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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. Well, I should also mention that the Europe 1979 campaign had the Jaguar listed and the Lebanon War had the A-4N, but I don't think either of those will come from TW anytime soon. But, the RF-8G seems like an easier one to implement, and it's entry didn't have AlternatesTypes (the other 2 did: F-4M and A-4H respectively), so I was making an assumption.
  2. Thanks for putting this together.
  3. I thought the RF-8G was to be the first DLC after SF2NA was released. It's in both the .INI and _DATA.INI as flyable.
  4. Hmm. I extracted the Euro skin from WOE and have been using it, but it's not as hi-res as the newer skins. Depending on what else is in this pack, I'll likely get it.
  5. Got it, mostly because of what daddyairplanes is working on.
  6. You did it!!! Thank you so much. This thing is a joy to fly. Pit looks great, as usual. The next campaign I fly will be in the little Yak for sure.
  7. Is there a list of exactly which skins are included?
  8. Wait, whaaaaat? What's the point of low-viz skins if they got bright markings? A little inaccuracy is fine, but that's just glaringly wrong.
  9. Greased my Saitek AV8R-01 today...

    It is 3+ years old and feeling a bit klunky, so I greased the plastic friction ring at the bottom of the stick with some light bicycle grease (NOT OIL!). What a difference. Action is so smooth. Feels better than new. I made sure not to get any down inside the base, though I'm sure some will find its way in over time. Shouldn't hurt anything, but hey, if so, it is due for replacement anyway with as much use as it gets.
  10. Looks good, but was Ferris or plain grey ever used on the F-4B/J or just on the F-4N/S ?
  11. This is gonna fund some great PC stuff, right? I have a flip-phone. :caveman: Good luck. Don't forget us!
  12. Finally got it the other night (hey, I was on vacation!). Very nice, but then again, I love any Mirage. Seems like a lot of work went into it. I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest the expansion might include a flyable 5F and IIIE along with the F-1C . Maybe a French Airforce themed expansion? Wish he'ld give us a screen. Nobody knows nuthin.
  13. I would like to see some foreign operators thrown in there too. Much like the Iranian F-14 skins. Now that I think about it, Iranian F-4 skins would make sense as well. Turkey, Australia, Egypt, Spain and Greece would all be good candidates. Edit: Assuming it will contain skins for more than just F-4J.
  14. French Naval Units (SI)

    Good idea! Now my Clemencau stand-in doesn't have a giant sign in English "Beware jet-wakes blast propellers" on the superstructure. Maybe I'll finally take the F-8E(FN) out for a campaign spin.
  15. I thought no DLC would include 3D model changes, but TK added chaff/flare dispensers on the Omani Hunter, so adding the bulge to a DLC aircraft is not out of the question, right? Thoughts?
  16. Yes, give it the same treatment they gave the MirageIIIC a year ago. Is the IIIE simillar enought to the IIIO for an obvious addon? I thought there was a difference, externally. A bulge for some avionics on the former?
  17. Thanks Wrench! The more units for this terrain, the better. A lot of potential there. Back in Jane's Fighter anthology, the Pakistan/India terrain was one I used very often.
  18. The Mirage5BA is the one to get if you want to make the Mirage5D and F flyable. The Nesher pit works, but the early 5BA is more accurate from pictures I've seen. And I like the fuel tanks with bomb racks/rocket pods you get with Mirage DLCs. Oh yeah. The Omani Hunter rocks.
  19. Well, I was going to say, with the DLC you get a lot of FAF decals, plus extra skins and weapons/tanks configurations. I'ld say it's one of the better DLC packs. I do lots of CE campaigning, so it was a no-brainer for me.
  20. None. They are identical. Are you pondering getting the DLC?
  21. I've never flown a Thud campaign. You sir, might have changed that.
  22. File Name: Desert Fury 1981 File Submitter: arthur666 File Submitted: 14 June 2012 File Updated: 11 July 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Missions and Campaigns Desert Fury 2: June 1, 1981. After the war in 1975, Dhimar has become the undisputed greater economic power in the region. With their increased wealth due to rising oil prices the Dhimari decide to invest in a stronger millitary to counter the ever-looming threat of their southern neighbors. Seeing that Dhimar is purchasing new advanced weaponry such as F-16 fighters and new Sidewinder "L" missiles, Paran launches a full scale attack on the Kingdom of Dhimar before they can continue the military buildup with stronger ground forces. Iranian forces on a training excersise in Paran join in the attack, and Libya and Syria have vowed support as well. Divisions of Parani troops and heavy armor are rolling north under a cloud of MiGs. The Dhimari military is scrambling to repel the onslaught. The United States sends the 5th Fleet Carrier Battle Group to the Straits of Dhimar. USAF fighters are flown in to assist in the defense as well. A USMC Expeditionary force is standing by. This is another simple campaign, based on the stock TW Desert Fury 1975. Fly the F-4, F-14, F-15, F-16, A-10 and more from carriers and land bases. It will work with TMF Tomcats or the stock TW versions(using DLC skinpack). Have fun! You will need: SF2, SF2:E, SF2:I, SF2:NA You will want: AV-8A http://combatace.com/files/file/11938-av-8a-harrier-for-sf2/ LHA-1 upgrade http://combatace.com/files/file/12751-lha-mod-for-stock-sf2na-version/ TMF F-14 Pack (at least the IrAF F-14) http://combatace.com/files/file/12600-f-14-tomcat-super-pack-update/ F-16ABlk10 http://combatace.com/files/file/12743-updated-f-16a-block-10/ F-4G http://combatace.com/files/file/9274-mirage-factory-f-4g-phantom-for-sf2-series/ F-4S http://combatace.com/files/file/11617-mirage-factory-f-4s-phantom-ii/ Thanks to TK, the creators of these great addons, and to Combatace.com for hosting so many great files! Click here to download this file
  23. Hey, you're not an idiot. I'M the idiot. Rename the folder DF2 to CampaigneDF2. That will get it working. Forgot to swap that name back when I released 1.1 . Thanks for the heads-up. I'm correcting it now... Edit: 1.11 Should be up soon...
  24. Nice plane! I'm having a problem, though. The fuel tanks are not showing up. Just installed in a totally clean directory to test it out. June 2012 patch.

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