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Everything posted by jtin

  1. FastCargo, That's an interesting idea with the open cockpit... opens up a whole new possibility of "modding" cockpits to make new cockpits without a whole new .lod (removing components and now adding in components) In regard to your comment on pilots as weapons: The only downside to this is that AFAIK, there is no way to assign an animation to a weapon that is only sitting on the pylon; that is that there wouldn't be the head turning animation. IIRC, adding pilots as weapons (and also a couple effects) was how the ejecting pilot was done a while back. A "pilot-rocket" could be fired straight up in an ejection. (although if the player presses CTRL-J, there would be interesting results) :)
  2. Check to make sure that your gunpod has a corresponding gun entry in the gundata.ini.
  3. cool... although it looks like the algea took an upwards turn :)
  4. This has been out for a while, but I think it might be useful to the modding/skinning community here: A (third party) plugin for Paint.NET (PDN) has been released to expand its file type support to include .psd (Photoshop) files (.bmp and .tga files have built in support- making it a good alternative to Photoshop for skinning). I've been using PDN for a while and it definetly is a good (free) alternative to Photoshop... about the plugin itself, it's easy to use; it retains the layers (although without most of the features specific to Photoshop) and with the included effects (and also more that you can download such as this one), it makes a pretty capable skinning platform. Just wanted to throw that out there. You can get it here: http://frankblumenberg.de/doku/doku.php?id...ntnet:psdplugin Here is the corresponding PDN board thread: http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1238 Happy skinning!
  5. There are still some UAC problems that hinder installing mods, taking screenshots, etc, but these can be overcome by adjusting the security options in the folder properties... the main showstopper was the shader effects (which as Fubar512 said, is fixed in the latest- Aug 08 WoI patch). Any other CTDs shouldn't be OS specific.
  6. Ahhhh gotcha... then the only workaround I can think of is creating a pseudo-pod such as "F35_EOTS" that has the same properties as the laser designator that you want but without a .LOD... and then incorporate the .LOD into the model. and Blackbird, I think what you're looking for is in the aircraft_avionics.ini -> use GreenTVfilter.bmp (not to derail the topic)
  7. Klavs, I may be wrong but I don't think the line 'NoJettisonWeapon=' works... if you want to prevent a drop tank from jettisoning, use 'NoJettisionTank=', but for your situation here, what I would do is follow the F-15E's example by putting in "dummy" pods for the laser designator and TV camera and incorporate the pods into the model. For example, here are the two entries in the F-15E_DATA.ini: [LANTIRN] SystemType=LASER_DESIGNATOR ModelNodeName=AN/AAQ-14 CameraFOV=2.500000 SightTexture=avq23sight1.tga CameraPosition=-0.800000,0.125000,-1.00000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 EODisplayFlags=268697600 SeekerRange=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=120.000000 SearchFOV=5.000000 SearchTexture=avq23sight2.tga [TV] SystemType=EO_CAMERA ModelNodeName=AN/AAQ-13 CameraFOV=2.500000 CameraPosition=8.000000,0.125000,-1.000000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 EODisplayFlags=268697600 SeekerRange=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=60.000000 If you don't feel like pulling out the model anymore, you could also put the pod in as a "pilot" so that it won't be seen by the game as a weapon and therefore, not jettisionable. However, when the pilot ejects, the pod is also going to fall off. Cockpit looks great! :D
  8. My guess is like Wrench said, a numbering issue. Go to the end of the stock objects and check the numbering from the last object to the new ones.
  9. Pilot looks cool- Klavs, will you be making a pilot to go with the JSF? And if you don't mind my asking, how are you gonna tackle the MFDs in the cockpit?
  10. My guess would be a faulty ground object; I used to get errors in CAS missions with certain ground objects (of course, ones I've broken myself)... check to see if you've installed them all correctly (not missing files, correct places, etc.) I assume you're getting a black screen? Or is it simply a freeze?
  11. This will be interesting... Let me be the first to say thanks to Dave, FC, and Klavs.
  12. I'm no modeler, so this is all from an .ini "modder's" standpoint: As long as the model is working and showing up in game, (at least for weapons) all you need to do is make a weaponsdata.ini entry for it and an .ini for different .LODs if you have any. Since the KH-59 is up and running in game, theoretically, you could simply switch the .LODs out without editing any .inis (except if you changed the origin of the model).
  13. Actually, the Location= parameter in the Terrain_DATA.ini corresponds to a location in the Terrain_NATIONS.ini. While in most maps, it may corespond with say, friendly locations are 1, enemy locations are 2, if you look at a map such as WoV's VietnamSEA, you'll get this: [Theater] TheaterName=Southeast Asia Location001=South Vietnam Location002=Thailand Location003=North Vietnam Location004=Cambodia Location005=Laos Location006=China Location007=Burma Location008=Hainan Island Location009=Gulf of Tonkin Location010=South China Sea Although I am not entirely sure, my guess as to the purpose of these parameters are to keep the player's missions within a reasonably spaced area, so that the player does not run out of fuel on the way to the target area; for example, if your airfield is in location 1 (South Vietnam), you'd be more likely to be assigned to hit targets in location 1, as opposed to other target areas. As for the original question, I'm pretty sure, that as Baltika said, it has to do with the frontlines; since a target behind the enemy frontline would be considered captured and under enemy control, no matter its side designation. The frontline is located in the Terrain_MOVEMENT.ini
  14. Woah! The weather effects master is back!
  15. Marc, get some rest and get well soon, your place as the king of skins and models certainly won't move. :)
  16. carriers=top of food chain... they must be sinkable, just like the powerful must be able to be overthrown :yes: IIRC, TK said that in early testing, if a player hit the deck especially hard, the carrier would sink, hence the unsinkable carriers. In editing the _data.ini, you might also want to add some armor, or else you'll be able to sink it simply by strafing.
  17. Not sure about the first two; are the F-1Cs using NATO weapons? Might want to check the weapon attachments... are you using two birds for the different countries? For the Foxbats... check if you have sufficient supplies of the missiles under the aircraft unit entry in the campaign_data.ini As for the A-10s; if they were unarmed it was probably a transport mission... under the 2 sides' data at the top, you either want to change the TRANSPORTTYPE= to a specific aircraft or edit the A-10_data.ini to not include transport. Might be same for F-1C.
  18. I'm pretty sure what Dave means is that you're flying in a year before the weapons are entering service... looking at your weaponsdata.ini, it looks fine; check your weaponsdata.dat (open with notepad) and through the garbled text, see if the first and last weapons imported correctly... if so, it's probably something else with your install.
  19. Air & Space Magazine recently featured an article about the Bone... good read. Top notch stuff! Especially if it's going to MF... double whammy.
  20. I think the original intention of the enhanced AI data in the aircraft_data.ini was for complex FMs that wouldn't be flyable by the AI... these values would "dumb it down" so to speak to let the AI handle the aircraft and be able to fly it reasonably well. As for the different roles, there are different codes for the AI (not outlined in the aircraftobject.ini) that change their agressiveness and behaivor. (i.e. a bomber wouldn't dogfight)
  21. You could make each flight an individual airplane and then put a couple flights on the same waypoints... iirc, this is the way that formation take offs and landings with the AI is done. Just make sure that you are zooming in really far into the runway for precise positioning if you're going to do a formation take off. An added bonus with this is that while you can tell each flight to attack a different target, as they reach the mission area, you can tell them to break off on their own and even set up bombing runs at the same time from different directions- a tactic used in the real world, but not by the default AI. Good luck!

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