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Everything posted by jtin

  1. I looked through Chickenhawk, and it was VERY detailed. Right now, I'm reading Flying Through Midnight, a very good read.
  2. There was a thread at the Thirdwire forum about that, and I think the conclusion was that it makes it more realistic. I'll have to search for it. The info for the autopilot would probably be in the Flightengine.ini, that you'd have to extract from the flightdata.cat. The knowledge base has info on extracting and editing.
  3. I think that bpao showed some pics a couple years ago. It might be waay down on the Mirage Factory's to do list, since they did the new F/A-18A.
  4. There's an AC-130 at Pasko's site: http://home.earthlink.net/~pasko_patak/ Though I'm having trouble downloading it, as I think he's upgrading his site. You can find it here. I think it's in the cold war aircraft section a couple pages down, with the upload name of Guest. Yeah, the weapons are in the weaponspack, but you'll need to use the secondary gun key to fire it I think.
  5. The mega pack at www.check-six.com has the GBU-10C. Was the bomb included in the download itself (I haven't downloaded it).
  6. "Blood for oil" is an old campaign, and it's pre-patch 4. Make sure that your ground objects have the three lines (as specified in the knowledge base) to work with patch 4.
  7. I've noticed that on the FB-111 in the vark pack, there is a set of lines on the nose next to the SAC decal. I think this might be a decal bleed, but I'm not sure. Is there a way to fix this? It only happens on the FB-111. Here are some pics to show what I mean: I circled the lines (I made the red lines): On the right side, it's bigger than: On the left side. Thanks!
  8. Bad news: It seems like Nvida doesn't support my graphics card anymore, as there isn't a driver for it there. Good news: It seems like the problem dissapeared, as now even when I alt-n to the target, there are no lines. Thanks for the help!
  9. I updated my drivers, and the problem disapeared on takeoff, but after I alt-n'ed to the target, it reappeared with blue spots. Where did you download the updated drivers? I dowloaded them from the dell site. It's time to get a new computer... Here's what I'm talking about: The lines reappeared and there are blue spots above them!
  10. TeTeT, AFAIK, With weapons, the biggest problem is the Soviet attachment not working any more and some attachment types being changed. You might want to look in the knowledge base, the weaponswiki, and/or the weapons pack.pdf. Good luck! Skelator56, There's not much to adding weapons to planes. The weapons editor is very user friendly. The first thing you need to know about editing the inis is BACK UP YOUR FILES!!! I usually put an x in front of the backup file, but you can make a backup folder or something. If you want to add weapons, usually you need to look in the aircraft_data.ini and the loadout.ini. Keep in mind that MANY factors affect if the weapon can be used. They are: service dates nation attachment type weapon type rack type weapon station parameters The knowledge base, the weaponswiki, and the weapons pack.pdf are your friends. Use them and they will help you. If you encounter any problems, the friendly people here can help! Good luck!
  11. My computer uses a GeForce4 440 Go. I tried deleting the SAC decal line in the decal.ini, and the lines dissapeared with the decal. Do you have an updated skin? I downloaded the pack about a week ago. Thanks!
  12. I've been installing the F-111 package latley, and I've seen that the SRAM (if that's what you're talking about) needs to have the dates changed (starting 1969 I think) to fit the service dates of the FB-111. Also, the F-111A is missing the EP attachment type at some weaponstations. I haven't looked at the F yet. I agree with USAFMTL, a lot of the planes will need to be updated. Maybe once I'm done looking at the varks, I'll post the new inis at the weaponswiki.
  13. Extraction time!

    Where are the pilots? They've run away!!!
  14. Pilot Down!

    I guess we have to go in for an extraction...
  15. Thanks USAFMTL, those updates look good, nice to know that the updates are still continuing (after that post at SimHQ about a "limited release"). I especially like the missile site in the first shot. Great job! Looking forward to this update! Excuse my ignorance, but didn't the A-team build the Coral Sea and the Enterprise? It would be pretty easy to implement them into a campagin. Also, the screenies show them...
  16. That's weird, because I've never experienced problems with the F-4s gunsight. There might be a couple things wrong: Have you fiddled with the cockpit.ini? Have you fiddled with the viewlist.ini? Were those screenshots taken in normal cockpit view (F1)? If all of those are no, then maybe one of the cockpit gurus can help you. I know you can adjust the gunsight, but I don't know how. It might be in the knoledge base. I sound like an answering machine at a technical help hotline, if you have problems with this, press 1... LOL Oh, and also, the bombsights are very hard to use, there's a guide on how to use it at simHQ somewhere..., but they still work. Good luck!
  17. I remember a long time ago, there was a discussion about adding 1000 to the max visible distance, like in csb's link. It goes into more detail: http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...t=003959#000008
  18. There's a tread over at SimHQ about using the BLU-82 from the weaponspack in the C-130: http://www.simhq.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cg...45;t=001188;p=2 I've pondered about the idea of making a target with a couple of trees and you have to destroy those trees with the daisy cutter to make an LZ. Then again, it's an idea.
  19. There's not much difference between SFG and the normal SF except that SFG has two more campaigns and has no C-130 and F-104 due to problems with Lockheed Martin. The F-104G is a both offical and third party mod, TW has one and Ajundar has created the whole family of F-104s. Both are available here, but I think that the F-104 comes with SP4 (correct me if I'm wrong) The C-130 isn't available officially, but you can extract it from you .cat file or download the C-130J here. All of the C-130A skins work with it and it has flares, chaff, and an animated cargo bay. There is a comparison chart at column5's site here: http://www.column5.us/sfchart.htm that tells the differences. If you want to swap desert.cat files, AFAIK, there's no difference, but I don't have SFG (only SFP1 and WoV) so I don't know. Have fun!
  20. STS-116 Launch Scrubbed

    The NASA space shuttle launch for tonight was just scrubbed due to a thick and low cloud cover. Till when the launch will be postponed has not been determined yet... http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/shuttle/main/index.html
  21. File Name: Vietnam 1968 On... (Fictional) File Submitter: jtin File Submitted: 11 Jun 2006 File Category: SF Missions/Campaigns This is a modified campaign for Strike Fighters Project 1 using based on Gepard's original campaign from DRVv13. It uses the DRV terrain and various aircraft and carriers. THIS IS NOT HISTORICAL, IT IS MEANT ONLY TO BE FUN. You need: -DRV terrain (preferably version 1.51) -A-6A from http://www.column5.us/ -F-4B (stock) -F-4C (stock) -F-4D (stock) -F-4J (stock) -F-104G (stock) -F-105F-1-Late from http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=968 -F-8E_GF from http://www.column5.us/ -Flyable MiG-17F, MiG-19S, and MiG-21MF (this can be done by adding a line in the MiG-***.ini as: CockpitDataFile=F-100D_cockpit.ini or any other cockpit file). -CV-59 Forrestal Class from http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/IronWorks.html (near the bottom) Click here to download this file
  22. File Name: F-15E vs MiG-29As File Submitter: jtin File Submitted: 7 May 2006 File Updated: 7 May 2006 File Category: SF Missions/Campaigns A simple mission I made. Fly a F-15E and blow the MiGs out of the sky. You need: F-15E MiG-29A ANWgreen terrain THIS IS MY FIRST RELEASED MISSION, DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP (If you like it, I might do more) ISSUES: I forgot to include this in the README: Do not use ALT-N, as this will lead you to the landing, if you are in a hurry, use ALT-T, and the AI landing (if you use autopilot) isn't perfect, so if you want, do it manually. (but you shouldn't crash) ;) Click here to download this file
  23. You need to download this: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...mp;showfile=343 This SFP1E extract utility (it works in all three games). I think those files are located in the MISSIONDATA.CAT in your flight folder. This handy dandy little tool lets you extract them from the .cat file. If its not in there, it may be in one of the other .cats in the flight folder or other folders. Good Luck!
  24. I think the CV-59 package was updated for SP4, but make sure that you have three lines at the top of the CV**.ini: [GroundObjectData] ObjectFullName=xxxxxx ObjectDataFile=xxxxxx_data.ini Also, check if you've done everything in the updated article on adding carriers. Platinum Rogue: You can assign multiple carriers to a same location and multiple squadrons to carriers. I've only noticed one thing. While fiddling around with Gepard's DRV campaign, I noticed that Zulu station (It may have been the other one) doesn't work. You start on the water with no carrier. I can't see anything wrong with it, so more investigation is needed. Good Luck!
  25. Yesterday I went to the Tomcat Sunset at Udvar-Hazy, and they have a F-14D-R- which is on display now. This F-14D-R- is actually credited with a kill (a Libyian MiG-23). I just thought that I would share some of the pictures. Enjoy! (Sorry, some of them are blurry) Head on shot The closest is a video camera, farthest is a heat sensor HUGE engine nozzle The Tomcat! It was so big, it couldn't fit in one pic EDIT-I got rid of those registered symbols. (I didn't realize that it would be a ®!)

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