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Posts posted by Tucano

  1. • real dynamic missions (i mean, you don't know where "they" (the ennemy) are from the same redone mission for exemple)

    • real dynamic and complete interactive ATC :

    In the Falcon 4 the campain is dynamic.... real dunamic.....


    and the ATC is must real.......




    probably she will be very necessary and more of the Real since we will have Harriers settling in the English Aircraft Carrier...


    And the campaign will be stupidly dynamic... But if to place everything this ai also civil the game goes to be heavy Excessively... a LOMAC of the life.



    ps: it had many civilians in the area of the conflict in the Falklands?

  2. Clickable Cockpits are hard to do for each jet

    if you have 4-5 jets or more in a game....

    that's why Jane's F/A-18 and Falcon 4, Sims that focus on 1 jet

    are easier to make with clickable pits

    i have to say that if you are not going to have clickable pits in JT

    i wouldn't be dispointed so much, i understand the problem doing such thing....


    in any way you go, good luck JT team ;)

    If the Work is bigger also rewards it will be...




  3. Sweep




    This simulator one really promises!


    Only the possibility of being able to fly the Harrier already leaves me very happy!





    O Jô está , como sempre, muito divertido . Seu programa se chama

    PROGRAMA DO JO e ele está na Rede globo :D

  4. Mission editor Wishlist items,



    Ability of AI planes and units to have delayed spawn/start


    Triggers set by time, waypoint, or proximity to a location


    Triggers causing random aircraft spawnings, idle unit activation (like AAA),  mission goal achievement, random equipment failures, or other occurences


    Mission goal objectives menu and designation types assignable to units


    Ability to add sounds/voiceovers via triggers


    National border designation lines as in IL2


    Ability to save custom loadouts to apply to multiple planes


    Ability to add intelligence screenshot/film(trak file) to mission briefing


    Ability to track stats of a multiplay pilots missions over his flying career


    Ability to play multiplayer missions with a single host/client or in single player mode


    Existing map buildings destructible in editor with paintbrush like tool or individual designation.


    Weather, Time, Date(Seasons) options


    Ability to set AI priorities at a specific waypoint


    A single map system using the entire Field of Combat and the ability to add ground units, buildings, ships to the existing map


    Option to set sea conditions as it was stated this may be possible in game(wave height, prevailing wind, current?)


    Detailed mission stats generated at end of mission in game and in a logfile(not really editor related)

    I agree to you



  5. Well......

    clickable Pit of more the realism to the simulator since we cannot click in the screens.... (still) ehehhehehheheh


    A great example of clickable pitl is Janes F/A 18 and Falcon 4 ...

    This the best simualdor that I know!


    That it comes JET THUNDER AND FALCON V







    In number 24 have great plublisher of Malvinas....



    The Title is "Com Bravura e um Pouco Mais"




    É SOBRE OS A4 na GUERRA DAS MALVINAS ..... tem um relato completo ! com otimas fotos


    Muitas fotos dos navios Ingles no momento do ataque !


    Fotos dos A4 em combate ! e claro ! A ultima foto de muitos Argentinos , pilotos de A4 ! mortos em combates !


  7. Well !


    Macross !



    How surprise to know that you this for of brings of this project!


    I you always following now!

    It goes to be much sensation to fly the Harrier and the Pucará! I have crazy for ly in this simulator heheheh



    Ae ! Temos que fazer um forum versão Tupiniquim ! :D


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