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Everything posted by jtin

  1. Post over from SimHQ: I just found out that DRV doesn't cover Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City)! I don't think I can do it as originally intended (DRV and VietnamSEA), and I think I need to add a terrain creator to the list of needed people. That's something I have no idea how to do. I'm also looking into the idea of an all-incusive mod, as the A-Team has contatcted me, saying with their permission I may be able to re-release the models. Does anyone know who created the UH-1H? http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...e=0#Post2130914
  2. I've also been looking forward to this. Thanks!
  3. I'll probably also include the SH-3 and HH-3. In case anybody's wondering: Changes: I want to make the convoys in armed recon missions include tanks and infantry, not only trucks. I'll also make extensive new target areas with patrolling infantry, tank clustered areas, and I'll make the truck routes next to them, so you can have a fire fight in armed recon missions. Isn't that what helicopters are designed to do? I'm also looking into popluation the areas with destroyed tanks and buildings, as the war has already been going on for a long time! I'll also have to adjust the frontline, as the story is after a North Vietnamese take over. All of South Vietnam would be taken over and the only airfields available would be the ones in Thailand and there would be carriers and helicopter carriers! To do list (in order of needing to be done): Make skins Make needed ground objects edit target areas edit movement.ini and front line make campaign make screens get neccessary permission to release enjoy! If anyone needs to help, this is what I need: I would like a skinner for airplanes. I think the only skins I would need are the ones for the helos and a VF-2 tomcat skin, if there aren't ones already. I can do reasonably well in MS paint, (considering it is MS paint), but I don't think it'll be that good and it'll take a long time. I would need a skinner for ground objects (or someone to help me). I'm thinking of converting a tanker to a helicopter carrier, to supplement the OH Perry and LHA-1. If anyone wants to make ground objects with models, then all the better. If anyone wants to do screens, then that would also be welcomed. The stock screens won't really fit the theme... I can (sort of) handle the .ini dancing, but the artistic stuff is what I lack. I can easily imagine that this willl evolve into a BIG project, and I work very slowly, since I have little free time, so don't bug me about when I'll be finished. I'll try to release a BETA when it comes to an acceptable stage, but it IS a BETA so it would not be totally finished. If I can't find anyone to help me, then the project will still continue, but it'll just be slower and the artistic stuff might be lacking in some areas. This will NOT be a fully-inclusive campaign, as the A-Team has withdrawn their stuff and some of the authors of stuff (such as the UH-1H) I won't be able to contact. One last note: If anyone can think of a better name, please feel free to PM me or post in this topic. Operation Frequent Fire is sort of cheesy...
  4. Been looking forward to this. Thank you!
  5. I like it! I think the introductory text would be something like this: In the midst of the chaos of Operation Frequent Wind, a flight of UH-1 helicopters were shot down by North Vietnamese soldiers. Another flight of South Vietnamese UH-34s were also shot down. Only a few crewmembers survived, only to be captured, and presumably, executed or held hostage. The F-14s that were deployed to provide air cover in the evacuation are now ordered to retaliate. Other forces will be subsequently deployed. You are the spearhead of the attack. As part of Operation Frequent Fire, VF-1 Wolfpack, equipped with F-14A Tomcats has been deployed to the USS Enterprise. There would need to be some research such as what helicopter squadrons were involved. Also, some skins are needed. Too bad the HH-53 isn't freeware, or else it could be included. I'm thinking the list of flyable aircraft would be: A-4F-USN A-6A-USN/USMC AH-1G-USMC F-4E-USAF F-4J-USN F-111D-USAF F-14A-USN UH-1B-USMC UH-1B-CIA/Air America UH-1H-USMC UH-34-ARVN AH-34-ARVN OH-6A-USMC This would probably be just a mostly chopper campaign, centering around finding and rescuing the missing helicopter crews. I'm thinking I could make this for SFP1 with DRV as well as WoV. Any thoughts?
  6. Wow! I can't wait! All that detail... <drool> Still I'll continue with Hamburger Hill and the next installment comes out, I can update it to use the new <drool> UH-1s!!!
  7. I just think that WoV is worth the money... I'll try to make a new campaign on DRV, how about 1973? The scenario: It is now January 1, 1973 and Operation Linebacker II has failed to decrease the North Vietnamese will to fight. The U.S. is making one last ditch attempt to settle this for once and for all. We need "Peace with Honor" NOW! This time there will be no mercy. The U.S. ground force will be doubled and new bombing sorties will be conducted. This time with no off limit targets except for civilian areas. The U.S. public is not going to stand any more years. We have to settle this now. It's up to you... Yeah, yeah I know it wouldn't be feasible at that time, but this is just a game!
  8. With all the renewed interest in nukes , I have made an enhancment to the range terrain to add targets to the nuclear bombing circle. Copy and paste this into your Range_targets.ini: //----------------------------------------Nuclear Test Range [TargetArea013] Name=Nuclear Test Range Position=422644.00000,725700.00000 Alignment=Enemy Radius=200 ActiveYear=0 Location=2 Alignment=ENEMY Target[001].Type=Hangar1 Target[001].Offset=0,0 Target[001].Heading=0 Target[002].Type=SovietTruck Target[002].Offset=0,0 Target[002].Heading=0 Target[003].Type=Hangar1 Target[003].Offset=60,50 Target[003].Heading=0 Target[004].Type=Hangar2 Target[004].Offset=120,50 Target[004].Heading=0 Target[004].Type=Hangar1 Target[004].Offset=0,50 Target[004].Heading=0 Target[005].Type=ShelterA Target[005].Offset=-90,-100 Target[005].Heading=0 Target[006].Type=ShelterA Target[006].Offset=-60,-100 Target[006].Heading=0 Target[007].Type=ShelterA Target[007].Offset=-30,-100 Target[007].Heading=0 Target[008].Type=ShelterA Target[008].Offset=0,-100 Target[008].Heading=0 Target[009].Type=ShelterA Target[009].Offset=30,-100 Target[009].Heading=0 Target[010].Type=ShelterA Target[010].Offset=60,-100 Target[010].Heading=0 Target[011].Type=SovietTruck Target[011].Offset=15,-50 Target[011].Heading=0 Target[012].Type=SovietBRDM Target[012].Offset=5,-50 Target[012].Heading=0 Target[013].Type=SovietTruck Target[013].Offset=-5,-50 Target[013].Heading=0 Target[014].Type=blastshield Target[014].Offset=-20,-50 Target[014].Heading=270 Target[015].Type=blastshield Target[015].Offset=-10,-50 Target[015].Heading=270 Target[016].Type=blastshield Target[016].Offset=0,-50 Target[016].Heading=270 Target[017].Type=blastshield Target[017].Offset=10,-50 Target[017].Heading=270 Target[018].Type=blastshield Target[018].Offset=20,-50 Target[018].Heading=270 Target[019].Type=SovietCommandVehicle Target[019].Offset=-15,-50 Target[019].Heading=0 Target[020].Type=Scud Target[020].Offset=25,-50 Target[020].Heading=0 Target[021].Type=Scud Target[021].Offset=-90,-100 Target[021].Heading=0 Target[022].Type=Scud Target[022].Offset=-60,-100 Target[022].Heading=0 Target[023].Type=SovietCommandVehicle Target[023].Offset=-30,-100 Target[023].Heading=0 Target[024].Type=SovietTruck Target[024].Offset=0,-100 Target[024].Heading=0 Target[025].Type=Scud Target[025].Offset=30,-100 Target[025].Heading=0 Target[026].Type=SovietTruck Target[026].Offset=1,1 Target[026].Heading=0 Target[027].Type=SovietTruck Target[027].Offset=-1,1 Target[027].Heading=0 Target[028].Type=Shelter3 Target[028].Offset=-100,100 Target[028].Heading=0 Target[029].Type=Shelter3 Target[029].Offset=-150,100 Target[029].Heading=0 Target[030].Type=SovietTruck Target[030].Offset=-100,100 Target[030].Heading=0 Target[031].Type=SovietCommandVehicle Target[031].Offset=-150,100 Target[032].Heading=0 Target[033].Type=blastshield Target[033].Offset=30,-50 Target[033].Heading=270 Target[034].Type=Aircraft Target Target[034].Offset=60,-100 Target[034].Heading=0 Save and that's it! Thanks to Deuces for making the range terrain itself. Enjoy!
  9. For some reason, I can't edit it, so here's the new version. The typo in the last lines has been fixed. //----------------------------------------Nuclear Test Range [TargetArea013] Name=Nuclear Test Range Position=422644.00000,725700.00000 Alignment=Enemy Radius=200 ActiveYear=0 Location=2 Alignment=ENEMY Target[001].Type=Hangar1 Target[001].Offset=0,0 Target[001].Heading=0 Target[002].Type=SovietTruck Target[002].Offset=0,0 Target[002].Heading=0 Target[003].Type=Hangar1 Target[003].Offset=60,50 Target[003].Heading=0 Target[004].Type=Hangar2 Target[004].Offset=120,50 Target[004].Heading=0 Target[004].Type=Hangar1 Target[004].Offset=0,50 Target[004].Heading=0 Target[005].Type=ShelterA Target[005].Offset=-90,-100 Target[005].Heading=0 Target[006].Type=ShelterA Target[006].Offset=-60,-100 Target[006].Heading=0 Target[007].Type=ShelterA Target[007].Offset=-30,-100 Target[007].Heading=0 Target[008].Type=ShelterA Target[008].Offset=0,-100 Target[008].Heading=0 Target[009].Type=ShelterA Target[009].Offset=30,-100 Target[009].Heading=0 Target[010].Type=ShelterA Target[010].Offset=60,-100 Target[010].Heading=0 Target[011].Type=SovietTruck Target[011].Offset=15,-50 Target[011].Heading=0 Target[012].Type=SovietBRDM Target[012].Offset=5,-50 Target[012].Heading=0 Target[013].Type=SovietTruck Target[013].Offset=-5,-50 Target[013].Heading=0 Target[014].Type=blastshield Target[014].Offset=-20,-50 Target[014].Heading=270 Target[015].Type=blastshield Target[015].Offset=-10,-50 Target[015].Heading=270 Target[016].Type=blastshield Target[016].Offset=0,-50 Target[016].Heading=270 Target[017].Type=blastshield Target[017].Offset=10,-50 Target[017].Heading=270 Target[018].Type=blastshield Target[018].Offset=20,-50 Target[018].Heading=270 Target[019].Type=SovietCommandVehicle Target[019].Offset=-15,-50 Target[019].Heading=0 Target[020].Type=Scud Target[020].Offset=25,-50 Target[020].Heading=0 Target[021].Type=Scud Target[021].Offset=-90,-100 Target[021].Heading=0 Target[022].Type=Scud Target[022].Offset=-60,-100 Target[022].Heading=0 Target[023].Type=SovietCommandVehicle Target[023].Offset=-30,-100 Target[023].Heading=0 Target[024].Type=SovietTruck Target[024].Offset=0,-100 Target[024].Heading=0 Target[025].Type=Scud Target[025].Offset=30,-100 Target[025].Heading=0 Target[026].Type=SovietTruck Target[026].Offset=1,1 Target[026].Heading=0 Target[027].Type=SovietTruck Target[027].Offset=-1,1 Target[027].Heading=0 Target[028].Type=Shelter3 Target[028].Offset=-100,100 Target[028].Heading=0 Target[029].Type=Shelter3 Target[029].Offset=-150,100 Target[029].Heading=0 Target[030].Type=SovietTruck Target[030].Offset=-100,100 Target[030].Heading=0 Target[031].Type=SovietCommandVehicle Target[031].Offset=-150,100 Target[031].Heading=0 Target[032].Type=blastshield Target[032].Offset=30,-50 Target[032].Heading=270 Target[033].Type=Aircraft Target Target[033].Offset=60,-100 Target[033].Heading=0 Have fun!
  10. That campaign is pretty old. I was trying to add ground objects, but I couldn't get them to appear. I only made it because I couldn't get Gepard's Rolling Thunder to work. You best bet is to by WoV. SEA is at avsim, but I think it has some tile problems. Or you could try making a campaign yourself. Look in the knowledge base for more info.
  11. Gepard has specifically made a tileset for non-SFP1 users of Isreal 2 at http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=3778 I guess you can use it for Suez too, but the photorealistic desert is only tiles, so if you want to use those, you can also put them in the Isreal 2 folder, overwriting the other tiles. Same with Deuces' tilesets. You can not get the desert terrain unless you have SFP1, and same with the Desert Storm terrain, since a sea tile is used that has no repaint equivilant, but if you have the talents, you can make it. Good luck!
  12. Usually I think "Oh, I'll just install this mod or make this little tweak before playing," and before I know it, all my free time is gone! I am begining to think I like it... A little.
  13. 6.JPG

  14. 3.JPG

  15. 5.JPG

  16. 4.JPG

  17. 2.JPG

  18. 1.JPG

  19. Check your date as the SRAM is only available after 1972.
  20. I was just wondering if Red Madagascar is being worked on any more. Anyone know? In case you don't know what it is: http://www.column5.us/redmad.htm The last update was two years ago! The terrain is available here in the downloads section and is VERY good (what else would you expect from Deuces?). It's a shame that it's not used more...
  21. Ooops... From C5's Forum: http://www.column5.us/forum/index.php?showtopic=6452
  22. I'm not trying to rush you or anything , it's good to know you're still working on it. This is showing lots of promise! Yeah, I was thinking of making missions with extraction of infantry and stuff, where the hover would come in handy. Doesn't the AI use a simplified flight model? Would it be possible to make a seperate flight model that the AI can handle? Maybe, there can be one helicopter called Helo_AI, with the old FM so the AI can still use helicopters.
  23. It would be pretty easy, all you would need to do is create a new campaign.ini making the Soviet fighters flyable, no need to edit the campaign_data.ini itself. There's information on how to do this in the knowledge base. A warning, the aircraft unit ID is NOT the one in the [aircraftunit0xx] in the campaign_data.ini, they are according to friendly/enemy orientatioins. For example, say you wanted to make aircraft unit 5 playable: 001 Friendly 002 Friendly 003 Enemy 004 Enemy 005 Friendly In the campaign.ini, you'd have to specify aircraft unit ID= 3, not 5 Hope this isn't too confusing... That is one detailed aircraft...
  24. Bump ... I think that Kreelin's FM is the closest we have to a proper helo flight model right now...

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