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Files posted by arthur666

  1. Libyan Egyptian Conflict Escalation 1977

    Escalation of Libyan/Egyptian Conflict:
    In July of 1977, a series of border skirmishes between the neighboring countries escalates into a full blown conflict. After a botched attempt at a peace agreement, Libya invades Egypt and the Arab. The rest of the Arab world, urging for peace, vows to stay out of the conflict while the Soviet Union sends military aid to Libyan and the United States vows to support Egypt as well as equiping its new regional ally with advanced F-4E fighters.
    This is a "what if?" campaign. Lots of good planes on both sides. Also, lots of similar types on both sides, which makes for some interesting Air to Air engagements.
    Take the LE77 folder out of the zipped folder. Drop it into your Strikefighters2/CAMPAIGNS folder of choice.
    Install any suggested addons.
    Have fun.
    You will need:
    Wrench's Easter med terrain. -> http://combatace.com/files/file/12989-eastern-mediterranean-terrain-for-sf2/
    You will want:
    DLC AI Packs 1 and 2 -> https://store.thirdwire.com/store_dlc.htm
    ...and make them flyable. Stary has awesome new MiG-19 pits, there are MiG-21 pits out there, and the MirageIIIO pit works well for the radar equipped Mirage and the Nesher/Mirage5BA pit for the others.
    Thanks to Wrench for the very nice terrain.
    Thanks to those who have worked tirelessly on making stock AI planes flyable with awesome new pits.
    Thanks to CombatAce.com for being the best place for all your flight sim needs!


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  2. Desert Duel 1981: Paran vs Dhimar, no foreign forces

    Desert Duel:
    June 1, 1981. After the war in 1975, Dhimar has become the undisputed greater economic power in the region. With their increased wealth due to rising oil prices the Dhimari decide to invest in a stronger millitary to counter the ever-looming threat of their southern neighbors.
    Seeing that Dhimar is purchasing new advanced weaponry such as F-16 fighters and new Sidewinder "L" missiles, Paran launches a full scale attack on the Kingdom of Dhimar before they can continue the military buildup with stronger ground forces.
    Divisions of Parani troops and heavy armor are rolling north under a cloud of MiGs. The Dhimari military is scrambling to repel the onslaught. Their new hardware is about to be put to the ultimate test.
    Nothing groundbreaking or terribly creative here. This is a simple campaign, based on the stock Desert Fury campaign with mostly stock aircraft. I wanted a Paran vs Dhimar campaign with no foreign forces. Fly Dhimari aircraft including the MirageIII & 5, F-4E, A-4, F-16A, Kfir, Lightning and F-104. I've enjoyed playing this campaign, and maybe someone else will too.
    Requirements :
    StrikeFighters 2
    Strikefighters 2 Israel
    Strikefighters 2 Europe
    Optional: (included)
    Flyable F-104G, files by Thirdwire for SF1, thanks to Wrench for "how to" in Combatace.com forum.
    ...also, in my personal install I opened the .ini files for each Israeli aircraft and changed the names from the Hebrew to the American (ex. Netz to Falcon, Kurnass to Phantom, Nesher to Mirage5). It's really personal preference and just a suggestion.


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  3. India-Pakistan War 1965

    Please understand that due to game engine limitations this will not play out exactly like the war did historically,
    and due to my own personal time limitations, I was not able to do enough research to accurately name all of the ground
    units and some of the air-units.
    Also, I am in no way making any political statement regarding the war that occurred in 1965.
    To install:
    Merge the contents of the IndPak65 folder inside the .zip file into your preferred modfolder.
    It is recommended that you create a dedicated modfolder for all of your India/Pakistan SF2 needs, but if you know what you are doing,
    you can probably merge it all into a "SF2:Everything" install, but don't ask me how if you can't do it yourself. Combatace.com has all of the info you need.
    The files contain an edited _targets.ini file that only adds edited NumSquadrons= at a few airbases, especailly since most of the PAF squadrons were
    stationed at one airbase near Sarghoda. (changed Mushaf, Halwara and Pathankot airbases).
    Also included is a missing tile that goes with Stary's set for the terrain.
    tested with a full-merged install, both clean and in a heavily modded folder,
    You will certainly need SF2, SF2:Europe, SF2:Israel and Expansion 1
    If anyone finds anything horribly wrong that I have missed, let me know ASAP, and I will fix it.
    You will need these user made files...
    ... and the following files will GREATLY enhance your experience, so get them as well:
    I will give a hearty thank-you to:
    all of the great modders who created the above files,
    TK for staying with it for so long,
    everyone at CombatAce.com who has ever answered one of my many "How do I...?"
    and to Wrench for creating this beautiful terrain, releasing the PAF F-104A and the new PAF Sabre (which I fell in love with while testing this campaign),
    and allowing me to toss his targets.ini around like a cheap soda can.


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  4. Desert Fury 1981

    Desert Fury 2:
    June 1, 1981. After the war in 1975, Dhimar has become the undisputed greater economic power in the region. With their increased wealth due to rising oil prices the Dhimari decide to invest in a stronger millitary to counter the ever-looming threat of their southern neighbors.
    Seeing that Dhimar is purchasing new advanced weaponry such as F-16 fighters and new Sidewinder "L" missiles, Paran launches a full scale attack on the Kingdom of Dhimar before they can continue the military buildup with stronger ground forces. Iranian forces on a training excersise in Paran join in the attack, and Libya and Syria have vowed support as well.
    Divisions of Parani troops and heavy armor are rolling north under a cloud of MiGs. The Dhimari military is scrambling to repel the onslaught. The United States sends the 5th Fleet Carrier Battle Group to the Straits of Dhimar. USAF fighters are flown in to assist in the defense as well. A USMC Expeditionary force is standing by.
    This is another simple campaign, based on the stock TW Desert Fury 1975. Fly the F-4, F-14, F-15, F-16, A-10 and more from carriers and land bases.
    It will work with TMF Tomcats or the stock TW versions(using DLC skinpack).
    Have fun!
    You will need:
    SF2, SF2:E, SF2:I, SF2:NA
    You will want:
    AV-8A http://combatace.com/files/file/11938-av-8a-harrier-for-sf2/
    LHA-1 upgrade http://combatace.com/files/file/12751-lha-mod-for-stock-sf2na-version/
    TMF F-14 Pack (at least the IrAF F-14) http://combatace.com/files/file/12600-f-14-tomcat-super-pack-update/
    F-16ABlk10 http://combatace.com/files/file/12743-updated-f-16a-block-10/
    F-4G http://combatace.com/files/file/9274-mirage-factory-f-4g-phantom-for-sf2-series/
    F-4S http://combatace.com/files/file/11617-mirage-factory-f-4s-phantom-ii/
    Thanks to TK, the creators of these great addons, and to Combatace.com for hosting so many great files!


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  5. Northern Sabre 1975

    This is based on the stock Northern Sabre campaign, but set in 1975. It stars 4 allied Carriers, The Ark Royal, The Clemenceau, The JFK, and The Forrestal. The campaign will be easier than '79 due to the extra help, but keeping your ships alive is still a challenge.
    Plenty of Phantoms to fly including the F-4K, 2 squadrons of F-4J and the 57FIS F-4C (57FIS was actually using SEA camo on their planes).
    You will NEED SF2:V, SF2:NA and DLC F-4K + F-8E(FN)
    And these ships:
    You will want:
    Back up your files first!
    Merge the contents of into your modfolder.
    Alternate loadout for Buccaneer S2D is optional, but will make Naval Stikes more effective.
    I tried you use the appropriate planes/squadrons and ships/names/numbers
    Innacuracies include:
    A-7E's on the Forrestal are not the correct ones because SF2 does not include decals for VA81 and VA83.
    The Super Etendard was not in service in 1975, but I couldn't find a Etendar IV.
    French fleet uses stand-ins including Essex Class carrier for the Clem.
    Soviet ship names are not all accurate to 1975.
    WWIII didn't actually happen in 1975 AFAIK, so just have fun with this!


       (2 reviews)



  6. Operation Blue Scimitar

    Operation Blue Scimitar:
    May 30, 1975. After 3 border skirmishes between the pro-west Kingdom of Dhimar, and the Soviet backed Paran, 3 Allied carriers, the HMS Ark Royal, HMAS Melbourne, and the Clemenceau, are moved to the Straits of Dhimar. Paran has been mobilizing reserve units for the past 2 weeks and it appears an invasion of Dhimar is eminent. France, Australia and Britain have pledged limited defensive support if Dhimar is attacked.
    Required: Strike Fighters2 + Europe
    DLC: MirageIIIC , Hunter(Oman), F-4K, F-8E(FN), A-4G
    Add-ons: Super Etendard Buccaneer FAA
    Recommended: Europe Addon Pack, Flyable F-104G, Hi-Res Tileset
    A carrier campaign for some DLC. The Clem, The Melbourne and The Ark Royal are in name only, not accurately modeled. The default SF2 carrier is standing in until I have some addons to plug in, which may never happen. But don't let that stop you from enjoying this little campaign.


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  7. Europe 1963: Red Thunder 2

    Europe 1963: Red Thunder 2
    A nice tweak to the stock Red Thunder campaign. With the new MirageIII and Lightning interceptors, I was getting bored of the same old "Kill the Il-28 Beagles" missions. So, I added several wings of Tu-16 for the Soviets, a couple of wings of Tu-22, as well as a few more units of fighters.
    For the West, we get a few USMC wings (A-4C, F-4B F-8C), the USAF gets the F-104G (make it flyable, its easy!), and the F-4C. One of the Lightning wings will be upgraded to the F3 early in the campaign as well. MirageIIIC makes a big appearance as well.
    I chose 1963 for this campaign because the F-104G was available, the USAF introduced the Phantom, and the Supersonic Tu-22 had just entered service. I could also sneak the Lightning F3 in.
    To install, simply extract the CAMPAIGNS folder (or its content if it already exists) into the desired SF2 file in your saved games folder in My Documents. Seems fine with July2011 update so far.
    Required: SF2 Europe +Expansion2 , SF2 Vietnam , SF2 Israel
    Recommended : Stary's CE terrain update, Flyable F-104G, MirageIIIC(DLC)
    How to Flyable F-104G --> http://combatace.com/topic/57393-flyable-f-104s-for-sf2/


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