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Everything posted by CaptSopwith

  1. OFFice 1.0.8 with OFFworld now available!

    Hi Kaische! Thanks for the kind message. I had a few observations about OFFice's latest iteration with HPW's flight model. All is working quite well! The updated sound effects no longer stutter on my rather aged system - which is a massive improvement! As always, the dynamic interaction with my squadmates is satisfying and it feels good to get back to flying again. I am noticing that HPW's FM is still causing a lot of issues with the early war scouts. My DH2's frequently crash into the trees at the end of RFC 24's field - I easily lose half a flight on each mission. I've also seen a lot of issues with the Fokker EIII's in combat. During our RB3D days, we used to call the behavior I'm seeing "porposing" because the EIII will climb, stall, dive, and then climb again. Finally, the AI will lose so much altitude that they eventually crash into the mud. Which was the case here. So the solution for me so far is to fly with Buddy's DM and the stock OFF FM. Seems to iron out most of the issues. Otherwise, Lother, OFFice is running beautifully! I'd love to join OFFworld but, having just moved to a new apartment and being a grad student, my budget is beyond tight at the moment - a plight I'm sure you can understand. That said, good luck with the project - it looks like a fantastic idea! Cheers!
  2. Summer Update?

    Hi Olham! Good to hear from you too! I don't think you did. You did do an all black DII with a blood red "R" for Roth which was gorgeous. I frequenly use both.
  3. OFFice 1.0.8 with OFFworld now available!

    Looks good Lothar! I haven't had a chance to fiddle with OFFice now for several months. Can you tell me what's new in the latest addition? I'll have to give it a whirl during my downtime this summer. Cheers!
  4. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    It does?? Darnit Andy! I'm supposed to be grading exams this morning and now you're going to send me off to playtest OFF again! I think Shiloh is on to some important ideas here. It's a difficult tightrope to walk, and I too, can see both sides of this discussion. On the one hand there is a growing frustration with the seemingly endless wait for the next release of OFF. We've been teased beyond reason and, as with other kinds of teasing, there is only so much one can take before it becomes more irritating than enticing. If I recall correctly, the original Red Baron was released in 1990; it's successor in 1997. That's a pretty long wait between releases. I'll also add that our collective memory of RBII is probably one that was heavily patched and improved by the community - as the dev's released the RB3D Superpatch, a few server fixes and Sierra decided Dynamix could call it a day. The rest of the improvements - the ones we remember so fondly, are derived from the hard work of many of the guys who went on to work on OFF. As for hardware requirements, mine skates by on OFF (it's an early 2008 machine), and I'm sure if I dumb down the settings, WOFF will likewise squeak by until I can get a new machine (oh graduate school, when will you end?). But others who posted here are correct: WOFF, even at its peak, will probably not require the graphics processing power that a game like Bioshock Infinite will consume. It will require processing speed - as the CFS3 engine pulled much of its energy from the CPU and not the GPU. But again, most of us should be in good shape. And yes, there are thousands of encounters yet to be had in OFF! The campaign engine mirrors that of RB3D and the reason I played RB for so many years was because my missions were different each time. Yes, "other" sims might be plugging in feature here in there - and that's great! We should have a healthy and vibrant community of WWI simmers - but OFF, IMHO, is still THE game to get if you want to play offline - which I do most of the time. The AI, when set to aggressive, is still more than a handful for me and there are so many planes to tackle and learn, that I don't think I will be an expert on every kite anytime soon. The downside, of course, is the threat that it might never be released. But I doubt this would ever come to pass. If there was some terminal issue with WOFF and it's development, the devs would have told us. Pol, Winder, Shred, Sandbagger, and OvS are all straight forward guys. They wouldn't be leaving us hanging unless they were on to something. Patience is a virtue - not one I possess. But with my newfound OFF-time this summer (I am finally ABD and get a break for the first time in four years!) I know there is much left for me to explore in my current copy of OFF before I put the old gal out to pasture. Hang in there guys - keep flying - and keep the screenshots of your current exploits coming! Cheers!
  5. Fantastic photos guys! Keep them coming! I promise to upload some more this summer once I'm finally, finally, finally free!
  6. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    That's a damn fine point, Widow! And, truthfully, I feel a bit ungrateful considering how much I have left to explore in OFF! In the nearly four years I've been playing BH&H, I'm sure I've barely scratched the surface of what the sim has to offer. There are still so many missions, so many squadrons, so many more fights to be had. I played Red Baron 3D for nearly 8 years before my love of the game started to dull. So, by RB standards, I'm only halfway through my journey in OFF. You're absolutely right though - they need to get it right, and I have every confidence they will - they haven't had a misstep yet!
  7. OFF2 DEVELOPMENT Screenshots

    For some reason - in my post exam haze - I thought those posts were recent. Then I checked the year... 2012. *sigh* and another year goes by... Fingers crossed boys - I think the community has reached a point where it needs WOFF to release soon. Been far too quiet around here!
  8. BHaH is AMAZING

    Glad I'm not the only one. My TrackIR is mostly held together with crazy glue!
  9. As I said in one of my other posts, I have finally gotten back to OFF after a few months away. I've kept my "good" pilots - those with a history, some kills to their credit, and some chance of success - in suspended animation; both for their sake and mine. I've brought out two new pilots, one flying Sopwith Camels in summer 1917 and another pilot flying the Fokker Dr1 in late 1917. I can't quite remember what Jasta he was with - their pattern is all blue with a blue cowling cover on the engine. At any rate, his career didn't last long. I don't even remember his name at this point! Our poor pilot lasted exactly two missions: a successful patrol over the lines which saw him get lost in a thunderstorm and finally cut for home. The second patrol was far less successful and ended with a quick and sudden death - yet another reminder of just how dangerous the skies of OFF are. Our patrol was once again in bad weather - heavy, thick cloud cover hung fairly low over the lines as we climbed up to start our patrol on the day after Christmas. We made it out towards the edge of the lines - this was a friendly aerodrome defense mission - and as we approached, I saw my lead flight of three Dr1's flying at about 2000 ft above me, begin breaking right. I wasn't sure why until I looked off of my right center wing spar and saw a field of black flak blanketing the skies. Leaning forward I could make out a few specks against the sky and knew we had company. I kept a close eye as our lead flight and the enemy flight of unidentified specks began to merge. I could make out the tracer rounds flying back and forth. And that's when it happened. I was so fixated on the merge and which target I could pick out of the furball that I hadn't checked my six in a few minutes. My wingmen were all a few hundred feet below me - the Dr1 has a nasty habit of climbing to the moon unless it's kept in check - which it wasn't during my period of being entranced by the start of a dogfight (a real rookie mistake given I've been playing flight sims for fifteen years now). And then... the hail of gunfire that you always dread as a pilot came blasting through my cockpit from somewhere behind me. I had drifted high and away from my flight - leaving me incredibly exposed and utterly unaware that a second flight had crept in behind us and caught us completely unaware. Wing spars, support wires, part of my controls, and my engine were all hit in the first past. Out of reflex I kicked the rudder right, shoved the stick down, and attempted to dive away as quickly as possible. In an Albatros or a DVII, this might have worked - but the Fokker just stalled, hung on its oversized wing, and went nowhere. Thankfully, the stall allowed my assailant, a DH5, to overshoot me. It didn't matter though, the damage was done. I circled again, lined up another DH5 in my sights, and peppered him with gunfire until he had stream of fuel spraying out of his overhead fuel tank. And then came the inevitable - the final blast of gunfire which finished off my Dr1 - left it uncontrollable and spiraling towards earth. And just like that, my pilot was dead. But that's life in the skies of OFF - quick, violent, and always dangerous.
  10. The Quick and the Dead

    I know what you mean! I'm due for a reformat once this semester wraps up and I have some spare time. The rig has been showing signs of doing some flakey things lately and I've mucked about with it enough installing and trying out a lot of new games - Red Orchestra 2 being one of them! Desperately needs to be cleaned out.
  11. The Quick and the Dead

    Hey Widow! Nice to see your name again! How are you these days? What happened with the OFF install?
  12. Andy's Sounds Update 3.2

    Thanks Lothar! Will give it a go and report back!
  13. I finally cracked last night. I had had enough, enough of reading and note taking, enough of staring into my word processor for hours at a time. I needed a break. So I walked over, fired up the gaming computer, and started OFF. For the sake of my old pilots - who sit in suspended animation until this summer - I created a new pilot: Cecil Graves, and put him into a plane that, surprisingly (given my name) I haven't flown in OFF: The Sopwith Camel. Cecil's first patrol took him up over the lines on a patrol in beautiful clear weather. The patrol was eventful too! In addition to dodging flak and not getting lost (his patrol sector was in a location I wasn't terribly familiar with) we wound up coming across a low-flying formation of DFW's painted in lavender and green. I rolled my Camel over and descended - opening fire on the first DFW as I screamed past at a high rate of speed. After flying in the 1916 early 1917 era for so long, this new Camel felt like a jet fighter by comparison! I circled back around - the clattering of machine gun fire was deafening as all sides poured on the fire - also a big change from the intermittent rat-tat-tat's I'm used to hearing. As I came back around from my turn, I opened fire again - the force of the twin Vickers guns was tremendous and with my trusty Track-IR equipped, I leaned forward and looked through my gun sight to guide the rounds in. It was incredibly fast. It was incredibly violent. And, in the end, a DFW was left on fire, plummeting to the earth. It was a tremendous first patrol back. Cecil performed well - never losing control of the tricky widow-maker of the Sopwith Camel. We turned, headed for home, and descended across our side of the lines. And as I sat back, hearing the wind whipping through my cockpit, watching the sunlight dancing across the shell-torn landscape below, and looked off my wingtip to see my fellow Camel pilots, my mind finally stopped. It was glorious. And yet again, I owed a debt, not only to the devs - guys like Pol and Winder and Shred and Sandbagger - but also to you guys: The power supply in my rig was donated, as well as the TrackIR system that I can no longer fly without. Cheers!
  14. Andy's Sounds Update 3.2

    Andy, seriously, there is no need to do this - I'm probably one of maybe two people having this problem and, additionally, I am up to my eyeballs in work preparing for comps at the end of this semester so there is absolutely no need to torture yourself fixing this! It's an awesome mod! I'm also due to reformat my computer and reinstall - I've had a lot of clutter build up over the last year of school and who knows, there could be a registry issue somewhere in Windows that's mucking things up. All that said, you've made an incredible mod! I wish the devs could just contact you and have you engineer the sounds in WOFF, it would be fantastic!
  15. Andy's Sounds Update 3.2

    Well, it looks like the new version is much better - but crikey did I have a strange problem at the end of a mission last night. So I was flying with the 103rd in March of 1918 - figured that would be a good test of whether my system was up to the task of all of the mods. I should mention at this point that I have downloaded Lothar's OFFice with the included mods and installed Andy's latest sound patch. The mission was brilliant - OFF ran smoother than I'd ever seen it, consistently in the 60fps. I then warped - I wonder if there's something with the mods that makes this unadvisable - and when I came out of it the planes we were escorting were gone and my plane was looping towards the ground. I pulled out and found that me and a wingman had engaged a flight of Rumplers. Well, I shot one down and damaged a second but took a few hits to my SPAD 7. After the fight it was clear that my engine had taken damage - the revs kept dropping so I headed for the lines. As I made it to the Front, the revs finally cut and I lost altitude. That's when things got weird... I cut to a flyby view just to take in the graphics and see how the plane looked. As soon as I did, I went from 60fps to fractions of single digits. The game more than stuttered - it froze several times. Then I saw white artifacts on the ground at the trenches and the FPS continued to be in the single digits - there was a LOT of sound playing at the time: groundfire, artillery, flak, the whistling of wind through my cockpit... I'm not sure what caused the massive drop in my FPS. But when I removed all of the mods and played the mission again in its stock form - there were no issues. Any ideas? I'm really sorry to drop such a puzzler on everyone - the mods, when they work, are simply stunning. Great stuff!
  16. Hi Gents! Thought I'd check in quickly. I hope everyone is doing well - been awfully quiet around here lately. As for myself, I'm finishing my course work in my PhD program as well as teaching and preparing to take my general exams. So, hopefully, that explains my absence around here. Olham, how are you these days? Good to see some of the old members posting around here - Lou especially!
  17. Andy's Sounds Update 3.2

    Hi guys! Been far too long since I've posted an update but after reading gaw's report, I thought I could chime in. I, too, have an older system - from about 2008. And I've actually had to stop using Lothars Office with updates because I was having the same frame rate issues after Andy's awesome sound mod. The sounds are incredible but I am also having intermittent but definitely noticeable frame rate problems - particularly when I was close to the front. I think the increase in the number of sounds occurring at any given time seemed to be the cause of the problem - particularly when it involved flak or artillery sounds. My system runs an Intel Quad Core processor, 4GB of RAM, a GeForce 9800GT. My sound is, like gaw's, also on the system board, which I think is probably contributing to my issues. Any ideas on where to proceed from here chaps?
  18. I Must Confess....

    I wouldn't worry about it too much. Since re-installing my gaming rig last May I've accumulated about 145 games on it. Including a massive DOS collection and just about every PC game I've ever owned since the late 1990s. I have six versions of Red Baron 3D installed including every flight sim from F117A Stealth Fighter (my very first sim) all the way up to my current generation stuff. I've never owned so many games and I've never been at such a loss for what to play when I sit down. So if nothing else, you're in good company. PS: Thanks again for that PSU - it's still running strong in my PC!
  19. Greetings All! Just wanted to wish everyone here a restful, relaxing, and memorable time with friends and family as we enjoy the holidays. I'll be heading home myself to see my parents and some friends that I've missed dearly over the last year. It'll be wonderful to see them again! I'll be away until the beginning of January, but I hope everyone here has a very Merry Christmas and an enjoyable start to the New Year! Cheers and I'll see you back in the skies shortly!
  20. Merry Christmas, Friends!

    Hope you have a speedy recovery, my friend!
  21. Nothing like accidentally landing in the middle of an artillery barrage!
  22. Well I'm still here. Although I have to admit it seems curiously quiet around here. I think the wait for WOFF is, perhaps, getting a bit long in the tooth for people. That said, with OFFBase and some new found free time this break, I'm learning that there are still hundreds of playing hours still left in OFF.
  23. So, with that... a very battered, very tired, and very weary CaptSopwith is back and reporting for duty. It's good to be back. How is everyone here? Please, some happier stories are certainly in order...
  24. Thoughts about P4

    Indeed! I for one, can't wait to hear your new soundtrack Matt. From what I've heard in the previews, it sounds amazing. Hope you're doing well!
  25. Thoughts about P4

    Ah yes, it has been a while hasn't it? I remember when we used to call it P4... gads, was that really back in 2010??

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