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6 files

  1. SF2 Convair TF-102 Delta Dagger Pack by Coyote Aerospace

    SF2 Convair TF-102 Delta Dagger Pack by Coyote Aerospace         6/19/2021
    -For SF2 =ONLY= (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended)
    This is the release of the Convair TF-102 Delta Dagger, aka "The Tub". This is the 2 seat trainer version of the F-102 interceptor. Like it's single seat sister, it is also fully combat capable, carrying the same missile and rocket armaments, as well as the MG-10 radar system.
    There are several skins within for the 3 users of this aircraft
    ADC Grey
    SEA 3-tone (start 1967)
    Export Users:
    ADC Grey, Turkish Air Force
    SEA 3-Tone, Greek Air Force
    All markings are decals, and decal randomization is TRUE. The USAF skins have 26 serial numbers, all historically correct for this model. That being said, each F-102 unit, either USAF, Air National Guard or AF Reserve, had at least 2 of these for training and pilot proficincy. No actual units are depicted, so while correct, consider the serials 'generic' in nature. I did, however, add the Air Defence Command patch to the tail of the Grey version. The 3 tone does not carry any distinctive markings.
    The serials for the Turkish AF (11 aircraft) and Green Air Force (5) are 100% historically correct. The user list, and the SF2 "date switch" statements for the HAF & TuAF have them starting in 1968. The USAF SEA 3-Tone uses a 1967 start date.
    All Weapons (missiles and unguided rockets) are included. These are station specific to the F/TF-102, and should cause no conflicts elsewhere.
    On the aircraft selection drop down list, you'll see:
    TF-102A Delta Dagger (v2k)
    This will differentiate this Tub for any others that may or may not exist.
    As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! For texture artists, the template is also included
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein
    Director of Advertising, Coyote Aerospace
    "We Aim Higher"
    UPDATE 7/10/2021: New lod in zip.
    You don't have to download the entire package again, the fix is down a few posts. 


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  2. F-102A Delta Dagger (veltro2k)

    Convair F-102A Delta Dagger (The 'Deuce') for the "Strike Fighters 2" Series
    by Veltro2K
    Revised 3D model and fixes by FastCargo
    Original F-106 cockpit by Kesselbrut & Pasko with F-102A mods by Ordway
    Loading & loadout screens by Wrench
    Data.ini/FM inputs - Column5
    196FIS skin - PappyChkSix
    460FIS, 431FIS, 509FIS skins by 331KillerBee
    57FIS, 176FIS, 317FIS skins by XRay
    SF2 updates, other changes MiGBuster and Ravenclaw (July 2009)
    The F-102A was the first of Convairs great 'delta twins'. Its radical shape was unique in USAF service while its speed and powerful weapons capability made it the backbone of Air Defense Command. Its high profile front-line days were relativly short-lived, but the 'Deuce' had a long career which took it to Vietnam and Beyond (1963 - 1969).
    (B.Gunston, 1992, Aerospace Publishing ltd)
    This Aircraft comes under Freeware Licensing only - please see here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...t=0&start=0


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  3. The Ultimate Razbam F-102A

    Well, I'm hoping this will be the last update for this aircraft; not much this time around, just that I found that the Case XX wing not only did not go into production in 1969, it's first flight was in May of 1957! It comprised the last 338 (or so) of the entire production run and was actualy the most important modification made to the aircraft after the introduction of the Area Rule in early production aircraft, enabling the F-102A to fly Mach 1 at 55,000 feet, a full 5000 feet higher than the earlier (Case X Wing) aircraft. The other change I made was to fold the (67) into the other Case X and XX Wing planes; it wasn't a different aircraft it just went to Nam.:) The big difference in installation is because of the consolidation of types; (from F-102A, F-102A (60), F-102A (67), F-102A (69) to F-102A, F-102A (CaseX), and F-102A (CaseXX), it is now necessary (because the ini. names don't match) to pull the aircraft Lod.s out of the Razbam folder and drop into this one (pretty much the same as you did for the missles in the previous updates).The Lod.s from the F-102A go in the F-102A folder, the Lod.s from the F-102A (60) go in the Case (X) Wing folder, and the Lod.s from the F-102A (69) go in the Case (XX) Wing folder. Don't forget Cockpit Lod.s for each. The Aircraft ini.s are setup to only use the main (Lod.1) Lod., however if you drop all three into each aircraft folder you can always change your mind at a later date. This also includes Paulopanzs' latest skin pack, adapted for the changes in folder names. Hope this works for everybody; any screw-ups are mine. I've managed to get a lot of animations in the cockpit working; lots of stuff happening when you engage a target. Good luck, good hunting those Commie swine, and I hope you enjoy it.


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  4. F-102A Delta Dagger(*)

    SupGen work on this payware (but never upgraded) model urged me to complete and enhance my old skin pack.
    (*) This is not a complete plane: you will need the original Razbam ($$$) one to work.
    What's in:
    - a tonn of USAF, ANG, TuAF, HAF skins
    - many squadrons have commander stripes in first plane
    - George W. Bush
    - edited old stock skins (112 FIG)
    - edited my old skins (525 FIS)
    - SupGen's data included
    - new SF-2 Loadout.tga
    - squadron patches
    - numbers randomizers
    - different start dates
    - weapons added
    - AA Rockets are AA rockets and the misplaced one put in place

    - Razbam - as he made outstanding model
    - SupGen - data editings (fantastic work mate)
    - Install your original add-on (maybe this time You will think You haven't wasted your money ....)
    - copy the object folder in your mod folder and overwrite.
    - That's all
    Enjoy but "Cave Tigrim" !!!!
    @ paulopanz


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  5. Razbam F-102 Update NO.2

    Well, this is my second update for the Razbam F-102, the first was pretty well recieved, to the point that Paulopanz is going to be releasing an update to his old skinpack for this aircraft, which by itself is beautiful and works very well with this release, (you just have to rename some stuff in the main ini.), gorgeous work, though. Anyway, I've been doing a little more research and it seems the F-102 was limited to the AIM-4A, AIM-4C and AIM-26A and B.* The other missles in the Razbam Weapons folder are part of the Super Falcon family and were not only physicaly larger but also looked like the ones in McGunny's Weapons Pack; I'm not sure if the stock ones differentiate between them or not. The sources I'm using also cover the Falcons employment in Vietnam in some depth, giving some insight on it's lack of sucess in combat; ie., this may have been due more to the fact that the F-4 did not have the specialized FCS of the aircraft it was designed for than the missle itself. The F-4 pilot had to manually perform a lot of functions that were completely automated when using the MG-10 or MA-1 Fire Control Systems, this and the fact that many of the missles were fired "outside of parameters" leads inescapably to the conclusion that "we" (both the SF1/2 community and TK) may have been entirely too hard on certain aspects of performance (low Accuracy, LockOnChance, Reliability, NoiseRejection, and CounterCounterMeasures values). Realistic modeling might be better realized by limiting TurnRate, SeekerFOV, SeekerGimbleLimit, and SeekerTrackRate; in other words they should probably have a much higher probability of intercept when used in their intended role against large, non-manuvering targets like Soviet bombers than against small nimble fighters. They did not have proximity fuses, being contact fused they would actually have to hit the target in order to pass their OpEvals and be accepted for use. This may sound naive, but I find it hard to believe the Air Force would have flown F-102s and F-106s as long as they did if they thought they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. When used in their intended role, fired from aircraft equipped with the proper FCS I'm thinking these missles should really be much more potent in the SF universe than they are at present. Needless to say, any thoughts on this would be appreciated.
    The other thing I'm modeling here is the removal of that damn radar hood; it looks great, and it would be great if you weren't actually trying to fight from this cockpit.This is what I kinda think of as the curse of looking real; at first glance it does look real, however a real Deuce pilot, leaning forward to place his helmet visor against the Radar Hood would have seen an entirely different picture than we do even if we zoom in to the max. The game just does not give us the same view angles; no matter how close we get there is still a huge segment of the radar sacreen we can't see. This update removes the Radar Hood and lets you see the entire radar screen.
    So there it is. If you don't like being limited to the AIM-4A and C, with the Nuclear Falcon for those saturation attacks, if you like not being able to see squat on your radar screen even though the real pilots could, don't install this. On the the other hand, if you want a realistic loadout, and you want to be able to fight the aircraft to it's full potential (which seems to be much higher than anyone gave it credit for, if this thing had a gun you could OWN some Migs that gave the F-4, for example, a very hard time), then by all means install this and go out and KILL SOME MIGS.
    So drop the aim.4LOD and the parts01bmp. into the remaining AIM-4 missle folders, then just drop the Objects folder into your mod folder and allow to overwrite. Enjoy.
    *Edit: 1/05/13. Well wrong again. The AIM-4D is now cleared for use. Seriously, the documentation for this stuff is kinda thin, and what there is is sometimes contradictory. Doin' my best, if you know of any source material, please let me know.


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  6. Fix Pack for Razbam F-102 Delta Dagger

    These are just some changes I came up with to fix some problems with Razbam's F-102A Delta Dagger.
    1)Fuel guage-Corrected SystemName[021] to read FuselageFuelCell-gauge will now read the fuselage tank. Also changed tank amounts to more closely
    reflect actual amount of fuel carried internally; most sources give this as 1,085 Gals or 7,335 Lbs.
    2)HydraulicPressureGauge-Changed this to an OIL_PRESSURE_INDICATOR as there is no provision in-game for hydraulic pressure. Obviously not a true
    reading, but better than a dead gauge.
    3)Drop tanks-Changed these as all references were to 230 Gallon tanks; F-106 had 360's.
    4)Fixed Fuel Low Left, Fuel Low Right lights, they now come on with 20Lbs fuel left.
    5)Set emer fuel on light to come on at 600Lbs.
    6)Changed missle names and added SpecificStationCodes to missles and aircraft to prevent mix-ups with stock or weapons pack missles as these are
    larger and protrude thru the fuselage if used in the side bays. Also two AIM-26's with the correct StationCode. After all, if you can't
    nuke it, fook it, no? Copy and paste the aim-4 lod.s and parts01 bmp.s from the weapons that came with the plane into their respective folders in
    this mod. Install these into your weapons folder in the game. The AIM-26's have their lod.s; they are from McGunny's Ordnance Pack.
    7)Fire control system-Changed this to Hughes MG-10; again F-106 was equipped with the MA-1. Adjusted Avionics ini. Search/Track Distance/Strength
    entries to match those in the Data ini.
    8)Changed the names of the Avionics, Cockpit, and Data ini.'s to be model specific to prevent mix-ups.
    9)Added ReverseInput=TRUE and ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE to the rudder statement in the Data ini. to fix incorrect yaw.
    After you've placed the aim-4 lod.s etc. in the missle folders just copy and paste the Objects folder either into your Razbam folder or into the
    game after you've installed the aircraft.
    Credits: Cliff11 for the rudder fix; you can blame me for the rest.
    This has been tested in a July 2012 full merged install, it should work in earlier patches but it's untested.


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