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Everything posted by arthur666

  1. I as well. If the project is bogged-down for whatever reason, perhaps that stunning cockpit could be released first?
  2. CombatAce Photographers

    Got a used Olympus Pen a few months ago, plus my old 35mm lenses with an adapter. Having some fun with it, but i really need to dust off my Photoshop skills.
  3. Any other day, this would be a nice picnic spot.
  4. @streakeagle: There is nothing better in SF2 than making a perfect trap. You'll know you've been playing SF2 too much when you turn your HUD to caged mode and just use the Force.
  5. @daddyairplanes: Always thought the '141 was a good looking plane, even if it was just a transport.
  6. Excellent... ...my new friends need another playground.
  7. For some Aggressor specific planes: Making a new plane, F-14A_Ag , the usual clone job, it works fine. But, I want it to attack, but not be able to damage my plane. Custom loadout w/ no missiles, and I made this gun: Folder is Objects/Guns/20MM_M61A1_BLNK 20MM_M61A1_BLNK.ini [GunData] ObjectFullName=20MM_M61A1_BLNK ObjectDataFile=20MM_M61A1_BLNK_DATA.INI 20MM_M61A1_BLNK_DATA.ini TypeName=20MM_M61A1_BLNK FullName=20MM_M61A1_BLNK //Caliber=20.000000 Caliber=20.000000 ROF=6000.000000 MuzzleVel=1030.000000 //AmmoWt=0.101000 AmmoWt=0.000001 //WarheadWt=0.010100 WarheadWt=0.0 CartridgeWt=0.265000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=50.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=20.000000 FireColor=0.400000,0.360000,0.256000 GunFireEffect=20mmFireEffect GunFireSound=Vulcan EffectClassName=20mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.150000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.015000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE and in folder F-14A_Ag, F-14A_Ag_DATA.ini: // Internal Guns --------------------------------------------------------- [internalGun] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=20MM_M61A1_BLNK InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=-0.58,7.25,-0.13 LightPosition=-0.68,7.35,-0.13 AimAngles=0.00,0.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=1500 AmmoWeightFull=179.0 AmmoWeightFired=81.1 EjectShells=FALSE MinExtentPosition=-0.64, 5.92,-0.22 MaxExtentPosition=-0.49, 7.21,-0.04 I tried bumping the ammo count back down to stock, but that didn't work. What am I missing? I'ld like to do an F-21A_Ag and some others as well.
  8. Hah! Strike Fighters wrecked my attention span. Too many choices! I'm spoiled indeed!
  9. Well, not really. I still wanted them to shoot at any stock/usermade aircraft without being able to damage it. If I start making armored versions of every plane I might want to fly in, I'ld really use up a lot of HD space, plus clutter up my drop-box menus. As well as the F-14, I'll edit an F-5, A-4, and of course, F-21A. Downloading Hurc's Nellis now.
  10. Yep. Good ol' Newtonian Physics. On a side note, the gunpod idea is not going to work, at least not without editing the Aircraft_DATA.INI to allow pylons to accept gunpods on some aircraft. I'l just get them in my sight and say out loud, "Bang, you're dead". That's basically how they do it in training anyway, right? Plus, practicing with weightless bullets would throw off my real(in-game) gunnery. EDIT: No wait! I can up-armor the Aggressors, per your suggestion. They can't hurt my stock aircraft because their internal gun is the training cannon, I can't hurt them because they have more armor than a comm building! Then I can practice with "real" bullets, missiles, whatever.
  11. Alright. Using the Gun Editor, I made something called TRAINING_CANNON. bullets fly and make effects, scare AI etc, but do no damage. Almost perfect. Problem is, since my bullets have no mass, ballistically speaking, they are strange to say the least. But since this is for air combat training, not gunnery training, it'll be good enough. Now I just need to put it in an invisible gunpod. Thanks for the help, yall.
  12. @ MigBuster: What do you have to repopulate? Anything other than stock-aircraft-made-flyable's. ini's? If that's it, here's a little trick I use. Wrench gave me the idea with his xAircraft.INI trick: I copy folders of all stock-AI-made-flyable planes, put them in a folder backed up on my desktop. Go thru and delete everyting out of each folder except for the Aircraft.INI . Now, everytime I update and the game rebuilds those files, i can just merge these folders directly into my Aircraft folder and overwrite the updated .INI's. If I change something in one of these INI's in my modfolder, I need to remember to change it in my little backup as well, but so far so good.
  13. I'll play around with some of this stuff when I get home. Thinking about RF, It should be easy enough to set up an air-only campaign on one of the US maps with the participating nations. I like the idea. However, if we make all AI participants indestructible, they won't know when to disengage and fly back to base "dead". Might have to see some friendlies burn to get that working. :( EDIT: Another thought I had was to make a "training pod" weapon that attached to a Sidewinder station or something. It would be a gun that had lots of non-destructive ammo. Could add it to the loadout of the AI Aggressor by creating a custom loadout on a weaponless, dedicated Aggressor. I could, of course place it on any aircraft I+wingmen fly in the loadout screen. This would let me jump from F-15 to F-16 to F-4 to whatever without having to create a whole new (clone) plane.
  14. I'm a fan of that Hunter too. Like to take it up against MiG-29's over Dhimar.
  15. @russouk2004: I thought the ammo is in the gun's DATA.INI . I removed warhead and toned weight down to .000001 When I fly, the plane now has no gun. Not sure why this is happening. I'll try the TW gun editor. I forgot there was one. Thanks @Stary: The high armor value idea did cross my mind, but I want to make 3 or 4 aggressor specific planes that can't hurt me but try too. I can fly against them in whatever plane I want, but won't necessarily shoot them down. I'll just try to get good firing solutions on them. And if they get me, I won't go down in flames, which would obviously necessitate a complete reset of the mission. I think it might be a fun way to get in a lot of DACT time. By "RF", do you mean "Red Flag"? I think that would be great. Another question: I assume if a take away their weapons altogether, they'll simply run for it?
  16. Hmm... good point. Think of it as a Kickstarter, right? I spent more than $2.99 on one beer at the bar last night.
  17. F-21A is an interesting choice. I probably won't get this one, at least not right away. I don't ever set up Aggressor stuff. Maybe I will in the future. It is a sexy plane(Delta wing, yep) and looks to have some nice skins.
  18. Campaigns, if I die or go POW, campaign is over. It just gives me a chance to try a diff plane and another scenario... unless I'm trapping the Tomcat and it goes boom. In SF2, that thing is soooo much more finicky than any other plane when it comes to carrier landings.
  19. Got it. Wraparound looks good on the Corsair. and on the RAAF/RAN planes, I think Formosa is a plausible environment, if not one of the stock maps.
  20. off map airfields

    Fighters work too. I have F-111 and Tornado F3 based at my UK base. They make a guest appearance now and again.
  21. off map airfields

    Naw, I just added USAirbase1, USAirbase2 and USAirbase3. North, Central and South. Also put in a UK base. [TargetArea337] Name=US Air Base 1 Position=200000,450000 ActiveDate=0 Location=12 Alignment=FRIENDLY OffMapAirBase=TRUE The bomber squadrons I put there do indeed show up. I place them about 200000(whatevers) from the map border
  22. off map airfields

    Interesting idea. We have the F-102/F-106. Might be a fun mini campaign. I have added off-map AB's to most of the stock terrains.
  23. The Ultimate Razbam F-102A


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