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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. Thunder Over Michigan

    Wow. F-100? Amazing! A-4 too!
  2. Japanese Navy Ships at Kiel Canal

    I had to wiki "Kiel Canal". :P Wow. Long way from home. Cool pics.
  3. Su-7 B/BM/BMK cockpit

    Very groovy.
  4. Su-9 Fishpot-B cockpit (for TW DLC model)

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stary, this is some of your best work. The detail is amazing.
  5. Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! It's been a long wait, but well worth it. Nice job.
  6. 1/3-Scale B-17 ready for maiden flight

    That is so incredibly insane. I love it so much.
  7. Baseball:America's passtime or a boring bunch of barf?

    I like minor league games. Durham Bulls games have a nice atmosphere and are not very pricey for tickets.
  8. You know in the southern states...

    Yep. And when I cross the border in Tabor City and pick up Route 9 to Myrtle Beach, I drive the speedlimit. Not one over.
  9. Libyan/Egyptian 1977 Border skirmish goes full blown war. The Shah sends some muscle.
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libyan%E2%80%93Egyptian_War I might do a campaign based on an alternate aftermath of this conflict, maybe right after Egypt's Phantoms go into service. The new Egyptian/Libyan Mirages from DLC28 need a playground and Wrench's East Med. terrain should do nicely. I will probably keep the fighting contained to those 2 nations, but am open to suggestions. A US carrier force comes to mind, as do Arab nation allies. Still, whenever you throw Tomcats and Eagles into a late '70s conflict, things tend to get a bit lop-sided...
  11. Is that info I can just add into the campaign_data.ini somehow so I don't have to change anything in your terrain folder? Finally found the time (or was it motivation?) to finish this one up. It's working pretty well. Interesting mix of planes between the 2 nations. One thing bothering me is that the stock Libyan Mirages don't fly with AAMs. Would this be historically accurate? Might have to include custom loadouts, or relegate them to AtoG roles primarily. Working on this has given me some more appreciation of your terrain. Nice job.
  12. Rockets.............

    These were modeled in Arma2 BAF pack on the Wildcat.
  13. Hey Snailman. Personally, I would patch up to May13 for now. I had too many crashes with mods and the latest patch. i will probably revert when i get some free time, or hopefully a new patch will be out. YMMV...
  14. I always put them on "this side" of the wall, but about only about 1/10th of the total map width or height. Seems to work. I put a US base over water in the far western part of the Israel map as a place to simulate NATO bases for my F-111's.
  15. The hotfix seems to work. Fired up custom campaign (Buccaneer/Ark Royal/Iceland), got BSD before, now it works, but I've only had time to try one mission so far. Will test further... Hotfix on page 3 ---> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=9536&p=60122#p60122 EDIT: Pffft - Ok, another mission, and i didn't get the BSD. My machine just locked up and restarted. Grrrrrrrrr.....
  16. Hey TK! This would be a good time to release some DLC. All us folks are totally jonesing for SF2 downloads. You could probably jack the price up to $10 for a single AI plane!
  17. Regarding Ravenclaw's bomb fuses: Wow! High over Alaska
  18. Was someone reskinning the Flanker pit? What we have is not bad at all, but I saw screens somewhere a while back that were really nice.
  19. Will try it. Large formations of Tu-4 kill my framerates. May be related.
  20. Has anyone noticed that it doesn't bleed speed during hard turns even when using full elevators? Other TW planes like the S-199 and P-51D don't feel this way. I'm wondering if there is a simple variable to change, or maybe just one surface structure copied from another plane. I've done some swapping, but can't quite get it.
  21. True enough. I always thought of the Spit' as the most agile of the three based on other sims (IL-2, Jane's WW2 etc.) but I will continue to change variables and see if we can make it feel a little more TWtm.
  22. that's what I thought, but this is from wikipedia Mirage 5 page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirage_5 Not sayin' it's 100% accurate, but I'm jus' sayin' That's why I used the IIIO pit. Seems like the lines between the III and the 5 get blurred quite a bit.

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