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Everything posted by Kazama

  1. Hey by the way...Does anyone know how the game determines the price of the aircrafts? (specially the add- ons) Thanks!
  2. WOW!! It´s look COOL!! And its seem to be almost done... thanks Killerbee!
  3. Here is a pic of the terrain I´m working on. At the moment is only a "repainted tiles" which I´m using to test how the increase of resolution of the map tiles affects to the FPS (this one is 1024x1024 and works fine on my PC ) see you later!
  4. Hey, Hey my friends!!. I´m working on a few pilot´s skins based in Area88 (the Ova).Shin is almost done (with his helmet AND face),Micky is in boxes, and there are some pilots in progressing (Guyen, Greg...) I´ve heard that somebody is working in the F20 aircraft, so I am waiting the release to try the Shin´s skin. I´ll post some shots of Kazama (me ) ASAP in the members screenshots gallery (sorry, but i have not internet, and the files are on my personal HD!!). See you in Aslan!!
  5. F/A-18 shot 3

    F/A-18 in a "testing" terrain (shot 3/3)
  6. F/A-18 shot 2

    F/A-18 in a "testing" terrain (shot 2/3)
  7. F/A-18 shot 1

    F/A-18 in a "testing" terrain (shot 1/3)

    MIG-21MF FISHBED with recon pod
  9. Phantom

    WOW!! It seem to be a real photo! Great Job!
  10. File Name: F-15 A REPAINTED Cockpit File Submitter: Kazama File Submitted: 7 Jul 2006 File Category: SF Add-On Cockpits HIGH-RESOLUTION COCKPIT REPAINT OF F-15A (FROM MIRAGE FACTORY) FOR SFP1/WOV/WOE V.1.1 -------------------------------------------------------------- Simply copy all .BMP files into your F-15A\Cockpit folder and overwrite existing files.Finally, copy F-15A_COCKPIT.ini into your F-15A\ folder (again, acept to overwrite). There are some archives marked as "alternative". Choose them if you like more than the originals. That´s all! , enjoy!! -------------------------------------------------------------- This is only a partial repainting of the Mirage Factory´s F-15A cockpit,so you should also thank Kesselbrut!. Maybe the work isn´t 100% realistic, but I think it would be helpful to better reflect the status of certain systems and make text more readable.This is my first modyfication for SF , so don´t be very hard with me! THANKS: -THE MIRAGE FACTORY (FOR MAKE THIS FANTASTIC MODEL) AND SPECIALLY KESSELBRUT (WHO GIVE ME HIS APPROVAL TO POST THIS MOD) -MY FAMILY (FOR THEIR COMPREHENSION) -TIO JOSERRA ("EL LARGUERO") Finally I´d like to thank TK for creating SFP1/WOV/WOE (and the latest patches) and ALL THE GREAT MODDERS, WHO KEEP THIS GAME ALIVE.(YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!) Shin "KAZAMA" 6/JUL/2006 Click here to download this file
  11. F-15 A REPAINTED Cockpit



    HIGH-RESOLUTION COCKPIT REPAINT OF F-15A (FROM MIRAGE FACTORY) FOR SFP1/WOV/WOE V.1.1 -------------------------------------------------------------- Simply copy all .BMP files into your F-15A\Cockpit folder and overwrite existing files.Finally, copy F-15A_COCKPIT.ini into your F-15A\ folder (again, acept to overwrite). There are some archives marked as "alternative". Choose them if you like more than the originals. That´s all! , enjoy!! -------------------------------------------------------------- This is only a partial repainting of the Mirage Factory´s F-15A cockpit,so you should also thank Kesselbrut!. Maybe the work isn´t 100% realistic, but I think it would be helpful to better reflect the status of certain systems and make text more readable.This is my first modyfication for SF , so don´t be very hard with me! THANKS: -THE MIRAGE FACTORY (FOR MAKE THIS FANTASTIC MODEL) AND SPECIALLY KESSELBRUT (WHO GIVE ME HIS APPROVAL TO POST THIS MOD) -MY FAMILY (FOR THEIR COMPREHENSION) -TIO JOSERRA ("EL LARGUERO") Finally I´d like to thank TK for creating SFP1/WOV/WOE (and the latest patches) and ALL THE GREAT MODDERS, WHO KEEP THIS GAME ALIVE.(YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!) Shin "KAZAMA" 6/JUL/2006

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