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Everything posted by jtin

  1. Does the last point in the strategic node have to be the next strategic node? This is getting much clearer. Is that pic from a campaign editor for SFP1? If so, where can I find it (if released)? I'm still looking for someone willing to build the road. Anyone?
  2. You probably have the Solomons campaign, but other than that, I don't think there are any other WWII campaigns that have been released yet. The modability is what I love about this sim. It's like twenty games in one. Is that... i-i-is it an E-2 f-f-firing a missile?
  3. This project is going very well. Nice work ! Would the plane riding the wave actually speed it up? Sounds very amazing!
  4. Looking good . Is this an upgrade of your old G model, or a completley new model?
  5. It was also (arguably) the predecessor to the F-14. They had to abandon the project because of weight problems.
  6. Lexx_Luthor: Sort of hijacking the thread, but I have to ask the question. How do you do it? Johan217: So are you saying that the ground units can go to one "waypoint", but not the other and still capture the strategic node? Or does the fact that they're (using your example) sitting in Jerusalem mean that they have already captured it? I'll take out the F-105D. My mistake . After poking through some information, I found the A-10 entered service in 1975. I think I'll make an A-10 squadron appear somewhere . Now moving deeper into development, I'm thinking of including (at least at the fire bases) some parked helos. I know there's one in the factory place, but it doesn't have a skin? What's the maximum amount of polys a ground object can have? How can you know without the max file or a copy of max? The above mentioned road object would be very nice too. Thanks!
  7. That clears up a lot more. Thanks. I still have a couple questions. Sorry . In the strategic node block, what does the ConnectTo mean? Does that mean in order to capture the whole area, the units have to go to the first place, then the second? Does there have to be two, or can there be less or more? I'll add the F-105D, F, and G. I'm going to send out a call for help for the modders. Can anyone build a road model? Sort of like the train tracks? It can use the Road1.tga in the terrain.cat. I know it can be done through tiles on the map, but I'm not that good with the TE and the object roads can be targeted and they would show on KMD. It can just be a straight piece, say 6 feet long and 5 feet wide? I want to test the feasability of my idea . Thank you so much!
  8. AFAIK, the mutiplayer isn't changed much. As for patches, SFP1/WoV/WoE/FE have their own individual patches, for SFP1/WoV/WoE, there is a patch 4, which can be over any version of the game, and a small patch 5, which has to be applied after patch 4. Ignore the previous patches. FE has patches 1 and 2, in 1 first, then 2.
  9. Yeah, this is the part that I'm sort of confused with, but your explanation cleared it up... sort of. This is what I think happens so far. The campaign starts with the ground units in their start positions, which have to be strategic nodes (?) Based on the intel, they move torwards the enemy units which are positioned at the strategic nodes (?) This is the front line moving. If your mission is succesful in a CAS mission (which is triggered by destroying *I think* five tanks) and even if all the friendly tanks are destroyed, the offensive will be succesful. If friendly forces capture the base area of the enemy, there is a win. If enemy forces capture your base area, there is a lose. If the missions exceed the max missions or max date, there is a stall. I still have some questions. You said start out at A, capture B, and end in C. Can there be 3 base areas? Would that be made by making a force 003 (if possible)? Are strategic nodes randomly located and the names don't matter or are they targets in the terrain_targets.ini? Or are they cities in the citylist.ini? If this is all true, there will have to be a LOT of strategic nodes to get the ground war on the level I was thinking of. Thanks for your help and it certianly clarified a lot!
  10. In the ship_DATA.ini, the nation has to be GENERIC and the ship type has to be either CARGOSHIP or TANKER. The weapons on the ship will still work. Also, you might want to make the availability COMMON or VERY_COMMON
  11. That looks like a good menu replacement set, but I was thinking of something with helicopters (most of the flyable squadrons fly helicopters). I think SFP1 has the decals (obviously not for the A-6, F-8, or A-7s), but not as many. I don't know about WoE. I think I'll start with WoV, since if I want to make a SFP1 and WoE version, I would have to make another map. I'll look into it after I'm done with WoV. What do you mean by assistance? I have a couple of questions about the ground part of the campaign. As you probably already know, I'm planning to populate the map with not only targets, but stationary shooting ground targets to make the CAS missions more exciting. Does the frontline absolutley control what side it's on, or can I make it so that it will not change sides? Are there Armed Recon missions in campaigns? I think I read somewhere there aren't. How are strategic nodes used? Do they control the battle points or are there places that the game uses to make the frontline? If you want to help make the campaign, sure! I'll need all the help I can get. Thanks for you assistance! Basic campaign development stuff: I think I'll include these aircraft: A-1H AH-1G A-4E and F A-6A A-5B A-7A and B AH-34 B-52D F-4B, D, E, and J F-8E F-14A F-111D O-1E OH-6A OV-10A UH-1B UH-1H UH-34 SH-3A MiG-17 MiG-21 An-2 Su-7 Su-9 Feel free to make suggestions for both aircraft and ground objects that would fit. I'm thinking of using some of the WW2 ground objects for S. Vietnam and N. Vietnam. I'll need information on what carriers would've been deployed and what squadrons they had, and also what squadrons would have been relocated or based in Thailand, since in the campaign, all of Vietnam is the enemy. Thanks for any information!
  12. The game should automatically save the campaign if you fly more than one mission. There is a button with another menu on the side of the campaign screen for saved campaigns.
  13. There are somethings that are listed, but not implemented yet. Maybe they will in a future patch.
  14. F6- panning around outside of aircraft. There should be a keycard in the manual, available for download at Thirdwire's site.
  15. It seems like I can't edit a post except right after I post it. I tried to edit a post posted about two hours ago, but the edit button was gone. Is this intended, and if so, why?
  16. Ah. Is there a place with the list of changes by the site upgrades?
  17. Ahhh! I posted the wrong link... AGAIN! www.sfmods.com/files/WOV_trees.zip
  18. You can "delete" a waypoint in game by pressing "w" to go on to the next waypoint.
  19. Just release as much chaff and flares as you can and JINK! The SAM trails should be in the weapons pack, or the effects pack, at Deuces' website. You could do the same for missiles with the weapon editor, but I would try making the stock missile trail a little darker and lasting longer first.
  20. What gun edit? The fuel and weight are pretty easy to edit. Open the Su-27_data.ini and scroll down to the weight, and edit it and the fuel, and edit it.
  21. www.sfmods.com/wov_trees.zip Deuces should link to this on his site. Then again, it was a beta....

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