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Posts posted by GI_Jew

  1. BTW, what ever happened to the Virtual Australian Air Force (VAAF) - the site's dead, but that was a great place to find Aussie's for online flying of Lomac and IL2/PF etc.


    vaaf.com has been offline for over 6 months now but most of the active pilots can be found at www.vaaf.net

    At the moment things are pretty quite due to real world committments (and the xmas break, etc) however this is going to be changing fairly soon as several of us are really keen to get back into the virtual skies. We're always keen to have new people join in so feel free to come for a fly with us (this isnt restricted to Australian pilots either).


    In LOMAC our preference is A2G coops flying a mix of A-10s and SU-25/SU-25T however its always nice to have fighter escorts as well.

  2. I think i have to disagree with you almost completely. I've had my X-45 for about a year now and can't say i've had any of the problems you have mentioned. Sure it was a little stiff but a couple of small cable ties fixed that. I would have to say the worst part about the X-45 is the location of the rudder.


    Considering this stick is compared to the HOTAS Cougar and the CH Products throttle and fighter stick, I would have to say it's excellent for the price.

  3. I know that a patch is on it's way, I guess it's just the pricipalities of the publisher to make holiday sales and what not, when on the flip side, the game is pratically unfinished. It just makes a bad taste in the mouth of the customer's expectations. That's all I really meant.

    The publisher was sort of between a rock and a hard place though. I remember months ago everyone was complaining that they have been working on the game too long and havent released it yet. There was lots of "i dont care if its buggy, i just want to play it" comments and a few "Release it as soon as its good enough" comments. There was a lot of pressure to release it even earlier. I think Ubi has balanced it quite well. Sure it has bugs, but in general its definitely playable and fun.


    If they were still working on it, instead of posts saying they shouldnt have released it with so many bugs, we would have a lot more posts complaining that its not released.


    At least this way, there are people who are happy.


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