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Posts posted by Albrecht_Kaseltzer

  1. When your pilot dies, I'd like to have the option to continue playing as one of the computer-generated wingmen currently assigned to your dead pilot's squadron.

    That way, you benefit more from helping build up the records of the AI-generated squad mates, and you get that immersive effect of having one pilot pass the baton on to the next pilot.

  2. Sous Lieutenant Jean-Fidele Hierrot on leave, Part 4: February 29, 1916

    "Look, Monique, I haven't been stationed up here very long but the stories are already getting around - it's a good thing nobody knows we're related."

    "Why do you think I care what anybody says about me?"


    "It's not that..."

    "Then what is it?"

    "Look, I know why you're doing what you're doing."

    "Oh, let me guess, because I like the attention. Because I like having a bunch of men chase after me."

    "No - no - "

    "I'll have you know, every gift any man in a uniform ever gave me, I sold off every single piece as soon as I could - "

    "I know - "

    " - so I could send the money to you. To your mother."

    "Monique - "

    " - so a little gratitude would go a long way right now, because I've had it up to here with all the judgment and the gossip!"



    "I know." Jean-Fidele was trembling, holding back tears. "I know. You have the whole airfield saying horrible things about you, and it's because you've put yourself on the line for the family. What I'm saying is, you shouldn't have to. And you don't have to."

    "It's what anybody would do."

    "And you probably shouldn't."

    "But Jean, it's your mother."

    "I've seen her. She's stashed away in a wine cellar somewhere in Alphonse's pad in Le Havre."

    "Oui, I know she's staying with your godfather. But she can't stay there forever, and she'll have to pay for herself somewhere somehow. That's the way it's been ever since your brother signed up for the army! The money has to come from somewhere!"

    "Monique - if you keep sending her money, she's just going to drink it all away."

    Jean-Fidele's cousin was stunned. "...It's that bad, you say."

    "Yes. So you can stop picking up gifts and selling them off - I mean, unless you want to - "

    "Want? Ha!"

    " - and I also have to say, ever since that one time you made the money drop over at the airfield, the British airmen saw us together. One of their lieutenants, Theodore Andrews, has been giving me the evil eye ever since."

    Monique let out a sigh. "I've always felt so bad for him."

    "What do you mean?"

    "He deserved better. I couldn't keep seeing him, of course."

    "...because you couldn't use him like anybody else."

    "Of course not."

    "Maybe now's your chance to let him know."

    "I don't know. I don't think so. I hope so. It's hard to say - he's gotten so upset, and I can't blame him."

    "Well, you know what they say - time heals all wounds. Just give him a few days, maybe a week or two, try talking some Latin at him. I'm sure he'll understand."

    "Of course. I'll just wait. Hopefully his Latin has gotten better."

    "That's the spirit!"

    • Thanks 1

  3. Sous Lieutenant Jean-Fidele Hierrot on leave, part 3: late February 1916

    "Petit Sous! So good to see you!" Aldric had always been a more introverted fellow, but exuded a soft, natural warmth in the company of his not-so-old war buddy.

    "Thank you, Aldric. It feels like a lifetime ago."

    "Does it? I wouldn't know. Ha, each day just feels like the same - one day after the other."

    "I mean, same here. But one day after the other has a way of changing you."


    Aldric shared how his duties with Escadrille C.4 were about to expand: how he and his pilot soon will be able to carry out proper reconnaissance and artillery spotting missions to gather intel and preserve the data via notes, photography or radio telegraphy; how air drops too have been implemented and at times he has to drop his intel off at HQ in a weighted bag at 100m or lower - which, needless to say, can be a harrowing experience for even seasoned pilots given the ever present flak and MG fire around the front lines. "Now we're fighting recon wars!"

    Later on, as Aldric was showing Jean-Fidele the Caudron two-seater in which he presently served as an observer, Aldric asked "So how about you? What's life like up in Dunkirk?"

    Jean-Fidele spilled out everything going on with his mother, his godfather, with Therese..."I look back at everything I knew before the war, and you know what? There's nothing left for me there."

    "I know what you mean."

    Jean-Fidele knew immediately what Aldric was talking about - his hometown was in Douai, presently occupied by Les Boches. "I guess we're all we have."

    "God help us, Petit Sous."

    "Listen, Aldric, there's one thing I need to ask of you."


    "I have a letter I wrote a few days ago, and I don't know what to do with it. I don't know if I ever will. I want you to have it."

    "For me?"

    "For you to decide what to do with. When something - if something happens to me, I want you to decide what to do with this letter."

    Jean-Fidele handed a full envelope to Aldric. It was addressed to Therese.


    Jean-Fidele's last few days on leave were spent back in the Dunkirk region, not too far from his squadron's airfield at St. Pol-sur-Mer. His uncle and his aunt (his mother's sister) still ran a charming coffee shop, Le P'tit Dupont, and he had to drop by to tend to some unfinished business with his cousin Monique.


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  4. Jean-Fidele Hierrot On Leave, Part 2: Late January/Early February 1916

    Jean-Fidele made his way from Le Havre to nearby Rouen to see one other person he'd intended to visit: Therese Sovremonte. Another long-time friend of the Hierrot family from their pre-war Parisian days, she was currently working as a nurse at one of the many military hospitals in the area.


    Their first meeting was purely pragmatic. They'd originally arranged to meet outside the hospital a couple days later after Therese's shift, but Jean-Fidele's sudden change of plans had him on site three days early. He'd set foot on the premises and was looking around for his friend until he caught her by surprise in a hallway. "Jean! What are you doing here? Did I get the time wrong? I thought we weren't going to meet for a few more hours! I am so sorry!"

    "No no no, it's not like that, you didn't forget anything. I'm just a bit...uh...you know, change of plans."

    "Is everything alright?"

    "Better question: is anything alright?"

    "What's going on?"

    "Listen: I can tell you more later. But for right now, I need a place to stay. You know anybody? You know anybody who knows anybody?"

    "I'll see what I can do..."

    By the end of the day, Jean-Fidele had gotten set up in a room with Therese's cousin Victor, a taciturn factory foreman. Therese herself stopped by in the evening after her shift, at which point Jean-Fidele revealed all.

    "The way things are going, she's going to drink herself to death."

    "And it sounds like Alphonse's motives are a bit on the impure side."

    "Oh, I don't even care about all that. They can do as they like. You know, two days ago, before I knew how she was doing, I think I would have actually been happy about it. But just...she's not well, and I can't tell if he even cares. And he blows up at me for asking."


    As a pair, Therese and Jean-Fidele became a common sight around town; these couple weeks were the closest thing to normalcy that Jean-Fidele had experienced since the start of the war.

    Inside a local cafe, a visibly nervous Therese brought forth a question that she wanted to pose as innocently as possible. "You know, Jean, I could ask my parents about letting you stay with us for a time - I know it's a lot of back-and-forth from here back to Victor's."

    Jean-Fidele was tempted.

    "I mean, I'd love that..."

    "Great! I can talk to them later today, and we can make some space for you - if nothing else, at least we have a couch..."

    "No, Therese, no no no."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I'm about to leave town."

    "But I thought you had until the end of the month."

    "I do, but I have somebody I need to see."

    "And who might that be?"

    "It's not like that. You see, I'd promised my old flightmate Aldric that I'd come see him again if I ever got the chance. He was my observer back at the start of it all, took me under his wing. He's the closest I have to a brother anymore."

    A momentary flash of jealousy in Therese's eyes softened into sympathy. "I understand. Jean, it's good of you to do that, to go see him. It's not a problem. Maybe you can stay with us next time you're on leave?"

    Jean-Fidele took a deep breath. The next few sentences would be some of the most important in his life. "I can't have you do that, Therese."

    "But I want to!"

    "Wanting isn't everything."

    "Jean - I thought - "

    "Listen. I don't expect to come out of this alive. I can't promise you I'll ever come back, and I can't have you waiting for me in the meantime."

    "I'm stronger than you think, Jean. Just give me the chance. I'll do that for you. That's what people do when they love each other."

    Jean-Fidele was silent.



    "Yes, Jean?"

    "I don't love you."

    Jean-Fidele went over that moment over and over again over the next 24 hours, on the way to the Pierrefonds airfield. He felt bad about lying to Therese, but in his mind, he had to do it. He wasn't going to be like his godfather Alphonse, taking advantage of his loved one's weakness with childish apathy. He wasn't going to have Therese holding on to a ghost in the making.


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  5. Sous Lieutenant Jean-Fidele Hierrot: on leave, part 1 (late January 1916)

    Jean-Fidele took the train to Le Havre, with his Oncle Alphonse picking him up from the station late that night. A relatively successful businessman, Alphonse had long owned multiple properties in France and Algiers, and fled here to the coast to get away from the frontlines.


    Jean-Fidele was able to find Alphonse by following the sound of a very eager "Well hello there, my boy!" bellowing out from an Hispano-Suiza 15T Alfonso XIII - Alphonse was very quick to hop on the automotive bandwagon - and sure enough, there was Alphonse Gellée in all his stout, dapper, gregarious glory, waving from the driver's seat.

    "You know, you could probably sell that thing right now for enough money to last most people through the decade, right?" 


    Alphonse just laughed. "Oh, mon fils, the war has made you turn rather austere now, hasn't it?"

    "I mean, maybe, but don't you think...this thing, out in the middle of the night...it's a bit much, no?"

    "Indeed, it's far too much! That's the point!"

    "It feels like we're asking to get robbed or something."

    "You go up in the sky every day to face men with guns, and you want to talk to me about living dangerously? Jean-Fidele, I'll have you remember my grand-mère and her family were all born in slavery - they could not have nice things or enjoy the good life. So the responsibility of the good life must fall upon me - and now, I shall share that burden with you."

    "How noble."


    Alphonse's home looked like the sort of building that was better suited to serve as a pub or tavern or even a library, sprawled out along the edge of Le Havre's city center. A grove of trees faced the windows on one side, a far cry from the site of military hospitals facing the other.


    Jean-Fidele was less concerned with Oncle Alphonse's house, though, and more concerned with what was inside it: his mother, whom Alphonse had taken on as a guest shortly after Jean-Fidele joined L'Aéronautique Militaire last summer. As a long-time friend of the Hierrot family - even business partners with Jean-Fidele's father back in Algiers - Alphonse extended a gracious invitation for Adélaïde to have a little buffer away from the frontline herself.

    The woman Jean-Fidele discovered in Alphonse's guest room was but a ghost of the mother he left behind to enlist.

    There were bottles strewn on the window sill, on the floor, along the headboard of the bed - some with some wine still sitting in side, most not. Jean-Fidele found his mother sitting in a rocking chair nursing a full glass in one hand, with a newspaper in the other; she looked as though she had aged several years in the past six or seven months.

    Petit Sous tried to get her attention, only to realize she had fallen asleep that way.


    Early the next morning, Jean-Fidele confronted Alphonse.


    "Yes, Jean-Fidele?"

    "How long has mother been like this?"

    "Like what? How do you mean?"

    "Like what? Are you serious? Like what? Aren't you paying even the slightest bit of attention?"

    "Jean-Fidele Alphonse Hierrot, I will not tolerate having you address me in such a manner! And you certainly shouldn't talk about your mother that way!"

    "She's not well, and you know it."

    "She's a woman who's been through a lot, who's lost a lot - she just needs a little fun, a little drink to cope with it all..."

    "If she'd been like this back in Algiers, we never would have made a single franc because she would have drunk up the entire vineyard herself - "

    Jean-Fidele paused mid-sentence, realizing the significance of Alphonse's choice of words: "a little fun..."

    "Never mind. I see how it is. Well, you two have your fun, I guess, and I hope nobody gets hurt."

    "Jean-Fidele, mons fils, who are you to deliver such a self-righteous lecture to me under my roof?"


    On that note, Jean-Fidele walked out into the street, leaving Oncle Alphonse behind.


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  6. 9 hours ago, Sebtoombs said:

    Flight Lieutenant Theodore Aloysius Andrews aka 'Runt' DSC                                                      

    HQ Sqn 1 Wing RNAS in Flanders

    St. Pol-Sur-Mer

    ...I am haunted at night with thoughts of Tubby’s death and Monique's face, I am sure I have seen her once or twice around the airfield, I’ve smelt her sweet perfume and perhaps out the corner of my eye as if in mist, spotted her talking to a French pilot … I can’t be sure and I daren't investigate.


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  7. 1 hour ago, Raine said:


    Albrecht – Congratulations to Jean-Fidele on his selection for N26 and on his fifteenth confirmed victory! That is a pretty amazing record for this early in the war. Your other pilot, Enno, is also doing extremely well in his two-seater. I share your awe at what some people can do with a machine like a BE2. In my case, the observer has yet to fire his Lewis gun.

    Lederhosen – 4 confirmed victories already. And with an Aviatik! Well done.


    Thanks! Yeah, given that my guy has a Nieuport 10 and he's flying purely against nothing but Aviatiks, it's all just a matter of getting good at gunnery. I was shooting ~20% from July 1 through end of September; since I've been tracking over the past dozen or so missions, though, Jean-Fidele's been hitting 43% of the time with the lessons I've picked up through time and practice. If you can get anywhere near that number, it's not that hard to score some victories against a bunch of Aviatiks.

    And just to be clear, Enno ain't my dude - I was quoting Lederhosen's post because I was in awe of how he was able to bag 4 confirmed victories in an Aviatik. IMO that should count three times as much as any victory in a Nieuport.

  8. My wish list is down to two items:

    #1). Belgian squadrons.

    #2). The Sopwith Dolphin and the Pfalz D.XII.

    I know a lot of people have their holy grail missing aircraft, normally small production types, but both of these were readily available on the Western Front in 1918. A couple two-seaters could also be cool - the Handley-Page Type O, Salmson 2A2, and Friedrichshafen G.III all come to mind - but there's a lot of ways to handle that, and I'm also guessing most of the game mileage comes from the single-seat fighters anyway.

  9. Jean-Fidele Hierrot, January 1916 (Part II)

    The first thing to hit Jean-Fidele about his transfer to Escadrille N26 was the snow - snow everywhere. Not enough, though, for after hitting the ground, the thin white coating seemed to melt into a sticky brown sludge. There was no way Jean-Fidele could even take off in such weather, which was just as well: this gave him time to get acquainted with his new squadron mates.


    Capitaine Blaise Gallet stood out immediately - in part because Jean-Fidele arrived on what happened to be the day that Gallet was awarded his 5th confirmed victory along with the Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur. Dressed up in a stiff, formal business suit, Gallet had the fresh, stern sort of face that could pass for 20 as easily as 60. Passing up the usual formalities, Jean-Fidele was impressed with the way Gallet cut straight to a discussion of air combat tactics and maneuvers.

    "So I understand you're a bit of an expert in all this, right?"

    "I mean...Escadrille N12 had me teach how to do what we do. Not too many people died in the process."

    "No deaths? Oh my - how are you going to win a war if you can't kill any Germans?"

    "Oh, see, I wasn't counting those."

    "Ah, that's quite fair enough. I, too, am of the opinion that enemy lives don't matter. So you have seen a lot of dead Germans."

    "Yeah, rivers of blood. We used to drink the stuff when the wine ran out." Jean-Fidele thought back to the piece of Aviatik linen still in his pocket.


    Gallet went on to share some intel with Jean-Fidele about the German marine squadrons in the region, the dreaded Fokker scourge, and a combat maneuver he'd been developing - one where he started attacking from above, firing while swooping down, only to pull up into a near-stall, turn back and fire again. "And this stall turn, it saves time on having to turn all the way back around to get on the enemy's tail. Less time, less time to think up a counter-maneuver."

    "You'll have to teach me some time, Capitaine."

    "With pleasure."


    Apart from some brief patrols to get familiar with the area, Jean-Fidele's first real mission was a balloon-hunting expedition, in which he would accompany Capitaine Gallet and Sous Lieutenant Joseph Mara. Jean-Fidele had only limited experience attacking non-airplane targets, and this was his first time ever loading up on Le Prieur rockets.

    Behind German lines, Gallet gave the signal to descend upon the enemy observation balloon - but, embarrassingly for Jean-Fidele, he could not find it. He looped around, turning his head every which way, at one point even flying upside-down for a moment so he could look straight down at the ground, but he just simply could not find the damn thing!

    ...That is, until Capitaine set the balloon on fire for his 7th victory.

    And also his last.

    For, even though the observation balloon was down, there was still the question of exit strategy. Getting back home from behind enemy lines, surrounded by enemy antiaircraft fire, was no mean feat. Unfortunately for Gallet, enemy fire was directed straight at him, as the ground units identified him as the pilot responsible for rocketing their observation balloon out of the sky. Jean-Fidele and Joseph Maria simply slipped out of sight, out of mind, back to St. Pol-sur-Mer, having witnessed their captain's demise.

    Gallet was credited posthumously for his 7th confirmed victory.

    B Flight, reduced now to Jean-Fidele and Joseph Maria - himself an ace with 6 credited kills - intended to remain grounded until receiving further reinforcements. That decision fell to the wayside on 17 January, however, when Aviatik two-seaters were sighted heading inland from the Channel. This was it: another scramble mission, bringing back so many memories from Rosnay.

    Joseph demonstrated his considerable skill in this pursuit; he'd been reputed to show good control of his machine, and solid nerve in combat. Jean-Fidele was used to flying with flightmates who might slip a bit in a stall, or who might take forever to get to altitude. Not so with Joseph  Maria, though - this was a pilot who could keep up with Jena-Fidele in pursuit of the enemy two-seaters.

    Jean-Fidele could tell his shot was a bit rusty: he estimated that he only got about 12 or 15 hits out of his first 47-round drum unloaded upon one of the two Aviatik C.I's. As he turned back to strike again, though, he struck the Aviatik's inline engine on the second drum and watched the two-seater crash to the ground.

    That left Jean-Fidele with precisely 47 rounds with which to take down the second Aviatik - one which Joseph had given his best, but had evidently run out of ammunition and was now turning back home. Jean-Fidele figured he had one pass, maybe two at most, to take this two-seater down before it returned back to German lines with untold amounts of new intel.


    From about 40 yards, Jean-Fidele struck, releasing all 47 rounds in two carefully directed bursts well within the propeller's arc. This felt like Jean-Fidele's best work all day - at least 20 hits out of that drum, he figured.

    Yet the two-seater kept going, regardless of all the new-found bullet holes. Jean-Fidele had failed.

    Except...maybe not.

    As Jean-Fidele was turning away, he looked back one last time and noticed the Aviatik's propeller had stopped. The engine was dead. His opponent was going to try to glide back home - and given the altitude, he might be just close enough to pull it off.

    While Jean-Fidele didn't have any bullets, he did have one thing left: his Nieuport 10. To stop the Aviatik from making it back over the frontline, Jean-Fidele began repeatedly flying directly towards the face of the enemy, threatening a collision. If he could force the pilot to change course, he could spoil any chance of escape.

    And much to Jean-Fidele's surprise - it worked!

    After a couple swooping dives straight at the pilot's face, the Aviatik diverted course and Jean-Fidele maintained pursuit over a forest. The two-seater cleared the edge of the woods before making a shallow crash within sight of two Allied observation balloons - witnesses for Jean-Fidele's 15th confirmed victory.

    Jean-Fidele was notified of the confirmation the next day, as he was preparing to go on leave.

    Missions: 97
    Flight Hours: 117.08
    Confirmed Victories: 15

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  10. Jean-Fidele Hierrot, January 1916 (Part I)

    Jean-Fidele received confirmation of his transfer to Escadrille N26 shortly after New Year's Day, taking him from Rosnay all the way up to the coast along the English Channel. He still had another week or so before the transfer, however, and Bernie was very very adamant that he was still Jean-Fidele's commanding officer for now! (Not that Jean-Fidele needed any reminding, much less persuasion - the chain of commanding awaiting him in N26 seemed a little out of its mind).

    At the same time, it was a poorly-kept secret that Jean-Fidele had lied about his age - Bernie and Navarre had both guessed that Jean-Fidele was actually 17, not 19, so much was made of the fact that Jean-Fidele's birthday was coming up on 6 January. Jean-Fidele woke up that morning with the number "20" traced over his forehead in soot, like an Ash Wednesday cross, and he immediately got the joke - though for Jean-Fidele, it seemed like a bit much to have the same number traced on the fuselage of his Nieuport scout as well.


    Navarre called out to Jean-Fidele as Flight B was trudging onto the field for morning preparations. "Happy 20th, Petit Sous," he greeted, with a knowing wink.

    "Oh, yes, very happy! Thank you very much!"

    Bernie popped up. "Got a gift for you, Mr. Birthday Man."

    Jean-Fidele took that as an ominous sign. "You're referring to the penitential ashes?"

    "Oh no, that's just to make up for the fact you won't be here with us for this paschal season. No, no, no, my sacrificial lamb, we got you a rail yard for your birthday."

    "...That's actually a bit of a relief." 

    "No ribbon or bow, though."

    "Eh, easier to unwrap that way!"


    It made sense to Jean-Fidele why this mission would get assigned to B Flight, given how dangerous it can be to strike from so low over enemy territory. Navarre joked that Bernie probably figured if he couldn't have Jean-Fidele in his squadron anymore, then nobody could -

    "Sir, you realize characters who show such a vengeful streak tend to be the villains, right?" Frederic Quellenec chimed in.


    "Yes? What is it?"

    Navarre just shook his head in disbelief. "Never mind. Let's just go."

    By the time B Flight reached the German railyard, the rhythmic POW-POW-POW of antiaircraft fire gave Jean-Fidele a deep sinking feeling: this was the most danger he'd encountered since the time his bottom wing ripped off, and that was the most danger he'd faced since the time he told his mother that he was enlisting in the military. Jean-Fidele could still hear her voice in his head, that ringing cry of "I'll kill you before les Boches ever get the chance!"

    On second thought, in contrast to that, Jean-Fidele felt relatively safe and secure here behind enemy lines.

    Along with Navarre & Quellenc, he went ahead and swooped down over the railyard, taking potshots at whatever he could find while making looping rollercoaster-type maneuvers to avoid getting hit. Sure, all three men returned to Rosnay with fuselages riddled by dozens of bullet holes, but they returned to Rosnay - and left a few bullet holes of their own in some enemy rail cars.

    After returning to the airfield, Jean-Fidele finished his "20th" birthday taking a train up north to complete his transfer to Escadrille N26 in St. Pol-sur-Mer. He was seen off by Bernie and Navarre, who handed him a piece of fabric. "...A washcloth?"

    "Yeah, to wipe your face. Gotta look all nice and respectable for the ladies up north," Navarre cracked.

    "Adjutant - " Bernie cut in.

    "Oh, sorry Bernie - hey, you've hit puberty, right, Petit Sous?"

    "I'm sure the Sous Lieutenant will let us know about any young ladies he's court should he want to do so."

    "Oh yeah, you know...courting. Lots and lots of it."

    "We should make you a spy and have you seduce the Kaiser's wife, see what information we get out of her!"

    "I think what Jean-Marie [de Navarre] is trying to say is that this fabric comes from the fuselage of a wrecked German two-seater - the Aviatik you brought down for your first confirmed victory."

    Jean-Fidele accepted the gift, but stuffed it in his pocket along with a series of mixed emotions: was this revenge for the death of his brother Etienne - or was this a relic from the moment when he became a killer himself? This was a question Jean-Fidele had avoided for months, but having this relic right in front of him - the serial number from that Aviatik right there in his fingers - proved such running away to be utterly futile. 

  11. SLt Jean-Fidele Hierrot: December 1915, Part II

    Jean-Fidele wrote out the following for his final end-of-month report with Escadrille N12:



    5 December

    On this day, Capitaine de Bernis, Armand Callinet and myself agreed that Callinet and I should share lead of Flight B with Navarre and d'Oisy to form a highly-trained core that can go on training the rest of the squadron upon my transfer to N26.

    Flight B made two flights. I led the first, in which Navarre, d'Oisy and myself combined to take down three Aviatiks, none confirmed due to cloud cover and our location about a mile behind enemy lines.

    The second was led by Callinet, and resulted in his death due by enemy ground fire.


    Bernie and Jean-Fidele agreed that hereafter, N26 would not descend below 3,000 metres over German lines.

    The squadron took the next day off to pay tribute to Callinet, who had been Bernie's second-in-command following a brief stint as interim squadron leader. Jean-Fidele was particularly upset: "I owe so much to you, mon frère." It was from Callinet, after all, whom Jean-Fidele learned the elements of combat which had changed his life so drastically over the past two-and-a-half months.



    9 December

    Today, airmen de Rose and de Sevin joined B Flight to improve their gunnery skills. These lessons paid immediate dividends, for while we were deep within friendly lines, we stumbled upon a flight of three Aviatiks presumably making their way back home. We engaged, successfully downing all three enemy aircraft - one by myself, and one each by de Rose and de Sevin.

    All of these victories are now confirmed - my 12th, and I believe the first for de Rose and de Sevin.



    The view from de Sevin's cockpit, 9 December 1915



    12 December

    Balloon defense duty today. Found a pair of Aviatiks wondering too close to our airfield, so we engaged. Navarre and d'Oisy each downed an Aviatik with minimal input on my part - the most promising sign yet that Escadrille N12 has a bright future ahead.

    It is my understanding that higher command is inclined to recognize these victories, which is only fitting giving how hard both men have fought for our squadron and our country.



    13 December

    Today, the squadron took on a new recruit, Adjutant Reuben Viallet.

    We had a scramble mission this afternoon, as yet another Aviatik flight was spotted overhead near our airfield at Rosnay. We were not able to take down all three, but I was able to take down two before they could make it back over German lines. I made it a point to demonstrate to B Flight that one drum is plenty to take down a hostile two-seater - for the two that I downed today each took one ammunition drum.

    I hear that both of these victories are substantiated, which brings my total to 14.


    Victory number fourteen for Jean-Fidele Hierrot, 13 December 1915.



    15 December

    Today, Adjutant Reuben Viallet died in an accident while landing.

    I am becoming increasingly concerned with the quality of the training that incoming pilots receive. I am noticing elementary errors from new pilots that should have been corrected before even reaching frontline duty. I am of the opinion that whoever is responsible for overseeing l'Aeronautique Militaire has not done their due diligence in developing a safe, effective pipeline for pilots to enlist and come out to the frontline. Viallet deserved better than this.



    Jean-Fidele witnesses Viallet's death, 15 December 1915.



    17 December

    Today was yet another day of unnecessary danger and risk-taking. Enemy groundfire continues to grow in intensity and, worse yet, its range and accuracy. Both de Rose and Quellenec sustained wounds taking some days to recuperate, and their aircraft require extensive repair.

    Going forward, any flights going over German lines will consist only of myself, de Bernis, Navarre, and d'Oisy until other pilots are deemed ready for combat over hostile territory.




    19 December

    B Flight conducted its first mission today with the new, reduced lineup: Navarre, d'Oisy and myself carried out a patrol that started out over our own lines to the north and west of Rosnay, before covering hostile territory due north from our airfield. Based on the results today, it appears that this is the proper approach to take going forward.

    After roughly an hour in the air, I detected an Aviatik flight entering our airspace, and I directed the flight to engage.

    While both Navarre and d'Oisy emptied out their entire ammunition allotment, they were both successful in taking down enemy aircraft. I am proud to serve as a witness for both of these claims. Myself, I unloaded one drum onto a third Aviatik two-seater; since this craft dove below 3000 metres and headed towards enemy territory, I deemed it not worth the risk and allowed the enemy aircraft to go back. I believe I heard this craft crash shortly thereafter due to damage sustained from combat, but I am not able to confirm this.


    Jean-Fidele did not include this in his report, but he contemplated how he would have pursued that last Aviatik a month ago - but now, such an action was unthinkable. He had a responsibility to keep himself in one piece, and he had to put forth a positive example for the men learning from him.


    The newer, leaner B Flight before combat, 19 December 1915



    27 December

    A scramble flight today, with several Aviatiks spotted roughly a mile from Rosnay. de Bernis and de Sevin of A Flight both successfully brought down an enemy aircraft, while my flight chased the remaining two-seaters back behind enemy lines. 

    Sous Lieutenant Dominique Xambo also made his first appearance in combat today, and survived to tell the tale for now.




    Missions: 89
    Flight Hours: 103.7
    Confirmed Victories: 14

  12. SLt Jean-Fidele Hierrot: December 1915, Part 1

    The month of December started out with rain, and a letter. The former kept Esc N12 out of the air for the first two days of the month, and the latter notified Jean-Fidele that he was to attend a very important meeting on 3 December.

    In his diary, Jean-Fidele wrote the following regarding this meeting on the morning of the 3rd:


    After I woke up and made myself almost presentable, Bernie [Capitaine Raymond de Pierre de Bernis] escorted me to a room occupied by two uniformed officers sitting at a long conference table. They introduced themselves as Capitaine Marcel Thobie of Escadrille 26, and Commandant Felix Brocard.

    Brocard was the first to break the silence, getting straight to the point. "As I'm sure by now you're well aware, Sous Lieutenant, the manner in which you attained your present rank is a poorly-kept secret."

    "I signed up, and that's the rank the service gave me," I insisted. "I had nothing to do with that."

    "Ah, but on the contrary, you had everything to do with that!"

    I wasn't quite sure where Brocard was going with this. Was I about to be court-martialed? I'd gladly settle for a demotion. Maybe l'Aeronautique Militaire needed to make an example of me? But while Brocard was clearly enjoying the moment, I could tell Thobie shared my confusion. No, Brocard was probably just playing the actor, savoring the drama of the moment.

    "...For, ever since then, you've worn the uniform of an officer with distinction - you've done everything possible to earn what was originally unearned. Even if you'd started as an NCO, we would be making you a Sous Lieutenant today."

    "Commandant, I appreciate that very much."

    "Yet you don't seem particularly proud."

    "Well...I mean, with all due respect, 'We're no longer dissatisfied with the rank we gave you' could have been sent in the letter. So I'm guessing this is about something else."

    Thobie jumped in. "Ah yes, I'm quite glad you picked up on that. You see, while you've performed exemplary service with Escadrille N12, it's been decided that your services are in greater need elsewhere. Nothing has been finalized, but for the time being, assume that your days with this squadron are numbered."

    Bernie, generally unflappable, looked peeved. "He's the highest scoring fighter pilot in the history of my squadron - MY squadron. Why is this the first I'm hearing about this?"

    Brocard took the opportunity to retake the initiative. "Capitaine, consider this your notification as well. The orders from high command dictate that we are to prepare a fighter wing to assist in an upcoming offensive in the spring or summer. When that fighter wing is assembled, I will be in command, and Sous Lieutenant Hierrot will answer to me."

    "Yes....but until that's fully formalized, this remains an internal matter for Escadrille 26 - which, last I checked, still falls under my command," Thobie drily reminded Brocard.

    "For now, Capitaine, for now." Brocard could barely disguise his grin in anticipation of some future schadenfreude. "And as for you, Sous Lieutenant, you have an opportunity at a bright future in the service. Keep that in mind from this day forward."

    After Brocard and Thobie left, Bernie let out a sigh of resignation. "Well, I can see why they're doing what they're doing. And I can't say I blame them."

    I promised Bernie I wasn't going to leave N12 hanging up to dry. "This squadron - our squadron - has good men. There's still time to train, to teach, to learn."

    "Then as your commanding officer, Pettit Sous, those are your instructions until further notice."


    It is believed that this meeting is what prompted Jean-Fidele to craft le Code de Pilote de Chasse, "the Code of the Fighter Pilot," which consisted of the following tenets:


    1. Fighter pilots must work together as a fighter squadron. This is a matter of duty, character, and good faith.
    2. Always have an exit plan, some way to disengage. Not every battle can be won, and not every battle is even worth winning.
    3. There is safety in high altitude. Never go low over enemy territory, and never lead your fellow fighter pilot into such a fight.
    4. The fighter pilot depends on safety in numbers. Do not abandon your fellow fighter pilot from a favorable fight where you can contribute.
    5. The fighter pilot's ambitions must not exceed current skill level. When new to combat, it is perfect acceptable to merely scare the enemy out of our territory.
    6. What works for the fighter squadron today may not work tomorrow. Be aware of, and keep up to date on, any ongoing trends, developments, and evolutions.

    And Jean-Fidele followed this up with le Code de l'Arme, "The Code of the Gun":


    1. The code of the gun depends first upon prior mastery of the code of the fighter pilot.
    2. When attacking, place the ultimate priority on avoiding a collision. Always give yourself a clear, direct path to pull away.
    3. Minimize the rear gunner's range of fire by attacking from behind and below, ideally from the same angle as the opponent's tail. When attacking a formation, minimize crossfire by attacking the rear craft first.
    4. Ammunition is limited, so make every bullet count. Do not fire outside of 100 yards.
    5. Time within the 100-yard window is limited, so make every second count. Aim quickly within the arc of the enemy's propeller, and correct from there.
    6. Favor short bursts of no more than a second at a time. Longer, sustained firing wastes bullets and leads to gun jams.

    These codes were to form the basis of instruction for Jean-Fidele's last month in Esc N12.


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  13. 6 hours ago, Mfair621 said:

    Albert, I noticed 3 sitting in inventory.  Me thinks “this will not do! Something I can defend myself with and not being used.” It’s not a bad machine for the time bot that offset gun will take a little on the job training. Those monoplanes showed up in force quick!

    If you're not using it already, the F6 gunsight view is SUPER helpful on that Bristol Scout. After a little acclimation, it's not too difficult on anything you'll be facing in 1915/early 1916 - you just have to be able to approach in a straight line for a couple seconds.

    • Like 1

  14. 14 minutes ago, Paroni1 said:


    During with my short career with Henry ,i noticed that the wings of the Nieuports were paper!

    One tight manouver and then the sounds of destruction began!The lower wings disintegrated in an instant.

    So i wish you good luck in the air battle.Bebe's construction is tougher,i hope.

    To be honest, the secret of my success has been that I've gone up solely against Aviatik two-seaters. I literally just crawl up behind them in a straight line at like 60-65mph, go pow-pow-pow, then pull to the side. Very low G stuff, haha.

    I do have a feeling that 1916 in a Nieuport against German single-seaters will be what snaps Jean-Fidele's wings in half.

    Just remember, all you Nieuport pilots...the blip switch is your friend.

  15. 8 hours ago, Mfair621 said:

    AK, absolutely love the pictures! Glad you brought in that damaged Nieuport without injury. 
    AT, enjoy your leave. 1916 will be rough me thinks!   
    Paroni, Good luck to Bastian. 
    Raine, yes, the prayer, or curse is old Irish. I have noticed Gallagher and Hawkwood are close. May find a line to meet up eh? 



    Yeah, not gonna lie, that mission with the broken wing was the single hardest moment in the campaign so far. Surviving that was a VERY lucky break.

    Even the time Jean-Fidele actually crash-landed and was in the hospital for a week wasn't as bad, because the situation didn't demand as much precision - just land normally but very very slowly and you'll at least come out of it alive. With the Nieuport 10 monoplane incident, I had to work my way out of a spin very very carefully and I'm not sure I could have pulled it off had I been anywhere under 5000 feet - I would have just run out of time before I could stabilize.

    Hell, to be totally honest I'm not sure I could reliably replicate the feat if I had to do it over. Maybe a 3 to 1 shot.

  16. This is in reaction to @Polovski's latest news post (HERE).


    All I can say is, if you look at what's being offered, this is game-changing. This is like being given an entirely new game altogether without having to pay a single cent extra.

    In the past, I've approached reconnaissance missions as "those fun scenery rides before you get serious in 1917 and become an ace fighter pilot." When V1.21 comes out, we're going to have a lot more options to be actively engaged in reconnaissance flights. I almost want my ace DiD pilot to snap his Nieuport's wings off in combat* (ok, maybe not) so I can get the full BE2c experience now - and that's not something I ever thought I'd be saying.

    Microsoft has conditioned me to generally despise updates. This is one I'm actually excited for.

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  17. Jean-Fidele Hierrot, Escadrille N12: November 1915

    Jean-Fidele woke up on 1 November to find his Nieuport had been painted over in a green-and-brick red camouflage pattern, along with elongated daggers on either side of the fuselage. Adjutant Raymond de Bernis (“Bernie” for short) explained that given Jean-Fidele’s success taking down German two-seaters from very close range – sometimes as close as 30 yards – he was building a reputation as Le Poignard (“The Dagger”).


    Photograph of Jean-Fidele’s Nieuport 10, 1 Nov 1915

    “So, what do you think?” Bernie asked.

    “I liked Petit Sous better.”

    That first week of November was highly productive for Escadrille N12, especially for Flight B, and particularly for The Dagger. Later that very morning, on 1 November, Jean-Fidele and Armand Callinet led an attack by Flight B onto a formation of Aviatiks from Kasta 6, resulting in Jean-Fidele’s ninth victory. Three days later, Jean-Fidele and Armand had the honor of serving as witnesses to Bernie’s first confirmed kill.


    Raymond de Bernis takes down an Aviatik, 4 Nov 1915

    Flight B of Escadrille N12 continued its hot streak a mere 48 hours later, as Georges d’Oisy and Jean-Fidele combined to down a pair of Aviatik C.I’s in formation on the French side of the frontline. This was the first kill for Georges, the tenth for Jean-Fidele.


    Georges d’Oisy’s view of Jean-Fidele’s 11th victory, 6 Nov 1915

    As Flight B landed back at Rosnay, Georges was surprisingly – and clearly – shaken up by the encounter. Upon returning to the duty room, Georges reported that he’d been right in front of one of the Aviatiks as Jean-Fidele gave his patented dagger shot from 40-50 yards – and in the process, Georges caught sight of the German pilot slumped over, dead in his seat, with a visible exit wound coming out of his forehead.

    “I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen what becomes of Les Boches when I shoot then down, to be honest,” Jean-Fidele confessed.

    “You’re a lucky man, then. I don’t know if I’ll ever forget that image.”

    Jean-Fidele continued, half-listening to Georges. “I just see my brother Etienne, blown apart in some ditch in Arras. Not so lucky.”

    Also not so lucky was that Jean-Fidele’s special Nieuport had taken some damage in that day’s encounter, leaving him with a plain Nieuport 10 for the next day.

    That next day’s flight, on the 7th, would put an end to Flight B’s hot streak – for, while trying to down another Aviatik, Jean-Fidele realized he had misjudged his position and was too high to dive under his target. He had to pull up and skid over the top of the German two-seater. In the process, half his landing gear busted off, resulting in a crash landing as the formation returned to Rosnay.


    Crash landing, 7 Nov 1915

    Fortunately, Jean-Fidele had anticipated the crash, and was going maybe 45 miles per hour at the time of impact. He did sustain some injuries, but they amounted to just a collection of cuts and bruises, with the occasional gash. While hospitalized for a week, Jean-Fidele received news that his claim from 6 November had been confirmed, while his claim from 7 November – the one that took off his landing gear – had been rejected.

    In the meantime, Jean-Fidele read accounts from the Flanders region: tales of the Fokker Scourge, how Entente pilots referred to themselves as “Fokker fodder.” I’d love to have a chance at one of those, Jean-Fidele thought to himself, and found himself dreaming of fiery duels against the dreaded Fokker Eindecker.


    Jean-Fidele dreams of taking on the Fokker Scourge.

    Upon Jean-Fidele’s return to the airfield on 15 November, he received notification that Escadrille N12 had received a new pilot: Joseph Marie Xavier de Sevin, who’d been described as a confident flyer with good self-control. “Jo” was an eager student, especially when it came to gunnery, but Jean-Fidele could tell that the new recruit was put off at the idea of receiving those lessons from somebody several years his junior.

    Alas, the second half of November consisted mostly of multi-day rain-outs and non-descript patrols along the frontline. There was definitely reduced activity from the neighboring German reconnaissance units – which was just as well, as that meant reduced intelligence to gather on the infantrymen Escadrille N12 was commissioned to protect.

    With a scramble mission in the morning, the doldrums came to an abrupt end on 24 November. Three Aviatiks were sighted crossing over the frontline a mere seven miles away, and Jean-Fidele led a flight with Bernie and de Sevin in pursuit. (This, by the way, happened to be de Sevin’s first encounter with the enemy).


    Jean-Fidele & Flight B back in action, 24 Nov 1915

    The German formation had over-committed itself to the attack on the airfield at Rosnay, and didn’t have enough time to slip away before finding itself under attack from Flight B. The three men of Flight B quickly disposed of the three Aviatiks, and all three were credited with a kill: Bernie’s second, de Sevin’s first, and Jean-Fidele’s eleventh.

    Due to deteriorating weather conditions, the commanding officer was reluctant to send out too many patrols, so Jean-Fidele wound up doing an occasional lone wolf patrol to scour the sector. Apart from an unconfirmed downing of an Aviatik on the 26th, however, the rest of November was uneventful.


    Confirmed Claims: 11
    Missions Flown: 72
    Flight Hours: 86.02

  18. 9 hours ago, AlbertTross said:

    Albrecht - Yes firing from the Nupes takes practice, but if you can master it I'd sooner fly the Lewis armed N17 then the early synchronised one with it's "putt, putt, putt" rate of fire.

    If the Lewis worked for Albert Ball, it can't be all bad!

    My absolute favorite of the Nieuports - apart from the underrated N28 - is the 17 Bis with the SE5a-esque hybrid Vickers/Lewis setup. Dogfights in that plane feel like catching enemies with a pair of pinchers, and I like the ability to do damage along a vertical line (hitting the tail & top wing together, or engine & top wing together) rather than the horizontal path of the twin Vickers setup.

    • Like 1

  19. 11 hours ago, Paroni1 said:

    Agreed that Lewis drums are finished way too soon!Aiming is also really hard.

    When is absolutely sure hits,the risk of collision is very high!

    I learned two lessons.

    #1: in terms of gunnery, focus on aiming within the enemy's propeller arc.

    It's an easier target to aim at quickly, so you can make the most of what little time you have before you have to turn away - and if you're already firing within the propeller arc, you can correct your aim to be even more precise without too much trouble.

    If you do that, not everything will hit the engine, but everything will be in the general area of the engine and you will get some direct hits in there as a result.

    #2: in terms of piloting, focus on speed & momentum control as well as positioning.

    You want to be going at an even, steady pace: not too fast or else you don't have time to really do anything, and not too slowly either or else you'll stall when you attempt to strike. I often hit with my engine throttle at 50% or less, or while hitting the blip switch repeatedly.

    When I need to pull out, I usually just dive and then switch the engine back to full throttle when I'm catching back up with the target for a second go-around.

    As for positioning, below and behind is my go-to. I try to make sure the enemy's tail is always between me and the rear gunner. This minimizes their firing lane.


    That's the general approach that's worked for me. Of course, all of this is contextual, and I would completely re-write this if we were talking about combat in late 1916. This is very very particular to wing-mounted guns pursuing slow, ungainly Aviatiks with little-to-no escort presence.

    There have also been times when I was in a bit of a rush and was low on ammo, so I went ahead and struck at the enemy's top wing while swooping in from above. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does - and when it does, it's usually snapping victory from the jaws of defeat.

  20. 2 hours ago, Raine said:

    Albrecht – Let me second TWK’s compliments about the artistic editing of your screenshots. Jean-Fidele had a very close call with that fragile Nieuport, but then teamed up with Callinet to set the skies on fire!  Epower and I did our best to make confirmed claims more difficult in this campaign, then your man comes along and makes it look like a pushover.

    It seems easy now - but just wait until the Germans fly literally anything in my sector that isn't an Aviatik! I haven't so much as seen a single Eindecker yet, and I'm dreading the Rolands, the Halberstadts, not to mention the Albatros fighters.

    My pilot's current situation also happens to play to my particular strengths. I've played as a lot of RNAS pilots who started out in the Nieuport 10's and Nieuport 11's, and I spent weeks - maybe even months - practicing how to aim with that wing-mounted Lewis gun. I had maybe 10% accuracy on the wing-mounted Lewis's at first, and now I'm at around 30-40%. So now on average, a 47-round drum will give me ~15-20 direct hits right at the engine. (Little rough on the math, whatever).

    If you can do that on a consistent basis without getting hit by rear gunners too much, AND if you can keep a good altitude while doing it, then it's not that difficult to take down those Aviatik two-seaters. The Aviatiks just don't put up much of a fight compared to literally anything else the Germans fly. It's a very favorable matchup at the moment.

    But over the next year, German aircraft gets a lot better while my pilot's aircraft is only going to move ahead marginally. I'm expecting 1916 to get really ugly.

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