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Posts posted by tangouniform

  1. On 8/17/2021 at 10:42 AM, streakeagle said:

    What a great series of photos!

    F-86 Sabres were the Hollywood stars of Korea.  The F9F Panthers, F-80 Shooting Stars, and F-84 Thunderjets were popular, too. But the World II era props flying the majority of close air support and interdiction were really the backbone of the Korean War: P-51 Mustangs, F4U Corsairs, and AD Skyraiders for the USAF and USN. F-94 Starfires, F3D Skyknights, and F2H Banshees are much less known to most people, but are my favorites despite their limited impact on the overall war. The Banshee in particular not only was better than the F9F in the carrier-based fighter-bomber role, but its high altitude performance and long range made it a better escort for B-29s and recon (kind of the U-2 of the war). The night/all-weather F2H-2N Banshees served in very small numbers, but to me were the coolest of the radar interceptor/night fighters.

    Some of them they crossed Chinese border but officially they have never been there... Sometimes you chase a MIG and you forget to...

  2. On 10/18/2021 at 10:09 PM, Nightshade/PR said:

    "If SAMs were launched at a Wild Weasel, it was the backseater’s job to track them on a tiny, two-square-inch cathode-ray tube and call out maneuvering measures to the pilot. The usual SAM-avoidance maneuver was to wait until the missile was danger close—about a mile—and then perform a 4G pitchout that broke its radar lock".   https://www.historynet.com/why-pilots-loved-the-f-105-thud-despite-its-vulnerability.htm

    Having used this maneuver in-game WITH an F-105, my personal name for it is the "This Sh*t Better Work" move. :smile:

    With a SA-2 works, difficult with SA-6 or something more modern


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