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Everything posted by elmcityhobbies

  1. OK, maybe dumb question, but is there a Night Vision mode? I thought there was, but can't seem to find it in the controls. Maybe I was dreaming.
  2. Have been playing SF2 Europe, and North Atlantic for ages. Saw someone post some screen shots from SF2 on FB, and didn't realize there was still such a community about it and it still being supported. So I come here and find this Gulf War mod, and I was like YES, give me some of that. So I set out to reinstall a fresh copy. No where to be found. Got logged into Thirdwire to find that I could re-download (as I had purchased them years ago), SF2, SF2 Israel, North Atlantic and the SF2 update. Had no idea I had ever bought the Israel mod, don't remember playing it, so I have that to go through as well....but this Desert Storm mod (can I really call it a mod? Practically a whole brand new game), and I am hooked again! Campaigns using Jaguars, Tornados, Buccs, OV-10Bronco?!?!?!? And of course since I am Canadian, CF-18. All I can say AWESOME! And thank you to Menrva (and anyone else involved in this) for the pain staking details you have put into this!!!

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