! He never knew what hit him. Everyone was in good spirits at base and MacScotch said they would likely pin a medal on me! I bet the girls will like that! Mission 3, Nov 15th Still a lot of rain and cloud. We patrolled way up north and didn't see a darn thing. Mission 4, Nov. 17th. Back to patrolling enemy lines today! We got some blue sky! Sure was purdy but lord knows its cold at 14000'! The buzzards jumped us again. I don't know how they stand the cold up that high. I saw one I thought was going away after the first pass and went to follow. How surprised was I when I figured out he was coming straight at me. Nearly wet myself as he passed just overhead! I got on another and let him have everything I had until he went down. When I saw some of our folks I joined up only to see it was "A" flight. Mannock just shook his head and signaled me to follow. Everyone got back to base except Jeff Bunyan. Seems he bought the farm. I asked MacScotch if he was kin to Paul but he said he didn't know and never heard of Paul. These folks sure are dim witted about such things!
  10. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Ah! The shaking leg syndrome. It happens a lot! Similar to the “jerk and duck” syndrome when a mid air is close.
  11. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Nice one Trooper! Lot of success stories on the first day. Good on everyone.
  12. My Flying Checklist

    Trace mission on second monitor Handy notepad for mission notes TrackIR, Good Controls working, Good Pinch of Copenhagen between cheek and gum, Good Lets Roll!
  13. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Some fine reports gents! It looks like we are off to a fine start. And so far, everyone is still alive. Catch, I must say, stunning video mate! Love the music. It seemed to go with a no contact mission. Jethro Tull Bodine Nov. 11, First Patrol. Bodine was with six others on a patrol of our lines from Bethune to Vimy. All was going well when a group of Hun scouts dove from above. What a round up! Planes buzzing all over the place. Bodine got on the tail of one and gave him "what fer". The Phalz rolled over and went straight down so Bodine pulled up and spied another one pouring smoke from his engine. It didn't take long before Bodine sent him spinning toward the ground. He saw him make a "right nice Gopher hole” near that long stretch of mud everyone calls no mans land. He looked around and everyone was skeedadling home so he did the same. "I got two of the Buzzards!" he yelled at MacScotch. MacScotch shook his head, "Not hardly mate. That first one spun down but pulled up and left!" Bodine was dumbfounded. "Ya mean them Huns play Possum! Oh well, I got one then."
  14. Good day folks. When my DID pilot gets out of hospital, we will be receiving the new Fokker DVII. As my pilot does not have the rank, he will not get one but there are some in reserve. How do I assign one to myself? I think he has the victories to warrant such actions.
  15. Assigned aircraft

    Yes I did but that was a month ago so the grey cells forgot! Seems to happen a lot these days! Epower, now I might be able to survive the war and stay out of hospital
  16. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    That will be my prized possession. If I can win that is,
  17. Assigned aircraft

    Thanks Pol! I did not get a pop up but when I scrolled the mouse over my allocated aircraft it lit up. Click and presto. Thanks again.
  18. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    In keeping with the Ricks hillbilly sitcom and our shared love of good music, let me introduce Jethro "Tull" Bodine from Hooterville. The love of Jethro's life, Daisy Mae, ran off with a scoundrel named Earnest T Bass. Not knowing what to do, he got into Grannies medicinal jug and the next thing he knew he was in Canada. A man in uniform asked him if he knew mathematics and he said "Shore do! Naught plus Naught equals Naught Naught." The uniformed man grinned and said "Son, your a born pilot! Sign here!" And so begins the adventures of a Hillbilly air Warrior.
  19. @JJJ: realistic tracer mod

    Seems Pol and I answered at the same time! You have straight from the horses mouth!
  20. @JJJ: realistic tracer mod

    Becker, according to Pol, it has elements which can break some of the new sounds. When I downloaded BH&HII I forgot to disable the tracer mod. I could not hear my machine getting hit at all. It is a bit strange as I disabled it then re enabled it and I hear my machine getting hit. If I disable the mod, nothing. I would stay away from it for the time being.
  21. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Good on ya Lou! Always the man.
  22. What? A Rick Rawlings Challenge?

    Didn’t think I’d miss this one did ye! Count me in! Glad you are putting this together they are always a hoot!
  23. Now that would bring a little bit of immersion!
  24. WOW! That is way too cool! I didn’t realize it was animated. What other goodies will I find as time goes own. Thanks Epower!
  25. Ok, can someone help with this. I would think that the you first “lower” then “reload” then “raise”. Once lowered and pressing the combo for reload, I get “Lewis is not in reload position. I’ve tried every combo and even mapped “reload” to a button. After lowering, raising, or reloading first I get “Lewis is not in reload position”. I’m sure I’m doing something wrong, just can’t figure what. Any help apprecieated.

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