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Everything posted by Uhu

  1. Damn... After reading this, I've got a nasty feeling of blockheadedness ^^... Meanwhile, I think that I've got it, thanks, Wrench and Tannethal! Uhu
  2. Here are 2 screens of the INI's displayed in WinMerge. F6 is left, FGA9 on the right. The other wing looks similar, the uploaded INI's shall prove that... I'm pretty sure that I did remove the rocket rail callings in the files. I can't see the error... Uhu
  3. Sadly, I don't own neither WoE or WoI or any 2nd-gen-game, so that I cannot import any plane - I've got to cope with SFP1 (my playground) and WoV data. I think that I've already removed any mention of the rocket rails. Nevertheless, the still show up: I know that there is no pylon for the Sidewinder and that the weapons do not sit very accurately on the pylons. [LeftWing] ParentComponentName=Fuselage ModelNodeName=left_Wing DestroyedNodeName=DAM_LeftWing ShowFromCockpit=TRUE DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE DamageRating=DESTROYED MassFraction=0.118 HasAeroCoefficients=TRUE LiftSurface=TRUE CLa=0.8039 CD0=0.0014 CDL=0.0022 Cmq=-0.2973 Cmad=-0.0055 Cyb=-0.0349 Clb=-0.1140 Clp=-0.1088 Clr=0.0230 Cnb=-0.0968 Cnp=0.0049 Cnr=-0.0130 CLaMachTableNumData=4 CLaMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CLaMachTableStartX=0.00 CLaMachTableData=0.982,1.000,1.063,1.125 CD0MachTableNumData=4 CD0MachTableDeltaX=0.40 CD0MachTableStartX=0.00 CD0MachTableData=1.816,1.000,1.038,16.952 CDLAlphaTableNumData=15 CDLAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CDLAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CDLAlphaTableData=49.000,36.000,25.000,16.000,9.000,4.000,1.000,0.000,1.000,4.000,9.000,16.000,25.000,36.000,49.000 CmqMachTableNumData=4 CmqMachTableDeltaX=0.40 CmqMachTableStartX=0.00 CmqMachTableData=0.869,1.000,1.909,-1.045 ClbAlphaTableNumData=15 ClbAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 ClbAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 ClbAlphaTableData=-1.550,-1.232,-0.913,-0.594,-0.275,0.044,0.362,0.681,1.000,1.319,1.638,1.956,2.275,2.594,2.913 ClpAlphaTableNumData=15 ClpAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 ClpAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 ClpAlphaTableData=5.200,4.062,3.100,2.312,1.700,1.262,1.000,0.913,1.000,1.262,1.700,2.312,3.100,4.062,5.200 ClrAlphaTableNumData=15 ClrAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 ClrAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 ClrAlphaTableData=-6.569,-5.623,-4.676,-3.730,-2.784,-1.838,-0.892,0.054,1.000,1.946,2.892,3.838,4.784,5.730,6.676 CnpAlphaTableNumData=15 CnpAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CnpAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CnpAlphaTableData=-46.384,-30.045,-18.478,-10.636,-5.623,-2.650,-1.000,0.000,1.000,2.650,5.623,10.636,18.478,30.045,46.384 CnrAlphaTableNumData=15 CnrAlphaTableDeltaX=4.00 CnrAlphaTableStartX=-28.00 CnrAlphaTableData=46.712,34.332,23.856,15.285,8.619,3.857,1.000,0.048,1.000,3.857,8.619,15.285,23.856,34.332,46.712 XacMachTableNumData=4 XacMachTableDeltaX=0.40 XacMachTableStartX=0.00 XacMachTableData=0.681,0.686,0.716,0.296 CheckStall=TRUE CLmax=0.2892 AlphaStall=18.55 AlphaMax=24.45 AlphaDepart=31.32 Ymac=-1.42 MinExtentPosition=-0.981,2.179,0.103 MaxExtentPosition=-5.214,-2.89,-0.371 CollisionPoint[001]=-0.981,2.179,0.103 CollisionPoint[002]=-5.214,-2.89,-0.371 CollisionPoint[003]=-5.214,2.179,-0.154 CollisionPoint[004]=-0.981,-2.89,-0.154 SystemName[001]=LeftFlap SystemName[002]=LeftMainGear SystemName[003]=LeftWingFuelCell SystemName[004]=LeftWingStationOuter SystemName[005]=LeftWingStationMiddle SystemName[006]=LeftSidewinderStation The right wing is set up accordingly with "RightFlap" etc. I've attached the Hunter F6 INI's used as base and the current state of my FGA9 edits. hunter_F6_data.zip hunter_FGA9_data.zip LOD's and BMP's for FGA9 are renamed versions of the F6 versions. Any ideas for further proceeding? Uhu
  4. It's only about links in posts so far, the navigation in the forum looks alright. This is a link to a post from me where I used links in URL-tags too. As here, they are in no way highlighted or marked as being something other than normal text. Uhu
  5. I'm using the tracers to get a rough idea where the rockets may land, like a spotting gun used on eg. a M-50 Ontos. That's a good point, to adjust the RocketBoreSightAngle, thanks... Is the finding of the values a true trial-and-error, or does someone know some values, say for a LAU 3/A / Hydra pod? Greets, Uhu
  6. Already tried - the sight disappears in that case. But as guns have a fixed sight in A/G-mode, I think that rockets should also get one even with modern avionics. Uhu
  7. Try flying below 70 feet and a shooting at close range! I think that the gunners won't get a good fire solution in the game under those target aspects - I only rarely see tracers going to me when I do this. Uhu
  8. Hello! As the description says, I have a question about the function "Download from mirror". E.g. on sourceforge.net, a functionality with a similar name means that the content is mirrored on other servers / webspaces mostly with different owners. How ist it handled on this site? I ask because I wonder why a mirror is limited in download amount too (btw, how many data can you load per 24h here at CA?) Greets, Uhu
  9. Thanks for this explanation, Dave! :-) Uhu
  10. Eh... I think I know why this confusion happened. I've installed the F-35 more than 2 weeks ago, in fact shortly after first publication, so I obviously modded my gundata.ini with the older data that I did not change since then. Sorry for it, Dave, that this little stupidity of myself made you doing these extra checks... ^^ Greets, Uhu
  11. That's a little bit confusing, because I've downloaded the F-35-pack just 1 hour before posting (a second time to be sure about it). To be absolutely precise, I'm talking about this file: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=9040 , with a displayed update time of: Updated: Jun 4 2009, 07:17 PM . Is this the same file and version you are talking about, Dave? Greets, Uhu
  12. Well, I've got to add a slash in the F35A_Data.INI, which read in the "out-of-the-box"-version: [internalGun] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunPortAnimationID=4 GunPortAnimationTime=0.2 GunTypeName=[b]25MM_GAU-22A[/b] InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=-1.439,2.614,0.454 LightPosition=-1.439,2.614,0.454 AimAngles=0.0,-1.875,0.0 MaxAmmo=180 EjectShells=FALSE MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= but need at least with my GUNDATA.INI: [internalGun] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunPortAnimationID=4 GunPortAnimationTime=0.2 GunTypeName=[b]25MM_GAU-22/A[/b] InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=-1.439,2.614,0.454 LightPosition=-1.439,2.614,0.454 AimAngles=0.0,-1.875,0.0 MaxAmmo=180 EjectShells=FALSE MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= to get the gun working. My GUNDATA.INI.txt, if anybody needs it... Greets, Uhu
  13. Hello! I have a problem with following weapons: the BK27 Mauser internal gun of the Tornado and the Eurofighter Typhoon and with the IRIS-T. The gun won't fire albeit I've triple checked the _DATA.INIs and my GUNDATA.INI with testing some changes. Here are the corresponding INI-lines of my install: [GunData028] TypeName=27MM_BK27 FullName=27mm Mauser BK27 Caliber=27.000000 ROF=1800.000000 MuzzleVel=1025.000000 AmmoWt=0.180000 WarheadWt=0.018000 Reliability=100.000000 Accuracy=75.000000 AddLight=TRUE MaxLightRange=1200.000000 FireColor=0.500000,0.450000,0.320000 GunFireEffect=23mmFireEffect GunFireSound=Vulcan EffectClassName=23mmEffects EffectTime=0.100000 TracerTexture=Tracer.tga TracerSize=0.150000 TracerDistFactor=0.002000 TracerLength=0.015000 MaxVisibleDist=4000.000000 MaxStreakVisibleDist=1000.000000 TimeFuzed=FALSE without changes from me, and the excerpt of the Typhoon INI (bongodriver's mod from http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=27281 ) // Internal Guns --------------------------------- [internalGun01] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=27MM_BK27 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=0.919,2.304,-0.236 LightPosition=0.919,2.304,-0.236 AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=150 EjectShells=FALSE MinExtentPosition= MaxExtentPosition= My sole change here is that I removed a - in the line "AimAngles=-0.0,0.0,0.0" In the case the the full INI's are needed, please look here: Typhoon_DATA.INI.txt GUNDATA.INI.txt The other problem is that the IRIS-T is not very likely to check if it targets the right target selected by me. On several occasions, I fired one at a foe at a range of approximately 20 km, but the only thing I got was a "Check fire. Friendly fire reported..." call. In the debrief log, I found then out that I hit a friendly dogfighter flying in the vicinity of my target. The other strange case is that, in a Tornado F3, I fired an IRIS-T at a Su-27 25 km away, the next thing I saw was the fireball of my plane. Debrief said that I shot myself down with my own missile (iterated 2 times...). My game configuration is as follows: SFP1 patched to the newest level (Oct. '08) and easy gameplay settings... Community Weapons pack 2.52 with few newer weapons installed, weaponsdata.INI along with the extracted and expanded GUNDATA.INI placed in the weapons folder. The newest gun and weapon editors that arfe available installed with no problems using them so far. I can't figure a workaround out, so please help me. :-) Greets, Uhu PS. BTW, the Meteor won't show up in the loadout screen for the Typhoon - I checked the "exported"-checkbox in the weps editor and the attachment codes of the Typhoon... If I can fix this with help also, I would be glad about it.
  14. It's not only the Mauser that is not working, but also the 25mm Gatling of Dave's F-35 that I added with the gun editor. I can't get my gun firing, with the short range missiles expended a bad position in a dogfight. How can I make a workaround? Uhu
  15. IRIS saying hello to SOHO (see here): AMRAAM will eat Flanker: Uhu
  16. According to google, a Quick-maneuvring Air-to-Air Missile, see here: http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/QAAM But neither wikipedia (EN and DE) nor globalsecurity.org know this acronym, so I can't say how common it is, or if it is only a PC simulation term. Uhu
  17. But I've only got the first generations Strike Fighters Project 1 and Wings over Vietnam. So I can't see why I should use a SF2 editor! Is there any newer first generation gun editor than Gun Data Editor v11.05.05 (43.4 KB)? Uhu
  18. The gun editor is the newest available at the Thirdwire homepage (from 2006, I believe). Greets, Uhu
  19. Good n8, SAM-8. You are in the HARM's way... Uhu
  20. I tried to delete the gun and to recreate and saving it in the gun editor. It did not work. Uhu
  21. Yes, I save the Mauser with the gun editor. :-) Uhu
  22. Well, in the described situation, I used the IRIS-T near at the end of its operational range in RL, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRIS-T . I tested the targeting of a friendly plane with a 'Winder, admittedly, I was mistaken with the belief of not being able to target a friendly with a IR missile. But why made my plane a great explosion immediately after an IRIS launch with the debrief log's entry that I shot myself down? And why does the Mauser cannon not fire on both the Tornado and Eurofighter? Uhu
  23. I can't fire a Sidewinder at a friendly aircraft, it doesn't growl and guide to it, if I'm remembering its behavior in game correctly. And any IR guided missile won't shot myself down because the heat sources, even for an all-aspect missile, should be out of the seeker field of view (unless it makes a 180° turn, but why should it ,ake it?). And additionally, I think that the newest IR missiles as the AIM-9M or -X, the ASRAAM and the IRIS-T have a image processing seeker with electronics giving them a basiv IFF capability, so again a point against making blue-on-blue shots... Greets from a slightly confused Uhu
  24. I've already got glasses - the Dodge flight is just behind my HUD, but there is another "Viper 11" at 22 km low in the clouds... Greets, Uhu
  25. How many different callsigns does the engine allocate? I think that there's a clone from me over the iraq, just over the left HUD edge (DS mod, F-16): Not a jump jet but a jump MANPAD (also DS mod, A-7E): Greets, Uhu

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