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Everything posted by Uhu

  1. Having read this, I planned for a while to take some photographs of this area, especially since I got my DSLR in september. I've collected some pictures now, maybe you'll appreciate them. :) If it is of any interest: they should have meaningful EXIF's. As for licensing, I put them under the CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 (Creative Commons Attribution required Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0). As attribution, my name, found in the EXIF's is to be used. This is the part of the Stadthafen nearest to the city, with the museum harbour and a marina at the extreme left of the image - the gantry crane is used to take sailboats in and out of water at boating season's ends. It's just in the middle betweenn the points A and B from the Google Maps-search from my previous post. The green arrow shows my photo spot, the crane is on the protruding square lefthands. This is the Stadthafen too. The first view was directly downstream, this one is directly upstream. You may discern the gantry crane (a great landmark!) in the background behind the MS Georg Büchner, a former passenger-cargo ship of the Deutsche Seereederei Rostock (the GDR state shipping company). The arrow marks approximately my spot - this Google Maps image is quite outdated, there are some new constructions now. This is a view of a former shipyard building with a crane, now converted into a shopping mall. A ramp for ship launches may still be discernible. The so called Kabutzenhof, view downstrem. The aforementioned crane is visible is the left background. There are some condominium buildings under construction in the middle and the right. Photo spot. This is a view directly into the museum harbour. As a matter of fact, the house with my apartment is visible on the extreme right. The gantry crane is again a great landmark; the ship in the middle out the icebreaker Stephan Jantzen, out of service since 2006. The buildings behind the Stephan Jantzen mark the point A of the Maps search. Again, I'll show my (approx.) photo spot. Another view of the Unterwarnow, upstream, with the "A-spot-buildings" in the background. There is a man-powered crane visible in the middle right background, it is a reconstruction of a crane used for centenaries in the odl harbour of Rostock. Photo spot. This is simply a image of the Unterwarnow, looking downstream. The curve towards the baltic sea can be surmised. This is a wide angle close up of the MS Georg Büchner. It now houses a youth hostel. This is a panoramical view (from the roof of my house at dusk) of a portion of the Unterwarnow. The gantry crane is on the left and the 2 cranes of the first picture in the middle between it and the centered "Stephan Jantzen". The buildings of "spot A" are out of the right side of the image. Greets, Uhu
  2. Yeah, I've got the mail from sitting_duck several days ago. :-) Uhu
  3. Hello! As far as I know, the thirdwire games feature a dynamic campaign. But when is the campaign engine running? I bet that you have to select a campaign for a begin. But one you are in the campaign screen, to select the armament of your plane etc., it could be theoretically working. Or is it only active when your are actually flying (if that's the case, what is happening when you are escaping after a succesful mission without landing at your base?) Greets, Uhu
  4. I think that the secret is called "second generation game"... Wasn't there a thread somewhere about a B-57G mod for SF2V with really improved LGB usability? Uhu
  5. Simulator Promotion

    Rico, it's www.eechcentral.com/ what you may want to visit. Greets, Uhu
  6. Ah so we military are just monkey's that like to see things get blown up? So as long as someone else does it, then you don't have to. Why does the word....hmm what word am I thinking of? Oh yeah that's it. Somehow I knew that this kind of polarizing sentence made it sure that the rest of my post was a little bit shielded. I'll try to explain myself somewhat further. First of all, I've clearly said in the third paragraph that I respect military people ("I'm respecting people who choose to support a (democratic) state by their enlisting in its armed forces,"), but for myself, this is simply not an option. I'm not so selfish at it may have appeared on the first look, I was happy to be a member of the THW (until I saw that some fellow members seemed to be true alcoholics: during a weekend training excursion on a deserted airfield [which is funnily even represented on the GermanyCE-map of WOE: the Pütnitz field], nearly all THW members present drunk every evening approx. 5 to 10 0.5-liter-bottles of beer and several goblets of schnaps. On saturday morning, the crew of our motorboat nearly sunk a pontoon that they were trailing [maybed due to a misjudgement of the waves guring a estimated wind strenght of 5 to 6 Beaufort]. As these persons had drunk until 2 a.m. that night, I expect that the blood alcohol level was above the 0.05 per cent of BAC allowed for driving. The evening of the day saw the driver of the crane taking some comrades on the load bed of the vehicle and played rally driver on the airstrip. On the aftermath, one of the "passengers" said that at a good 80km/h, they nearly fell off the vehicle due to concussions occured while driving over the concrete plates of the strip... I hope that it was understandable that I left), and in other circumstances, I still may be... I am happy with the idea of a (non military) service for your state benefitting your society and rewarding yorself, like the german Zivildienst or other examples stated above (firefighting etc.) I'm not denying the usefulness of some level of violence to solve problems, I'll go even further to say that I may kill somebody threatening the life of my family or disable an attacker practising the bulls**t of the so-called "happy slapping", but I'm denying the need of laws pressing people in a military service to fight or to be ready to fight for a cause that they may not support (one of the best examples I think is the Vietnam proxy war due to somewhat archaic power games between persons with not enough self-confidence - I'll explain this further later), in case that a person is supporting a cause, the government may as well make some advertising to get this person as as volunteer. It's true that I'm focusing / reducing the military to an element of war in this posting, but a military used e.g. to clear up the debris of a flooding or to help victims of a natural disaster of any kind may as well called "institution for civil protection" or something comparable. To stress it again, I can be friend with the idea of such a civil protection service, but as military always has a connotation of war, I'll keep this focus in my post. Little mental leap. If I may be so bold, not even 6 million+ murdered Jews, Gypsies, Handicapped and Homosexuals, thanks to the ideologies of one man about 70 years ago? A heretical answer: no. Back in the 1940's, I think that the overall population of the planet laid between 2.3 and 2.8 billion individuals, so that a "bleeding" of 6 or 60 million is everything else than a doom for mankind, nothing compared to a climate change putting the whole population of Homo sapiens sapiens to an estimated amount of less than 10 000 individuals, some 70 000-75 000 years ago, a true population bottleneck (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toba_catastrophe_theory ). Of course, such a threat is to surely to be fought, but I think that there are always enough volunteers for direct actions, volunteers being supported by the rest of the society (in such a constelation, I think that I would be really happy developing e.g. more performant weapons to directly eliminating the cause of the commotion - in Caesar's example, the assholes Hitler + associates - or supporting the fall of the opposing force by codebreaking). There is only one example of a (fictional) ideology being somehow a threat to mankind that I can think of: the trilogy "Secret of the Swordfish" by Edgar P. Jacobs (Wikipedia link), but such a story will never become real - I trust on the "self-healing" abilities of the human mind. On the other hand, there is a nice idea put in Tom Clancy's "Debt of Honour", where Jack Ryan (and another character of which I do not remember the name) in opposition to the traditional view of several diplomats is for the immediate use of limited violence where the diplomats are for waiting while trying to use diplomatic procedures before, if needed, finally escalating the conflict to a much larger sized war than Ryan is planning to do. Such limited violence in conflicts does not call for a mandatory military service. As it may already have filtered through, I've got several unorthodox points of view. This could come from that I'm fascinated by the scientific exploration of behaviour and thinking that our species, as a fairly highly developed one, must have a lot of older inborn behaviours that can be used to our advantage if not ignored. That's why I'm thinking that you may find some useful hints to reflect, to analyse or to understand your own behaviour when your reading papers or books fron Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Konrad Lorenz and Harry Harlow among others. There are lots of scientist directly working on humans, take someone like Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt, finding that you can really see a lot of behaviours that are clearly related to similar ones in the animal world (especially threat display, submission and dominance, reciprocal altruism, the pecking order and other power games). This leads me to the point mentioned above about the Vietnam war. I take that no one likes to loose his face in conflicts, and no one likes to loose power given at one time. I take also that the man has an innate fear about new and other things colliding and being in competition with the also innate curiosity. There are also elements of the game theory that are coming into an account. As far as I'm aware, the communist / socialist power block made much more propaganda against the western block than it happened the other way round (North Korea is a great example nowadays...). I think that this come from a instinctive fear that the communist ideology is much more opposing to inborn, "natural" behaviour that the capitalist is. In Vietnam, it clearly appeared that the feared western ideology was everything else than failsafe, in addition to weaknesses due to corruption and decolonization. So I think that the "red" rulers took the occasion to add some protective distance to their area of influence. The escalation of the conflict was then, in my way of thinking, due to the displeasure of loosing the face in a already somewhat humiliating decolonization process (look what is the battle of Diên Biên Phu for France and the surely not satisfying result of the korean war), leading to a thinking like "only a little bit more bombs, technology and soldiers shall be able to win the war, it's not possible to loose". Here comes the game theory into account, too. If you imagine a competition like a modified auction, where the winner gets the price but the looser is condemned to pay his highest bid too, you will end up whith a in-game-situation where you pay say 20 $ to get a 1$ coin or where you send an additional reinforcement of 5000 soldiers albeit the war is rationally viewed lost. You do not want to loose your substantial effort for nothing, especially when you fear a loss of face that can't be compensated by a good self confidence. In a war with modern over a large distance effective weapons, you've also got the problem that the normally innate mechanisms and behaviours used to control violence via submissive gestures (take the weaker wolf presenting its throat and soft belly to the winner, making it impossible to bite and kill his opponent for him - or some ritual combat actions in hunter-gatherer societies in Afrika, Papua - New Guinea or South America [Yanomamis], where it is rare that a great number of fighters is killed in combat. This is nicely descripted in Eibl-Eibesfeldt books) won't work due to the missing of immediate sensorial feedback. Without this immediate feedback of the effect of the weaponry and the distance between the action and the place of ruling, it is likely that a loss of situation awareness occurs where the rulers have to go back to really processed and fragmented input in order to make decisions, making it likely that these persons take the war as a personal offense and acting accordingly, forgetting or being unable to consider the amount or people involved. Especially in older days, a war was often a thing like "my cock is longer than yours" or the childish "this is mine, give it back to me!" between the rulers at a command of so seen drones... Fortunately, we've got nowadays some (basic) psychological instruments to control and guide such feelings, at least in the "western" world, albeit they're anything than failsafe. I will rely on inborn behaviours and instincts that I'm aware of because it worked great until now in handling conflicts and I'm sure that it will do it in the future too. Greets, Uhu
  7. Hello! What I'm somehow missing in this discussion, is a clear statement of those in favor of a mandatory military service about the role of women - especially if the right to vote is linked to a military service, I think that there is no real way to avoid (gender and health based) discriminations. My personal opinion as a german citizen on that subject is that specially a military service should be everything else than mandatory - for me, my life is much too precious to be risked in military service, I can't see the profit of being patriotic (apart from getting some recognition, but this can be achieved by other less dangerous ways). On the other hand, I can be friend with the idea of a service else than in the military branch (someone put examples like law enforcement, firefighting, in Germany, we've got institutions like the German Federal Agency for Technical Relief [THW: Bundesanstalt Technisches Hilfswerk] and the Zivildienst), but these services shall not be mandatory too, "solely" providing some advantages like getting faster a college/university place, diverse financial advantages or other things in the same manner, when the legislative needs to make some appeal for them. A state may have the right to ask for some duties and rewarding those taking them but must not make any services mandatory as the state is paid for his duties himself by raising taxes If services are voluntary, discriminations should be easier avoided, I think, because services are coupled with "official appeal" but you still have the right to choose to not serve. I'm respecting people who choose to support a (democratic) state by their enlisting in its armed forces, thinking that they must get the best support available (as every employee shall get from the employer). But there is no way for me that a state have the power to intentionally endanger the life of people in mandatory services that are not for the benefit of the human species. Firefighting or law enforcement, admittedly being somewhat dangerous, are behaviours either for saving lives, something that can be assumed as being innate, or for the profit of a peaceful and quite safe society, where the military is "only" there to fight out conflicts with other people, conflicts resulting from the also innate fear of the otherness and not really serving the aim of saving lives and goods or making a good society - no one can convince me that communism or any other ideologies are true threats to that must be imperatively be fought in the way to avoid the doom of mankind, thus making a military service truly mandatory. Humans are diversified enough in mind and abilities to have enough persons willing to defend their own stand (and by the way the stand of fellow citizens) in the life when threats to it like the current islamic terrorism are presenting themselves. I do not deny that military has some kind of fascination due to the technologies involved and some things stirring archaic instincts, like the power and sound of jet planes, tanks, explosions and firearms, kind of fascination that I am subjected for too (see my liking for combat flight simulations and I'm really enthusiastic about visiting airshows). So, I do not have anything against military, apart from mandatory services, and I am not against using brute force for fighting / solving conflicts in our breed, thinking there is no way to avoid it as some level of violence can be expected to be inherent in our biological species (look at our "relative", the common chimpanzee, where the males and sometimes even females are also truly fighting wars against other chimp hordes in neighboring forest regions, wars seeking the destruction of those hordes). But I will stress again, as finishing sentence, that making military service mandatory is an absolute no-go for me. Greets, Uhu PS. I hope that I did not make too much language errors, my wife always say that I speaking english with english vocabulary but using a mixture of french and german grammar, seen that I speek these at mothertongue level... I apologize for any error occured.
  8. Hello! Is there any way to mark or highlight links in postings? Especially when using the [url=]"link text"[/url] feature, I can't see that there is a link behind the text. It's better solved in eg. phpBB-based forums where those links appear in bold. In case that's a browser or forum skin issue, I'm using Firefox 3.0.11 and the standard skin. Though I've installed the FF NoScript-addon, for CA, scripts are allowed without restriction. Greets, Uhu
  9. There are still crews training for the "Nukleare Teilhabe", members of the JBG 33 on the Tornado IDS at Büchel Airbase, I think. Uhu
  10. Well, the download from your link contains only some torrent files, not exactly that what I expect for a game patch. Anyway, I've installed the game (version, made every EXE running in Win95 compatibility mode and got the following error (screenshot): Dunno what's the problem... Do I have too MUCH memory that cant't be handled / adressed for this compatibility mode? Greets, Uhu
  11. I think that the need for the game discs is not governed by the NFx mods. It's more likely indirectly due to the patch requirements of those addons. At least the Oct08 patch for WoE (and the one for SFP1 and WoV) removed the need to have the CD in the drive, I do not know if this was already implemented in earlier patches. So if you patch your game up to Oct08, you won't need the CD for playing. Greets, Uhu
  12. Wingy on the way to attack the main target, a fule tank right in the middle of this red patch, while I've put a smoke generaton on despite I did not want to. Grand-Duc
  13. Hello! I've got a problem with sound in LOMAC. My game is patched to 1.02, I'm using XP SP3, an ASRock ALiveNF6G-GLAN mainboard, with a NVIDIA GeForce 6150 SE onboard graphic chip making NO problems (neither with LOMAC, EECH nor Thirdwire sims), a Creative SB Live! soundcard (albeit I'm having a Realtek soundchip onboard) and 2 GB RAM. LOMAC is running fine on the graphics side, but the sole sound I get is in the mainscreen. In flight, nothing is audible, no radio chatter, no engines, no effects, no wind... How can I fix it? What additional information are needed (a dxdiag output is appended)? DxDiag.txt Greets, Uhu
  14. The solution of this problem was really funny... I think that the setup from my CD is somewhat corrupted. It makes good directories for the sounds - but miss to fill those folders with the sound files! Having copied them from the installation disk, I get the desired sounds in game, now. Greets, Uhu
  15. For everybody wondering where I might live, here is a Wikipedia article about Rostock: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rostock Greets, Uhu
  16. Hello! Is there any possibility to get an ISO-image of OFF Phase 2? Otherwise, I will be glad to get a DVD of it too (my place of residence can be viewed under my nickname). Greets, Uhu
  17. Hello! May I ask if this thread simply sunk below some kind of attention level or are there no further answers to be expected? Gretts, Uhu :-)
  18. First combat sim owned: MiG Alley... but not really played. Then, I think (ordered by purchase date), CFS1, Rage's Eurofighter Typhoon, Enemy Engaged Comanche vs. Hokum, CFS 2, EEAH (for merging with EECH), Crimson Skies (if this one can be counted as sim), CFS 3, LOMAC, SFP1, IL2, WoV, Pacific Fighters, WoE, EE2 and EE2 Desert Operations. And I'm pretty sure that I forgot one or two sims... Greets, Uhu
  19. Hello! Just a question: how much technical reality is included in your mission, Comrpnt? Because if a Slava commander had tried to enter the port, he would have buried his ship really quickly in the mud of the harbor bottom - Rostock's Stadthafen, that you have depicted and that I'm currently looking at out of my window has currently only a maximum allowed ship draught of 6,4 meters, too shallow for a Slava with a draught of 8,4 meters. Even the fishing port in Marienehe can some 2km downstream only accept ships with a maximum draught of 8 meters; the old Neptun naval yard is located between the Stadthafen and the fishing port. The newer naval yard, currentyl owned and/or operated by the Wadan group AFAIK, should be able to accept warships in cruiser size, as the Überseehafen on the other sie of the Warnow can operate ships up to a draught of 13 meters. Last thing: there is the naval base of Hohe Düne, currently home of a fast patrol boat squadron (the 7. Schnellbootgeschwader with the Gepard class fast attack craft). For more information, I've made a Google Maps search pointing to all locations mentioned above: A = Am Strande, east end of the Stadthafen. B = Location of the former Neptun naval yard. C = Fishing Port Rostock-Marienehe. D = The naval yard in Wanemünde, currently in use. E = approx. the center of the Überseehafen with the location of a factory of the Liebherr corporation. F = Naval base of Hohe Düne (clickable link) , and for those understanding german, the Wikipedia article about the port of Rostock, nicely written: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafen_Rostock In case that anybody fells annoyed by this post, I first make an apology and I promise that I will try out this mission thoroughly. :yes: Greets, Uhu
  20. To be precise, the gundata.ini MUST imperatively be placed in the "Objects"-folder, otherwise new installed guns won't work. I've got a similar problem and asked at TK's forum for help, that's where I got this hint: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...p;sk=t&sd=a Greets, Uhu
  21. In fact, it's my favourite plane in my NF 1968 campaign... The Red Tops make it easier to blast a Beagle out of the sky where a AIM-9 will only make a lot of holes in it, needing a second missile or a gun salvo to take the plane down. And they have a really welcomed head-on ability and a nice range and... :-D And the Lightning itself makes it not so difficult as on a F-4 or Hun to actually outturn a MiG-17. The sole thing I miss are two underwing hardpoints (according to Wikipedia, the Lightning was able to carry some Matra rocket pods and iron bombs under the wings additionally to the chin mounted AAM, up to 2 750 kg of ordnance: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Electric_Lightning ) But I've got a screenshot too: Red Hammer campaign in Hunter FGA9, it was a gun kill of a red CAS plane. Uhu
  22. Yes it can be - have a look at the Controls folder in the main game directory. You'll see a "default.ini" (or if you already created new control maps in the game more INI's having their names). In those INI's, you are able to assign any key to any funktion, but I'm reallöy not sure if a double assignment of a command is possible. Say if you're assigning the FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN to the same command as FIRE_WEAPON , I think that your gun will be dry pretty quickly. Nevertheless, try! (and post the result here... :-D ) Greets, Uhu
  23. AFAIK, the first tranche of Typhoons for the UK has the gun, but not the planned following ones, replacing it by some electronics. OK, Info a little bit outdated: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurofighter_T...ts#RAF_Aircraft Greets, Uhu
  24. What B-57 did you use, MigBuster? The one taht I found in the "first gen" download section was not set up to use LGB's and has no laser designator. Was it a SF2 model or where can I get it? Uhu
  25. You may have a look at this: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6700 , the Falklands mod. A HUGE pack but really worth the download! Uhu

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