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Everything posted by jtin

  1. The folder name has to be the same as the .ini file. It would be il-2m3. The naming is Vietnam >South East Asia. Same as Germany > Central Europe.
  2. If you do it to the wrong file, then just delete it, and the game will use the original in the .cat. The file is just a copy from the .cat. It is not removed. Go in the aircraft.ini and just simply change the cockpit line to correspond with the cockpit.ini. You can copy that and the cockpit folder from an other aircraft.
  3. It's in the VietnamSEA.cat. You also have to check in the VietnamSEA_targets.ini that some of the North Vietnamese airfields actually use the airfield4.lod. Goodl luck!
  4. You would also have to associate the sound with the MiG-29G's gun with the weapon editor.
  5. I think it might be that the red and blue planes are numbered seperatley. In the campaign.ini, the aircraftunitID is counted by side. For example, [Aircraftunit001] ForceID=1 [Aircraftunit002] ForceID=1 [Aircraftunit003] ForceID=2 [Aircraftunit004] ForceID=2 [Aircraftunit005] ForceID=1 If you wanted to do #5, you would have to use UnitID= 3, because of the two enemies in the middle. This might be the problem, but I'm not sure.
  6. Look at the original aircraft_data.ini, and look at: NozzleAnimationID= Change that in the new one to the one in the original. Good luck!
  7. Okay. It's not as easy as I thought... (but still easy) Turns out the size isn't in the VietnamSEA_targets.ini. In the VietnamSEA_types.ini (you may have to extract it), scroll down to the runways. Under: TargetType= Change the entry to LARGE_RUNWAY. I think this will be best with Runway4 (the big one?). You're all set!
  8. Bump. Anyone up to building the road?
  9. OK, thanks. I noticed in Khe Sahn A-6, there's an entry for: M114A1 and DshK and they aren't included in the 1-10. No big deal, because I guess they're in other mission packs, but the U.S. side seems a little small without the other artillery. I think I'm still gonna stick to the order, buying missions 11-20 next, I can't wait to try LAPES. And after that, 21-30... eightlein, It looks like the maintnence crews aren't gonna be happy with those holes...
  10. Don't forget the KC-130. As for AWACS, there is the E-2, but AWACS isn't modeled in the sim. You can however increase the MaxVisibleDistance= in the aircraft_data.ini By about 10,000 and they will appear on the in-flight map a lot sooner and is sort of like what AWACS does. AI will also engage much sooner.
  11. This is sort of individual, but I noticed the AC-130 is in object mods. Shouldn't it be in aircraft mods? I agree, but maybe it should be even more divided into ground objects, .ini mods, and so forth.
  12. The rotodome (I think that's what it's called) isn't in the weapons pack. It's in the C6 megapak. Nifty little thing... I've been trying to make an E-3 with it. I think gerald14 hasn't uploaded the B-2 model. You'll have to PM him about it.
  13. Almost all of the aircraft can be used in WoV. SFP1 was the precursor to WoV, and the older mods would be said to be built for that. However, some of the terrains used the desert.cat, which is only in SFP1. The Desert Storm terrain is an example of this. The weapons pack renamed the missiles, but they are still there. Are you installing the weapons pack after patching? The weapons pack should automatically edit the MiG's loadout.ini. If the planes don't show on the plane list, you need to have a cockpit. Just assign a cockpit to it (in the aircraft.ini) and you're all set. The crashing is caused by the lack of LARGE bases in the VietnamSEA map. You can either change the Minbasesize to MEDIUM in the aircraft_Data.ini, or edit the VietnamSEA_targets.ini to make some bases LARGE. Hope this helps! Don't hesitate to ask questions, as that's what this forum is for!
  14. You have to remember that SFP1 originally came out in 2003, and the F-104G (or any other stock aircraft for that matter) have not been upgraded. The Italian F-104 that you downloaded (have a link?) probably was a completley new aircraft. If so, it had a new model, which means they don't have the same animations. What parts did you copy over? I have no idea of the canopy, but the engine is probably because of the wrong animation ID. Try using the original one. Good luck!
  15. Wooo! zerocinco, I have a question. I only have the first ten missions. Do I have to buy them in order to get the appropiate objects and aircraft, or can I skip some? Too many to play, so little time... Payday isn't soon enough... Looking good!
  16. To clarify a bit, you can have lights on airfields. For example, if you had a target area that was declared an airfield, you can put a lights section in the airfield_layout.ini. All ground objects can be used and listed in the terrain_types.ini, but not all objects listed there are ground objects. Buildings (the non-targetable ones) and trees are not listed in the terrain_types.ini. As Fubar512 said, lights can be used using a tga that is incorporated into the .lod. The CVN-75 by D-O and the lighted trucks by Kesselbrut do this. And Deuces has something up his sleve to light the non-targetable buildings: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...ghted+buildings
  17. Would it be the test for the next low cost fighter? Would you mind telling the story? Thanks.
  18. You're doing a cockpit? And G model too? That just made my day. Nice work!
  19. F-35A

    Hope these help: Nose gear: http://www.goodrich.com/Feature/SingleStor...285,114,00.html Main Gear: http://www.codeonemagazine.com/archives/20...tail/index.html Has good close up pics. (First two hits with "F-35 Landing Gear" search on Google) Nice start!
  20. I thought you get unlimited gun ammo on easy. AFAIK, there isn't a cheat code for unlimited weapons.
  21. Whoah. Hopefully KB will recover soon. Has he released the Huey ground object? If so, where can I find it? Very nice skins!
  22. You mean Ctrl-F12? There is no way to save randomly generated single missions. Look in your terrain_dogfights.ini and see if any of the coordinates match the valley. Good luck!
  23. Has KB released it? Or should I PM him about it? I think it'll be a nice addition (with his permission of course) to the targets in my (starting to be built) campaign.
  24. Flight> HUDData.ini> top: [Debug] DisplayDebug=FALSE Change to true. The top will display the camera coordinates. What "neat" places? What type of mission? CAS and Armed Recon use the terrain_movement.ini Strike, Escort, and Sead use the terrain_targets.ini (striking one of those targets) CAP and Fighter Sweep use the terrain_dogfights.ini (?)
  25. Whoah! That's a lot of detail! You can count every bolt. Nice!

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