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Everything posted by jtin

  1. I have no idea about the loitering, but I'm afraid you can't make the plane repeat a series of waypoints (in KMD). The only way is to copy it, and that is unpractical, if you have eight or nine, as there are only sixteen allowed by the game engine.
  2. Does this mean that you're going to create single missions? I got WoV and the first ten missions from YAP, and it BLEW MY MIND AWAY! LOTS of detail, and I'm trying to make some UH-1 missions myself (working on a mission VERY loosely* based on Hamburger Hill right now), unfortunatley, I don't have the YAP team's talents or resources to create missions as good as theirs, but if I get to a point where I think that it is good enough, with the YAP team's permission (as I had taken some waypoints from Khe Sahn A-6) I might upload it... *by loosely I mean not even in the same area (as there is no Hill 937, but I might get around to building it), let alone as a historical mission.
  3. You might want to upload the PDF here. Just a thought, but good job!
  4. The weaponspack doesn't work with SP 3.2. Make a clean install with SP 4 and put the mod in it, then use the knowledge base to make the ground objects SP 4 compliant. I think that's all you need to do to use it with SP 4. You don't need the groundobjectdata.ini, so you can delete that.
  5. Another thing to remeber is that WoV has no large base sizes. There are two fixes: 1- Go into the data.ini and fix this line: Minbasesize=LARGE<----- to Medium OR 2- Go into the VietnamSEA_targets.ini (you'll need to extract it) and change some bases (U-Tapao would be good) to LARGE bases. Hope this helps...
  6. B-52D over clouds

    Stock B-52D in Wings Over Vietnam with the cloud mod.
  7. It's amazing what the modders can do... Looking forward to these!
  8. FM is Flight Model. I think that to make the engines thrust vectoring capable, you have to make the engines controled by thurst vectoring in the aircraft_data.ini. I'm lost after that. Have you gone further in experimenting than me?
  9. These are the steps that I use: (I don't own WoE, so I can't send edited campaigns to you. BTW, does Red Lightning or Nato Fighters have carriers?) Open Kmd and select a location, the cursor position is in the right bottom corner, making sure that it isn't behind enemy lines. Take the coordinates and put them in a target area. There is NO need to create targets in it other than saying: carrierstation=TRUE Open the campaign_data.ini and on the bottom, make a new campaign entry, with the new carrier station. Edit or make a new aircraft unit based on the carrier. Make sure that the carrier number corresponds with the carrier, as it will NOT work even if it is based in the same carrier station. Make that unit flyable. Off you go on a mission off a carrier! Hope this helps...
  10. Also, if during a campaign, if the frontline moves, you'll get bad guys behind the frontline no matter if detonated friendly or enemy in the terrain_ targets.ini. Try adjusting the date of the campaign earlier in the campaign_data.ini
  11. Here's the thread: http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...e=0&fpart=2 About 1/4th down the page. No, I don't really think so, but it'll make a great gunship! Could you elaborate more? Do you mind posting the FM if you experiemented with it? I've also been trying to do that, but I have no idea how to make FMs. BTW, Wooo! My 100th post!
  12. I would think that the mission rates are the missions that you fly vs. the missions in the campaigns. For example, with a normal mission rate of 240, for every 240 missions, you play one of them. That's why it flew by so quickly. Same with the offensive rates, except for offensive missions. I think the deviation just gives the engine some leeway on if it can't find a "interesting" mission in the allowed time, it can see if there's some in the extra missions. Just a thought. No clue about the rest.
  13. Oops. Out of curiosity, what did the FB-111s carry before the SRAMs? The F-111 loadout?
  14. You don't put the model name in the loadout.ini, you put the weapon name , not the full name , just the name. Open up the weapondata.ini with the weapon editor, select the AIM-120C and it should be there. Good luck!
  15. Are you talking about big white lines going across the screen and parts of the cockpit flickering? I found that lowering the graphics settings, such as cockpit details on medium and shadows and mirrors off helps. Then again, it could be a graphics card problem, try upgrading your drivers. What graphic cards are you using?
  16. Is the ballon folder in the ground object folder? If there's no .ini, you might need to extract it fom the .cat using the .cat extractor, available here. A hex editor lets you edit a .lod, the only way to do it without actually having the original max file. It is not very straightforward, it actually is shortened from hexadecimal editor, I normally use it to find mesh names or the texture names that they use, but with some experimenting, editing of the model might be possible, there's probably someone in this forum that knows if/how you can do it. I use hexedit (look for it on Google). Good Luck!
  17. Kreelin, would you mind posting or PM'ing me the FM? It looks to good to just give up. Maybe in the next patch, TK'll add helicopter FM support. There must be something behind that little Cobra pic on the front page.
  18. found that with the SRAM, you have to change the starting date to 1969, to match the FB-111A's service dates. I'm not sure if it's already like this in the weapons pack. It's fine. See USAFMTL's later post. Pappychksix has uploaded a placeholder, incase you haven't totally withdrawn your request.
  19. That looks great! Couldn't we use the guidance for the IRBM that MoonJumper used in the mod for the BM-16-14? I remember that it had a very weak TV camera guidance to keep it from smashing into mountians. He also made another post with SCUD launchers, except I think he couldn't get them to guide. Instead, they just fell right back almost blew up the launchers!
  20. I'm no terrain/ground object guru, but I'll try to help. Is it a ground object or is it a target attached to the terrain? (I don't own FE) It might be both, and if FE's light SFP1, go into the terrain_types.ini and see if there's an entry for that ballon. It might say: usesgroundobject=true Are the ballon busting missions the same as armed recon in SFP1? If it's a ground object, I'm afraid you might be out've luck because then if there aren't changes to the FE engine, it would be in the lod. If that's the case, you can try fiddling around with a hex editor. Hichinbroke has built a ballon, maybe he can shed some light on this... Good luck!
  21. Here's the link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=538 For some reason it's in object mods. I clearly remember it being in aircraft mods... I like to just flip on my side and push down a little so I don't turn as much while looking through the gunsight. It's a little tedious and it may not work with flight model on hard, since I use medium. Maybe in the future, we can implement AI gunners targeting ground objects (not possilble now) and we can make the AI shoot tanks for us!
  22. You would need a totally new FM. That video was by Kreelin, and he along with capun and Fubar512 are (IMHO) the FM gurus. Keep in mind that the Skunkworks helicopters are set for normal FM. If you want, try setting the stall speed to zero and land between the tanks on a CAS mission. Lots of fun. Not intentional if I left anyone out. I knew I forgot someone. Column5 and Streakeagle are also in the know on FM. Streakeagle actually has an Aircraft Ini Data Editor which can edit FM too at: http://web.tampabay.rr.com/sflores1/StrikeFighters.html He also posted a lesson on FM editing at the Thirdwire forum: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=3875
  23. So we could create missions to shoot down the innocent tanker! It'll be nice to have a soviet tanker... Looking good Kout!
  24. I think that UH-1B has no weapons. There is an UH-1H at avsim.com that has weapons and side gunners, but was (I think) the first helicopter created for SF and sort of outdated. There's a post in the archives on editing the UH-1B data for weapons at SimHQ and when it's back up, I'll post the link.

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