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Everything posted by jtin

  1. I talked to him and he said that it was taken off (his site and CA) because him and USAFMTL didn't want newbies to be confused with the SP4 formats. He says "two weeks" and it'll be back here. If you can't wait, some of the stuff is in OTC http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1704 (BIG FILE) :)
  2. Wrench does have something on his website about it, so you can contact him, and I know that OTC has some of the vehlicles (and some great alternative skins for them) in it.
  3. Underflying the SAM network

    I was flying past an airbase at a really low level, and I heard the call : "SAM Launch!", looked past, and sure enough there was SAM smoke, and an explosion. I bet the guy inside the launcher was yelling out "NO DON'T DO THAT! DON'T PUSH THE BUTTON! NOOO- [big explosion]" :)
  4. I used to have that problem, it's a FPS issue. Lower your graphics settings. (Turning off mirrors and shadows are your best bet.)
  5. Hopefully now, the hackers will never bother us again! Many thanks to the CombatACE team!!!
  6. It Burns!

    I was flying a MiG-17 over DRV, saw an aircraft in front of me, fired, it exploded- unfortunatley too close to me... No, it's not flak! It's a wonder the glass didn't shatter! I survived all this (red circle) and my right wing didn't even come off! EDIT- Picture formats
  7. Version


    This is a modified campaign for Strike Fighters Project 1 using based on Gepard's original campaign from DRVv13. It uses the DRV terrain and various aircraft and carriers. THIS IS NOT HISTORICAL, IT IS MEANT ONLY TO BE FUN. You need: -DRV terrain (preferably version 1.51) -A-6A from http://www.column5.us/ -F-4B (stock) -F-4C (stock) -F-4D (stock) -F-4J (stock) -F-104G (stock) -F-105F-1-Late from http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=968 -F-8E_GF from http://www.column5.us/ -Flyable MiG-17F, MiG-19S, and MiG-21MF (this can be done by adding a line in the MiG-***.ini as: CockpitDataFile=F-100D_cockpit.ini or any other cockpit file). -CV-59 Forrestal Class from http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/IronWorks.html (near the bottom)
  8. I edited the campaign that comes with DRV V13 (?) and now it doesn't work. I remember that I did something similar before installing SP4, (I did a clean install and I thought that the other one wasn't very good) I think I did a better job this time, and I even made my own screens (for winning, losing, and starting). Can someone try it out and see what's wrong? :) Problem Solved EDIT: Installation: Once you unzip it, take the two folders (Campaigns and Menu) and drop them into you main SF directory. If you already have a Campaign3, rename it or something else, or backup it. Notes: The "DEFAULTBASESCREEN.bmp" changes your starting campaign screen (from the Menu.cat) Uninstallation: Delete the following: Menu: -Campaign3LOSE.bmp -Campaign3WIN.bmp -DEFAULTBASESCREEN.bmp Campaigns: -Campaign3LOSE.txt -Campaign3WIN.txt -Campaign3STALL.txt -Campaign3START1 -Campaign3START2 =Campaign3 -10THDESC.txt -44THDESC.txt -436DESC.txt -VA35DESC.txt -VF84DESC.txt -VPAFDESC.txt -Campaign3.ini -Campaign3_DATA.ini Issues: I am not a modder, I can not do wonders like some other people on this site, so it may be something simple I have overlooked. That aside, the problem is that when you chose the squadron and click accept, it freezes for a second and crashes. I am sorry to anyone that I borrowed stuff from.
  9. It's not because of the timeframe, for some reason it doesn't matter. I found that in the CampaignX.ini you'll find the different aircraft selections: [uSAFUnit001] UnitName=10th TFW ForceID=1 UnitID=1<-------------------What I got wrong was the UnitID StartDate=1968 DescFile=10THDESC.txt StartText=Campaign3START1.txt and if you look at the CampaignXData.ini, 10th TFW is actually: [AirUnit002] AircraftType=F-4c Squadron=10TFS StartDate=11/04/1968 ForceID=1 Nation=USAF DefaultTexture=USAFGrey1... What it depends on is the ForceID. In this case, AirUnit001 is ForceID=2, the enemy. The UnitID is based on the force. If your ForceID is 1, then you need to see or put the aircraft in order from top to bottom with ForceID=1, the ForceID=2 (or vice versa), then the same ForceID's order gives you the UnitID. For instance, the 10th TFW is UnitID=1. I just posted this so if anyone has trouble like I did in the future, they'll know what's wrong. (I'm a "do it and see if it works" type of person) I'll work out some bugs and upload the campaign.
  10. EDIT: Yes I did, but I found out the problem. Apparently patch 3.2 didn't care if the aircraft in your campaign didn't exist in the timeframe of your campaign, so I changed the A-6E (TRAM) to and A-6A, and it works. It's not because of that. (see post #5) If you want, I can ask the neccesary people for permission and upload it. I need these people's permission: Whoever that did the DRV terrain Whoever did the Desert Dagger campaign (I'm taking off the attachment)
  11. ... whenever that guy says "SAM Launch, SAM Launch!" in his I'm-sort-of-nervous voice, the subtitles appear as "SAM Lauch, SAM Lunch!" Is this a problem with the latest patch or does he want us to crunch down on some SAMs? :)
  12. Quick question- Is it just me, or are the Hellfire and TOW quad pods missing from the weapons pack? (May 16 06) A lot of the helos use them, and I can't find them in the WEAPONDATA.ini
  13. What's the name of the weapon that goes in the loadout.ini? The UH-60Es has "Hellfire_Pod"
  14. Put what? ATR? I tried that, and it doesn't work
  15. I went on a ride to the Range terrain in an A-10 full of GBU-16s. I hope this will help you: At takeoff Target Target on TV screen (gotta love it!) Dropping bombs Target hit! As you can see, the bomb did miss by a bit (on the top), so you may get a miss once in a while. I hope this helped you! PS- I use easy on both radar and weapons. If this doesn't help you, then oh well. (I just did it for the screenies!)
  16. Which bombs are you using? The GBU-** ones should work. EDIT: Look at the Weapons Delivery Manual
  17. I'm not sure, but I think you need to edit the DATA.ini in order for it to appear. The AAQ-14 would need a LP (stands for Laser Pod) in the weapons station such as this in the A-4F_DATA.ini: [LeftWingStationOutboard] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=1 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-2.91,0.90,-0.82 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=544.32 AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,CGR,IRM,ARM,TER<----Add "LP" here AttachmentType=USN ModelNodeName=LeftWing_OuterPylon PylonMass=55 PylonDragArea=0.02 LaunchRailNodeName=MissileRail_L LaunchRailHeight=0.10 You can find that in the Weapons Stations section of you DATA.ini. If this doesn't work, then check the Weapons_Pack.pdf in you main folder (if you installed the weapons pack)
  18. It seems like the A2G weapons now need a "RackType" on the attack and fighter aircraft- not the bombers. While this doesn't pose a problem on the stock aircraft, the 3rd party aircraft may need a loadout update. Here is a section of the SFP1 P4 F-4J Loadout: Loadout[01].WeaponType=MK82 Loadout[01].Quantity=6 Loadout[01].RackType=MER<----------RackTypes needed to appear Loadout[02].WeaponType=MK82 Loadout[02].Quantity=6 Loadout[02].RackType=MER Loadout[03].WeaponType=MK82 Loadout[03].Quantity=3 Loadout[03].RackType=TER Loadout[04].WeaponType=MK82 Loadout[04].Quantity=3 Loadout[04].RackType=TER Loadout[05].WeaponType=SUU23 Loadout[05].Quantity=1 Loadout[06].WeaponType=AIM-7E-2 Loadout[06].Quantity=1 Loadout[07].WeaponType=AIM-7E-2 Loadout[07].Quantity=1 Loadout[08].WeaponType=AIM-7E-2 Loadout[08].Quantity=1 Loadout[09].WeaponType=AIM-7E-2 Loadout[09].Quantity=1 Loadout[10].WeaponType=AIM-9H Loadout[10].Quantity=1 Loadout[11].WeaponType=AIM-9H Loadout[11].Quantity=1 Loadout[12].WeaponType=AIM-9H Loadout[12].Quantity=1 Loadout[13].WeaponType=AIM-9H Loadout[13].Quantity=1 The A2A weapons and fuel tanks are fine, they don't need a RackType, but I don't know enough about RackTypes in order to fix them myself. Is there anyone who is familiar with them? What is "MER"? What are the other RackTypes? Which ones are appropiate for the different weapons and aircraft? Any replies appreciated :)
  19. In some of the modern aircraft (F/A-18A, F-15A,C,E, F-16C Blk 30,52,53 Not A-10A) the cockpits have white lines flashing across, and sometimes when I switch to cockpit, the screen goes black for a while. Also, the boxes at the bottom (displaying speed, altitude, degree...) and the things on the top (says how far to waypoint, Autopilot, Gear...) flash/ dissapear. Does someone know why? Note: I saw a thread on this a while back, I searched for it, and it seemed to have dissapeared. If it's still in existence, please give me the link. THANKS!!
  20. I saw (http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?download=1393) Paladrian's movie "VTOL Traning" and I was wondering if there is a way to install VTOL on any existing helicopters and planes. Replies appreciated :) PS- Is the Harrier supposed to have modded VTOL capabilities, because the AV-8C I downloaded (I downloaded both parts) doesn't have it.
  21. Oh. It looked so convincing!
  22. --Sorry for the late reply--- Thanks, I'll try it. :)
  23. I remember in the readme, it said something about mapping thrust vectoring keys. Does anyone know how to do it?
  24. With all the new tankers coming out (KA-6D, KC-130F), I was wondering if it is possible to make a mission with aerial refeuling. I know that the KC-130 comes with a refueling misson, but I am wondering if there is a way to have two aircraft rendezvouing (player + tanker) and have the player guide the stick thing on the plane (I have no idea what its called) into the basket. not neccisarily gaining fuel, but looking like it is. Any replies appreciated :) !
  25. Sorry, I didn't realize that your mission was like that, now you can tell how smart I am! Anyways, I experimented with the mission editor and got what I want. Thanks! :)

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