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Everything posted by Bagpipe

  1. So as I am new I am no doubt gonna be throwing around a load of suggestions like any over entitled noob should do but I will try to keep them realistic. First off....volumetric....no erm..... View switching, particularly between cockpit view and weapon view. When I have my zoom/fov set in my cockpit, I switch to weapon view via my hotas button, but when I switch back again the cockpit view reverts back to the default zoom. Which is a little close for my liking. So 2 questions really. 1) Is this quite a simple thing to fix by adjusting some default FOV setting somewhere? OR 2) Would it be possible to code in that when the views switch the sim remembers your previous view setting and reverts back to it when returning from another view? Thanks
  2. Yeah will just use those, prefer to map as much to my hotas as poss but that's a fair one and not too big a stretch
  3. Yeah no I get that it should be tricky I am just concerned about my joystick button being rattled repeatedly every time I gotta reload... I will just work out a keyboard bind and use a press and hold on that, no biggy
  4. QOL request

    Thanks Pol, I usually would use Notepad++ so no worries there. I will look into this multi mod too!
  5. Hello, I see folks talking about holding the lower/raise keybinds to continuously move the lewis gun through all of it's "notches" per se. However, I have these binds mapped to my hotas throttle buttons and I have to spam the button to move it in either direction as holding the button only registers a move of one "notch". Is there a way to make the sim read the hotas button press and hold as it would a keyboard or is this a limitation of the hardware itself?
  6. Ground explosions

    When you do them...they will be the best ones I am sure :) Possibly the guys working on BMS could assist/advise with DX11 implementation? I'm not knowledgeable in that stuff though so just "letting my belly rumble" as they say
  7. Just started a French campaign flying arty spotter currently and had to comment to applaud the revised explosion effects. They look tremendous from up here in my Nieuport 12!
  8. Ground explosions

    And the engine smoke, basically everything that was updated is very good work! Keep it coming guys. Next stop full volumetric....no? ok
  9. Hello! I noticed that the sound of other aircraft crashing can be heard for quite some distance, quite unrealistically loudly. Many times I have thought my own aircraft has sporadically broken when I hear the sound but it just turns out someone was hitting the ground several 100ft below me I don't suppose there is a way to reduce the level vs. distance that this sound is heard at? I hope I am explaining this correctly...
  10. Crash sounds

    Absolutely! I have far more issue with a.n.other fairly recently released AAA sim game which won't be named, than I do WOFF. And yes, it's just little niggles and nothing really game breaking. AND...you didn't lie to your future consumers to sell the product in the first place
  11. I had a bit of a hard reset and now all my .xml files seem to be corrupted. What do I need to do to restore them besides reinstalling WOFF? I had set up a useful restore point recently but it has been overwritten to a point which is useless. All this because a USB port for my joystick decided to stop functioning.....
  12. Simulation.xml error

    Thanks Rab Are UE version mods compatible with BHAH? I'm assuming they will be And jeez that tool is good...like "type your drive letter....ok we're done"
  13. Crash sounds

    Yeah no mods here either. For me at least it seems to be the crash sound needs to have the volume lowered if it comes from another aircraft. Prob makes it sounds alot simpler than it is too lol
  14. Simulation.xml error

    You don't have a link to the download do you? Trying to navigate that website is hurting my fragile mind
  15. Simulation.xml error

    Meh...started reinstall anyways. Probably simplest solution. Wasn't too far into the campaign anyways.
  16. Got upgraded from the Bebe to the 17 today. Took down a few Alb.II's so going well so far for "Flight Sub-Lieutenant Bagpipe Bronson"
  17. Hi

    My pleasure mate
  18. Hi

    Hello Plebians , New to WOFF entirely, just bought BHAH II yesterday and now that I am over the initial hurdles of setting up my TM16000 HOTAS set (pedals are a pain to map) I can safely say that this sim is bonkers! I fly DCS, IL-2, Falcon BMS, Xplane 11 etc. and own 100's of ££'s worth of modules/addons but this mad little gem is already starting to really grow on me. The combat is INTENSE! The gun jams are frightening and the flying in general is fairly challenging. Coming from DCS etc. I was skeptical due to the out-dated graphics of WOFF but that hardly even matters to me now to be honest, it's just all so bloomin' interesting!
  19. Hi

    If you have a link I will do that. I have recently left a job which was taking up my entire life so will be hoping to do alot more with my blog now that i have secured a new job which should, hopefully, allow me more personal time to do the things I enjoy! So subscribe! (not shilling anything either lol)
  20. Hi

    https://flyingbagpipe.wordpress.com/2021/04/30/woff-bhh-2/ Did you a first impressions write up, great subject now that I am getting the blog off the ground again. I think I may begin an occasional flight diary piece going forward detailing some of my encounters but we will see what time allows.
  21. Map question

    RCtrl + RShft + M Map range control (Cycle) Handy link I have been using (open it and alt+tab out during flight): https://www.overflandersfields.com/index_html_files/WOFF Key Guide Print.pdf EDIT: Didn't realise others had replied due to the big advert below OP oh well still a handy link
  22. Hi

    I thought that might ruffle some feathers! I mean, for what you guys are working with as a base, it is terrific. The scenery is very convincing (in fact, a lot more so than many sims out there), the aircraft are pretty decent. The clouds could do with a complete overhaul (my opinion ) but with the cloud fog effect turned on they do the job of getting me hopelessly lost from the rest of my flight so can't really complain too much. Performance is spot on too in fairness, not one issue on my rig. What matters though is the feeling in the 'pit and it is most certainly an exhilarating place to be so hats off to you guys. I'd love to see this Sim get a much larger following so will do my best to spread the good word around social media etc. Thanks for the Welcome everyone and looking forward to harassing you all for pointers!! Here's the beer

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