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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. Just Swapped the TODs. That made it work. Thanks yall. Can't say i recommend it. I will fly around awhile and see which way I prefer. I have a feeling Ill go back to the way it was before. Glad i backed up my Terrains/Korea3/ folder.
  2. Hmm... tried replacing Korea files like KOREA_alpha_forest.tga with Germany files renamed as such, as they corresponded to the Korea3_Data.ini, but no changes yet.
  3. It would probably be more realistic to have the F-4's safely stationed at the Leuchars off-map if a ground battle broke out on Iceland. The Phantoms could refuel to get there, as the North Atlantic in SF2:NA would have been uncontested except for around Iceland and further East.
  4. They seem larger in the Korea tiles. I'll give swapping them a try. And, what exactly does a TOD tile do?
  5. I just get so lonely flying that thing. I studied the F-111 pit, but I can't quite figure out everything I need to do. BTW, getting the RAZBAM F-102 gave me a nice little pilot model.
  6. Just dropped $5 and got the A-6 pack to add the pits to the TW Intruders... I'm pretty happy with the quality, looks great. Any thoughts on their F-102? If I turn the shadows off, will I have a pretty good bargain for $5? Just looking for opinions.
  7. Wanted to add the sound from the Hawgs pack, but I'm missing something. Extracted the gundata, made a new folder called 30MM_GAU8 containing these 2 INI : [GunData] ObjectFullName=30mm GAU-8/A Cannon ObjectDataFile=30MM_GAU8_data.INI [GunData001] TypeName=30MM_GAU8 FullName=30mm GAU-8/A Cannon Caliber=30.000000 ROF=4200.000000 MuzzleVel=1030.000000 AmmoWt=0.360000 WarheadWt=0.036000 CartridgeWt=0.739000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=50.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=70.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=30mmFireEffect //GunFireSound=Vulcan GunFireSound=GAU8.wav EffectClassName=30mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.200000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.018000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE I have the GAU8.wav in my SF2/Sounds/ folder. I can play the sound with any media program, so the .wav is good. In game, gun fires as normal but no sound. What am I missing? PS: In the data.ini i tried it both as GAU8 and GAU8.wav
  8. Thank you for all of your work. ... anyone interested, RAZBAM F-102 still $5
  9. Before you upload, I'm gonna try to get to the bottom of a problem with rudder input. It seems to be reversed as far as its effect on the aircraft. Not like the opposite roll on the Phantom, but just plain backwards. Anyone else have opinions/insight?
  10. ...you are running from an IL-28. Trying out my new F-102 in my Europe 1963 campaign. Of course, I overshoot the Beagle, and the next thing I know, there are green tracers flying past my window! I know!! I couldn't believe it either. It kinda warmed my heart to see the AI take advantage of that opportunity. I almost wanted him to shoot me down, but I just hit the 'burners and disappeared. BTW, flying the F-102 against anything other than a heavy bomber is not for the faint of heart.
  11. Thanks Snailman. Nice package. I'm getting the texture-less pilot as well in a clean modfolder. No big deal. Easy enough to swap out for the stock pilot.
  12. Low level flying is even better now. The new textures add a lot. Cities look great. Great work.
  13. Those are for the Northern California terrain you're working on? :)
  14. Well, you do get the green closure circle etc., but not the notes shown in black, if that's what you were talking about. Good work on the gauge fixes. You should compile them for a user-made patch when you're done. BTW, is the cockpit.ini identical for all 4 Daggers?
  15. Happy Boxing Day! Big or small trees?
  16. Flying this thing is a challenge, but I'm enjoying the change of pace. I find that I fly almost entirely by instruments and radar screen, thanks to the very poor visibility out of the cockpit. I actually added quite a few more heavy bomber squadrons and off-map airbases to the 1963 campaign to get the most out of this aircraft. Against anything smaller than a Tu-22, I'm lucky to get one kill before I'm running from an angry hive of MiG-17 like they're killer bees.
  17. Remember you can also use the LocalObjective=TRUE command to make units move towards a non-capitol node, for example: if you have an outlying island that you want to be in on the action.

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