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Everything posted by jtin

  1. Define "the rest"... as in .ini files? .bmps? uber hacks?
  2. I agree... I remember those days when there was no KB... questions left and right and would usually end up in everyone- even the veterans learning something. I'd personally write up a FAQ with questions like: "Where do my skins go?" "How do I install terrains?" "What is a .CAT file?" In fact, I think I will. :yes:
  3. 5 Years

    <S!> Thanks for making the world a little bit safer.
  4. I believe that if you're looking for a curved ski ramp, it isn't possible. The Tarwara I believe is using the catapult to propel the aircraft straight up, but with a low force so that it would only aid thrust vectoring, not totally overpower it.
  5. I think the airbase problem is due to the airbase being the first entry in the targets.ini... known bug.
  6. Updates

    Badfrank, for the OH-6A, if you retain the FM from the orginal download (not the cockpit one) it should be fine.
  7. Ouch. Sorry to hear that. Hope you can get a new computer soon (especially with all those sales going on now).
  8. That is a (fortunately) loooooooong list! You can add me on (for my, 3 mods)... although if all goes well, I might be adding my fourth soon. :yes:
  9. AFAIK, the game is hard coded so that lights only work on airfields. Theoretically, you could expand the defined airfield range or create an empty one to cover a city, but that could mess up targeting. Deuces was working on it a while back, I think his solution was to use really bright .tgas, but I don't know how far he got.
  10. There are some communities out there that have a way different attitude than here . I remember when I came in, being a noob and such, I asked questions where other places, I would get shunned as a noob, and that type of attitude is what makes this site great- it actually gives people a chance to learn and collaborate with others, so that anyone from any walk of life can mod to their heart's content. Plus, there's a lot more talent here than I have seen accumalated anywhere- a hearty thank you to the modders and the community as a whole!
  11. christian59, While TK probably going to release this data later in a patch, IMO it's not really acceptable to copy and share data from TK's work, especially since it's copyrighted... I remember a post a while back in which TK said something like this: "It's ok to share modified .ini files, but don't copy any stock files, because we don't want people playing WoV without buying WoV or playing WoE without buying WoE." I know that you probably did not mean to copy this way, but it's common courtesy and I reccomend that you edit your post to delete the data.
  12. That's really good news... 2 weeks I assume? Jarhead, I'm not that much of a modder but I've done some experiments with campaign modding... what exactly would you need?
  13. lol where did that emoticon come from? ^ In the spirit of wrecking the party, I will complete a post without quoting Monty Python, only to tell malibu43 that I've quickly whipped up a .tga for him/her to play around with. I'm not really sure if it'll turn out right (I just copied/pasted over normal trees) and haven't really fiddled around with it yet. Anyways, the textures are from the America's Army Mission Editor... enjoy! EDIT-whoops didn't see that .tgas aren't allowed uploads... uploading a .zip now. Shrubbery.zip
  14. Wasn't someone working on this for FE a while back? If these actually made it into service... I think that the aircraft carrier's status as the hardest thing to land on would get a run for its money.
  15. I'm not sure if it's just me, but usually when I press F9, the missile is wobbling- stock, weaponspack, theoretical missiles... like you said, usually for me, if it's not wobbling, it's either unguided or off target. A really basic question, but did you try upping the seeker accuracy/lock on chance?
  16. HrntFixer, It's the background here: http://www.americasarmy.com/ I'll see if there are more camos in the texture package of the real game.
  17. Super Bowl

    ITS STARTING!!! LET IT BEGIN!!! Patriots 25 to 19
  18. File Name: OTC Intro Movie File Submitter: jtin File Submitted: 14 Jan 2008 File Category: Thirdwire Series (SF/WOV/WOE/WWI) This started out as a side project, just experimenting with Fraps to see if I could really get video footage of the game. I started toying with the idea of making an intro movie for OTC (IMHO the best mod for the game so far), and the result is right here. The following is just a list of where all the mods/sounds used in the movie are from. Thanks to all the people listed below. Third Wire: The game (obviously) Oriansky class carrier A-4C Skyhawk MiG-21F-13 Fishbed Il-28 Beagle Pasko: F-106 Delta Dart CA_Stary: General Effects Lexx_Luthor: Nuclear Explosion Effects Kout: (I'm guessing) Screen used in title Deuces: Other effects Terrain/Tiles Water Effects The OTC team: the mod itself Kennedy speech audio clip National Archives and Records Administration: Pictures in begining Movie filmed using FRAPS, made using Windows Movie Maker, and music made by Apple GarageBand. Forgive the FRAPS watermark, and this is my first attempt at filming in game ;) -jtin (Justin) Click here to download this file
  19. http://www.aoe.vt.edu/~mason/Mason_f/canardsS03.pdf This is a study on canards on aircraft, case 3 focuses on the Gripen and contains a few charts
  20. Any More Activity?

    I recently got into this game (May 2007) and have been addicted, I just noticed we had an AA forum now. It seems like there is no activity here these days... also reflected in game I hear, there is a 39% drop in players from March 2006 to now. Does anyone else play? Also, in case you don't know, 2.8.2 was released... new maps Rummage and SF Hospital SE, also there is a self-healing medic option and voice recog. Well, I just wanted to see if anyone still plays this great game, my in game username is AA_jtin and I'm 37 honor.
  21. I was experimenting with the AC-130, mainly seeing if I could use loosely guided rockets so that the pilot doesn't have to risk crashing into the ground on missions and also so that the AI could actually use the weapons right. I was wondering if there is a way to get at smoke cloud hanging over the "gun" after it fires the rocket, much like the existing gun effect, without it being spewed behind the rocket like an exhaust trail.
  22. Any More Activity?

    Yeah, now the game looks like its speeding in that direction, especially with the release of the first "Fully Mission Capable" mission that featured bugs galore, with tons of missions still awaiting approval that are 1000x better... though the clan I recently joined are the only people that are still the only people holding me onto AA (http://www.sbd-gaming.com/index.php). The official AA forums are probably another reason why... with the "I'm the expert" attitude worse than SimHQ its a marvel that the developers are listening to these people rant about how "if you ask for another MP5, ill kill ur kitty". At least I got Call of Duty 4 for Christmas... and with SFP1, I'm set for a couple years.
  23. Yes, it would be better for each game to have it's own league, but with the dwindling multiplayer community out there, we should probably focus on one game, in which we can get the most people, and if it's a success, expand on to other games. IMO, we should find out which game has the most people that would be willing to put in time and effort for MP racing and then start from there. (SFP1 vote for me... earliest installment out there with most likely the most people)

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