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Posts posted by arthur666

  1. Some ingame testing, in a 1975 environment before the 4th gens arrived you can feel pretty confident on the battlefield flying this bad boy. The ability to accelerate to supersonic and climb away from anything makes up for it's lack of maneuverability, and the ECM makes a BVR  joust very much in your favor. 


    Looking forward to it!  Always liked flying the Lightning for the same reason.  Who'ld have thought running away could be satisfying?  :)

  2. Due to hardware problems, and an insanely busy winter, I haven't played with SF2 since December.  My machine is almost 5 years old, and I'm getting lock-ups and re-starts in all programs.  Plus, some of my favorite campaigns' missions were just  too burdensome for my computer, and I was getting a lot of slideshows.  As far as gaming, I have been driving Assetto Corsa a bit, playing Terraria and KSP with my little boy.  I plan to upgrade my computer as part of spring cleaning with new mobo, CPU, more RAM, and some of them new-fangled hybrid and SSD hard drives.  My mod folders are already backed up and waiting.  Looking forward to checking out some of the great new mods yall have been working on.  


    Keep up the good work!



  3. Hey Emp_P , and thanks.


    Here is Wrench's famous post on making AI planes flyable: http://combatace.com/topic/20789-how-to-make-ai-planes-flyable/


    Everything is ready to go in the campaign, so adding cockpits should make the planes show up as flyable.  Try the MiG-19 and MiG-21MF.  There are pits available in the SF2 and SF1 download sections.


     I believe the Foxbat didn't enter Libyan service until 1980 or later, or I would have included it.


    My computer with SF2 on it has not been online in over a month (we moved), but I will get 1.1 up soon as I can with a few minor changes regarding Libyan MiG-17 etc. and an extra surprise ;)


    Question:  Would there have been F-5's flying in Libya during this time period?

  4. Thanks for the links, Paulo!  I will tweak it some more and do ver. 1.1 , but for now my computer is going into storage.  We're moving :frantic:, and I wanted to go ahead and get this campaign out there. 


    Wikipedia had the MiG-17 listed in service with Libya at some point, but we all know that Wikipedia's accuracy is dubious at best.  As for the MiG-19, well, I often work on these things late at night, and late at night I also spend some quality time with the gentleman pictured in my little icon over there on the left.    :drunks:     http://www.northcoastbrewing.com/beer-rasputin.htm

    • Like 1

  5. Libyan Egyptian Conflict Escalation 1977

    Escalation of Libyan/Egyptian Conflict:


    In July of 1977, a series of border skirmishes between the neighboring countries escalates into a full blown conflict. After a botched attempt at a peace agreement, Libya invades Egypt and the Arab. The rest of the Arab world, urging for peace, vows to stay out of the conflict while the Soviet Union sends military aid to Libyan and the United States vows to support Egypt as well as equiping its new regional ally with advanced F-4E fighters.


    This is a "what if?" campaign. Lots of good planes on both sides. Also, lots of similar types on both sides, which makes for some interesting Air to Air engagements.






    Take the LE77 folder out of the zipped folder. Drop it into your Strikefighters2/CAMPAIGNS folder of choice.

    Install any suggested addons.

    Have fun.


    You will need:



    Wrench's Easter med terrain. -> http://combatace.com/files/file/12989-eastern-mediterranean-terrain-for-sf2/


    You will want:

    DLC AI Packs 1 and 2 -> https://store.thirdwire.com/store_dlc.htm

    ...and make them flyable. Stary has awesome new MiG-19 pits, there are MiG-21 pits out there, and the MirageIIIO pit works well for the radar equipped Mirage and the Nesher/Mirage5BA pit for the others.


    Thanks to Wrench for the very nice terrain.

    Thanks to those who have worked tirelessly on making stock AI planes flyable with awesome new pits.

    Thanks to CombatAce.com for being the best place for all your flight sim needs!


  6. If you think about it the Su-27 is a better fighter than the F-22. Pit them against each other with only bullets, who do you think will win ... my guess is the Sukhoi...


    Who knows?  But it would be a very lucky Flanker pilot who would ever get close enough to try out his gun on a F-22.  Not having the most maneuverable dogfighter was a liability in the late 60's (although one that was overcome with tactics).   But back then, AtoA missiles were of limited use.  The latest AMRAAM is insanely deadly and versatile.  AMRAAMs + AWACS + stealth + supersonic cruising speed = ?

  7. Flies like you imagine it would, in the SF2 Universe, at least.   Rolls fast and a bit unstable, pitch is noticeably weak.  Lots of thrust helps it accelerate well, like the Harrier.  I did pull the data.ini and increase the lift-jet engines' thrust (someone recommended that long before we got this pit, can't remember who...).  It does not want to get off of the Kiev with full tanks and 4 lil' ol'  R60 missiles.


    A real challenge to fly in a late '70s environment with Phantoms and Tomcats clouding the skies.   I think I'll stay within missile range of friendly cruisers.   :good:

  8. I believe that SupGen did some research and discovered that the AIM-4 was not inherently inaccurate, but rather was unreliable being used by F-4's in Vietnam when it was originally designed to be used by the different fire-control system of the F-102/106.  I downloaded his latest F-102 pack and use it over the RAZBAM plane, and the missiles in that pack work satisfactorily against large targets when using good launch parameters.


    I have to doubt that if they were indeed that unreliable, the USAF would have kept them in service well into the '80s.

  9. hey baffmeister,


    Thanks for the data.  I tried some very similar numbers, and it works pretty good.  In a perfect world, I'ld see my wingmen doing high speed angled attacks, but at least this keeps them from getting slaughtered.  I was just getting sick of missions where my 4-ship formation took on as many bombers, and only I and (2 enemy bombers) lived to tell about.


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