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Everything posted by Uhu

  1. OK, problem solved by changing the pointer for the CAT file in DS.INI in the terrain folder to the SFP1-stock desert.CAT . Meanwhile, are there any known issues caused by this change? Anyway, I really enjoy this mod. Uhu
  2. Hello! How does it come that with 4 hits of 2000lbs-bombs (or 10 by 750lbs-bombs), a runway is not destroyed? During a strike mission, I had to use a nuke (Mk-43 70kT) to accomplish the mission, destroying my flight, myself and three F-15 in the way ... Another question: I missed the fuel tanks near the ABs. I think that there are bmp's or LOD's missing, where must these files be located? Greets, Uhu
  3. Aren't there any boosted fission weapons left? What is the point of having only fusion weapons, even in the small kiloton range of yield? BTW, tins is a nice list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nucle...s#United_States Greets, Uhu
  4. Hello! At my first try of the Operation Desert Storm mod, I was in a F-18A and tasked to destroy a runway. Even with 10 hits by M-117 750lbs bombs distributed over the length of the runway or one by a GBU-24, this damn thing was not destroyed (bit of a change for me, being used to destroy a runway even with a single hit from a Mk81...) I thought about using Durandals, but I did not find a model for it in the community weps pack 2.52, the last TMF pack, the last Bunyap pack or here, as a single download. Is there a Durandal mod out somewhere? Greets, Uhu
  5. I use Eagle Owl as I like this bird (and "Uhu" is the german name for it...)
  6. I doubt that any engine sound vanish above mach 1 on a real plane... You surely must hear the sound, the engine vibrations transmitted by the fuselage, to have at least a kind of buzzing from the turbines. Or am I here mistaken? Uhu
  7. Thanks, due to the hints I fixed my game. :-) It was funny to discover that the patch actually has "killed" the weapons pack, the extracted weaponsadata.ini only had one hundred or so entries where I've normally got 2057 weapons installed. Uhu
  8. Hello! Since I've patched my installation of SFP1 (modded with a lot of additional planes) with this oct. '08-patch, I cannot load any external weapon (in the loadout screen, the drop down menue shows the caption "empty", no store quantities are displayed on the left and no weapon can be attached to the plane). I'm able to engage targets only with the internal gun. The last (from 2006?) Bunyap weapons pack is installed. Where is the error? Sincerely, Uhu
  9. Hello! I do not really understand the logic behind the assignment of the weapon stations of this plane. In the INI's, 13 entries are shown, but in game there are only seven stations to load weapons on. What is the need of this discrepance between the actual number of shown weapon stations ingame and in the ***_Data.INI and LOADOUT.ini, especially because I've seen this in other F16-Mods (e.g the F-16C Blk50/52 by Dave) too? Can anyone tell me a foolproof way to make asymmetrical loadouts and for allowing in a non historic compliant way the loading of every weapon the USAF has in the inventory (AFAIK the F-16 is with the B-52 the sole plane able to carry every single weapon that the US has got in arsenal excepted "Daisy cutter" and MOAB)? I'm aware of the StationGroupID things and the shorts like "EOGB" etc. but not sure in the way of implementing them... Merry thanks in advance and greets from Uhu
  10. Hello! I've got a problem. When I tried to collect all needed addons, I didn't manage to find the "Sherman Tank E8 by geo". The link in the readme-PDF gives a "page not found"-error, and even by google I have not managed yet to find this file. Has anyone this one somewhere or a working link to get it? Sincerely, Uhu

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