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Everything posted by jtin

  1. Stephen Udvar Hazy Center at Dulles

    Splash2, You missed the addition of the F-14 yesterday! They had lots of guest speakers, and everything! (see Tomcat Sunset post) Nice pics!
  2. Wow, that sounds good! I have also been trying to improve the huey a bit (haven't gone far) just a tip if you don't know about it, set the stall speed really low like 0 or 5 and you can sort of fly in low and slow, and even hover! I'm trying to implement thrust vectoring into the UH-1H, but I don't think I'll do that well. I'll have to go buy WoV and YAP now....
  3. Just on a side note, you can't actually take fuel from a tanker, but you can fly up to it and look as if you were. You would probably also have to create a custom mission (such as the one with the KC-130) to actually do that. That's a KC-130, KC-135 is YAP.
  4. 1. To fire the guided weapons, you have to have the target selected (it should automatically be selected once you reach the objective point if it's your primary target). Then, push enter like any other bomb. 2. You have to have the guided weapons avaliable in your campaigndata. ini . Scroll to the aircraft unit you want to put the weapons on, and add it to the supply list. Also, you have too make sure that the aircraft you're using can carry those weapons. To make sure, go to the aircraftdata.ini, and look under the weaponsdata and look at attachment type. I think the code for guided bombs is LGB and guided missles is AHM. I would reccomend that you get the weapons pack as it adds a lot of more weapons and also has a PDF telling you how to use them and such. Also, look in the knowledge base as it gives you alot of advice.
  5. In the campaign tutorial in the knowledge base, iniside the ground unit info, it says "BaseArea=Riqdur - Area the unit starts the campaign in." What can be used as a base area? can it be defined as any air base or a target in the terrain_targets.ini? Also, in the strategic nodes, what can be used as an area for the battle or what can be used as the target. Specifically, what I'm trying to do is add ground units to a campaign for DRV that doesn't have any ground units, so I want to know where I can put the units and the battles. Thanks for replies in advance!
  6. I am so stupid! Forget that idea about the airfields not being legimate base areas for the ground units. I had the US forces marked as the enemy! There wasn't any other side to fight! :slow(en): I'll need some perfecting, I'll change the storyline to make it more historical, and I might upload the campaign. (It's only a revision of Gepard's campaign for DRV included in v1.3)
  7. I have a hunch that your problem is the wrong unit ID. I may be wrong (as I usually am), but on working on a campaign and having the same problem as you (see http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12074&hl=) I discovered that the Unit ID is only counting all the same force IDs. This may be sort of hard with over 150 planes, but what you need to do is start from the begining and count all the aircraft with force ID= 1 until you get to the A-26. That number is your unit ID. No fear! I did it for you! I think that that number is 155 (162 aircraft minus 7 force ID=2).
  8. When you shoot are there tracers? If not, you may have to look in the gundata.ini with the gun editor and open it. Look for the 30mm GAU and double click on it. Under the type name (not the full name) copy the name and paste into your internal gun type name section. Is the A-10 the stock one or the add on one? Also when you start out do your wingmen always call out they're out of ammo? If so you may have messed up the gundata.ini and gundata.dat .
  9. So far, the only base area I've had working is an NVA squad based in the Vietcong Training Camp. Therefore, I don't think that airbases are legimate base areas. I've been using the base areas as the strategic nodes, and on a mission, I saw the NVA squad attacking an airbase with no opposition! I think now my biggest challenge is to find places to base the US forces because there aren't many friendly force controled target areas on the map besides airfields. I think you're right, I will be doing a lot of experienting and testing! Thanks for your help! EDIT- crossout
  10. Stock G model, SFP1 The insides of the engine and the canopy inside seems to glow in the dark (only the dark). Cockpit Engine Just for kicks, I looked inside, and there was the culprit! The things on the right and left are the air intakes Looks like AB (It's not) Does anyone know how to fix this?
  11. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I have the small patch too, version 05.25.06 (what's the second post SP4 sub patch?). It only happens on the F-104, and I have all settings on medium (for frame rates) and I think I have shadows and cockpit reflections off. It isn't a biggie, I don't fly the F-104 often, actually when I took the pictures, I was zooming around using F6 and I saw that the F-104 glows in the dark! If I really wanted to fix it, I would probably just go into to the skin .bmps and color the glow in the dark parts black or gray. Thanks for you help!
  12. I just realized something! The ground objects could be working, but I might be dying early (because of all the SAMs and Flak) enough in the campaign that the tanks and infantry can't have time to target each other. :slow(en): I'll have to fly VPAF. If you have two ground units and they start on the same day, is there a delay before they battle each other?
  13. Thanks, I looked at that, but it seems like it is the same as the campaign tutorial. I did find interesting stuff in the other sections. Thanks for the link! Do you know what can be used for the base area for the ground unit info and the base point in the strategic nodes? Can I use an airfield (That's what I'm using now) or does it have to be a specific target? I read in the link from Agamemnon that the base area in the top is what the ground units have to capture in order to win the campaign, so probally, the last strategic node has to be that base area, but I don't know what else I can use (I'm using Gepard's campaign from DRV v1.3 as my basis and for NVietnam, it says that the base area is Hanoi). Also, do you know if the ground units automatically appear on the planning map if they exist? I made an aircraft unit specifically for CAS and recon missions, but all it's doing is recon.
  14. Anyone? (Is there a way to move this topic to the campaign and mission building forum?)
  15. What are you trying to do? Change the carrier or change the position of the carrier? If you change the carrier number, be sure to change the carrier numbers of the aircraft that are based on it. For example, if you want to use the Coral Sea, you can change the type of carrier with no problem, but if you change the numbers, you have to go to the aircraft that are based on the carrier and look for a carrier number and change it to correspond with the carrier. I think that the only reason for that is so that you can have mutiple carriers at one station. If you want to change the position of the carrier, go the the terrain_targets.ini and add a new station and put the numbers in (I like to find out the position numbers using KMD, it displays the position of you mouse pointer thing at the lower right hand corner). If you want to assign an aircraft to a carrier on that station, you have to change both the number and the station name.
  16. You might want to look at something simmilar I saw at http://wrench1smog.com/wrench3.html, the canopy fixes zip. He does use an animation ID, so it may be different.
  17. I would think that would be pretty cool, you could do something like the soliders on the doors of UH-1H, but I think that it wouldn't be possible for the turret to target only ground units... for now. It probally wouldn't be that useful if it's for air defence and it's on the chin of the heli because it would either look weird firing through the aircraft of it can only fire at an aircraft in the front, which without a turret the pilot can shoot. You would have to make sure that it can only point left to right and a little up and down or else you would have (like above) tracers going through your aircraft or even your turret shooting you down! You also would probally have to put guns that the pilot can control, so that if you use up all your ordianance, you can have a backup gun! How far have you gotten so far? ( :offtopic: ) on a sidenote, is it possible to get the guys on the UH-1H firing? EDIT- spelling!
  18. Before I edited it, the link was dead, apparently, for some reason the link was trying to locate http://forum.combatace.com/"http://ww...rome.net/". I don't know why, so i fixed it.
  19. I think the terrain that you're looking for is at Major Lee's: http://www.majorleesaerodrome.net/ Before you play the campaign, you probally need to update the ground objects to SP4 (if you haven't already). EDIT: Apparently, the link was dead
  20. Ever since I was a noob, you would help me and others whenever you could. It's sad to see you leave, but I'll always hope some project would bring you back in.
  21. Open up you aircraft's DATA.ini and scroll down to the weapons stations section. It should look something like this: [LeftWingStation] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.10,-1.14,-0.39 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=500.0<-------- The maximun weight of the weapon. (correct me if I'm wrong) I believe in kilograms. LengthLimit=3.5<-------- The maximun length (correct me if I'm wrong) I believe in meters. AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RCKT,RP,IRM,SAHM<----- This is what USAFMTL was talking about, the types of weapons alowed. AttachmentType=SOVIET<-------- This allows the nation's weapons on the station. It does NOT need to correspond with the aircraft nation. ModelNodeName=WingPylon_L PylonMass=60 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName=MissileRail_L LaunchRailHeight=0.10 LaunchRailMass=25 The culprit may be one of the above, the way I fix the weapon station is that I open up the weapon editor, pick the weapon that I want to put onto the aircraft, look at the specificationis, and craft the data to my needs. Look at the Weapons_Pack.pdf in your main game directory (if you installed the weapons pack and didn't delete it) for the nation and weapon abreviations. Other good resourcese are the CA knowledge base and the wiki knowledge base
  22. In case you haven't noticed, Wrench has released a new set of Pasko's SAM's and Vehicles Pak for WoE and he has replaced the link for the original one too. Detailed Description: http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...;f=145;t=004285 Download: http://wrench1smog.com/wrench3.html
  23. Most should work in all three of the sims. This question has been answered many times. Use the search button!
  24. Maybe not the same feeling, but you can download the AmericaNW terrains at SFmods and Major Lee's Aerodrome (they're both the same). There are a lot of different tiles too. Another you might look at is the Himalayas (also at both sites but I think it's called "AmericaNW Winter" at SFmods). I like flying over the mountians, but if you use Alt-N, half the time you crash right into a mountian.

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