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Posts posted by Gator

  1. First of all the medication is a definate sign fo doom in the service. If youa re taking a major depression med it is likely that you have a chemical inbalance int he brain. The service especially the marine corps is a hard life chocked full of stress. especially in combat. I highly recomend you not join with any recruiter for that. AS for the tattoos that is not an option either. if you have any visible tattoos the marines will not take you anymore for that either.


    Sounds like you have went through some very trying times. I would not want to have you risk your self for the service int his way. there are many other ways to support the sailors, soldiers, marines and zoomies(airforce) with out actually joining. Having done a stint as a recruiter I had to learn the policies for all of the services. the only way the marines or navy could bring you in with out you lying is for you to be off your meds for 2 years with no episodes and you will have to be inthe treatment of a psychologist or psychiatrist during that time who will give you a clean bill of health. Then and only then can we bring you in the navy. As much as you want to join please look at this scenario and consider if it would be worth it to join at this time.


    You are under enemy fire and you have an attaack and freeze. suddenly you are not funcitoning and the marines you serve with need your help. If yiou can not function then you are now a detriment to your platoon.


    Young and old marines are dying everyday in IRAQ. I implore you to make an appointment with a psychologist first and discuss this with them and see where you stand on the road to recovery. You sound really bright and have a brite future ahead of you with out the military.


    I dont want to sound mean or callous. I am just trying to be a voice fo reason and air the truth of the decisions and their consequences that are ahead of you.




  2. THanks alot please if you could mail it out burned on a cd to:


    AT1 Jon Whetstone



    FPO AE



    I really appreciate it. I can not download anything out here and my wife can barely turnt he computer on much less download a file and burn a cd for me....lol



  3. Hey guys,


    Is SP4 out. I have been out here on this ship for a while if so is anyone willing to download it and send it too me. I have no bandwidth and cannot download anything at all.





  4. Good evening gents and ladies.


    Just thought I would drop a line or twenty from the hot as all hell 130 degree persian gulf. I am floating out here on deployment onboard USS Wasp LHD-1. You can check us out here http://www.wasp.navy.mil/


    I have been here flotin since april and should be home hopefully in september. I finally got enough bandwidh to access the site from the ship here. It sure is a different navy than when i came in back in 1988 when we didnt have email out here. you had to send a letter and it took 2 -3 weeks to get a letter to the states and again as long to get one back. Now I can email chat with my wife daily.


    Yall stay safe and be good on the boards. Madjeff I will be abck soon. Did you drop me off of staff??? just checkin ben gone a while. glad to see the site is finally back up and running.


    Gator out

  5. I have an X36 and it is the same size as the x45. unless u have hands the size of andre the giant i cant see what you are talking about. My stick has no slop or rough spots and it is 2 years old and is not worn out. i fly constantly.


    as for sensitivity. almost every game has a sensitivity setting to adjust for this. i suggest you search out yours.


    if you are truly hard to plaes then i suggest u spend 300 for a ch pro setup with the usb stick throttle and rudder pedals. the price is steep but the hardware is unmatched by anything. including the cougar. and ch can be setup and ran with a lot less trouble than the thrustmaster stick


    If you are not a hard core simmer i dont advise you to buy the ch pro setup. Only if u intend to get your money back out of it.



  6. Zagnut,


    Before you choose a field or service look around and shop. Pick a job that:

    1. you will enjoy doing. find a field that peaks your natural curiousity. Doing so will ensure success

    2. Dont listen to one recruiters sell job. he will say one thing but when it comes down to it he is going to fulfill the needs of the guard.

    3. Get everything in writing. If it isnt in the contract it isnt going to happen.


    I have been in the US navy for 15 years now. we also have 100% tuition assistance while on active duty and you can enroll in the GI bill for 40,000 towars college. I pitch navy first because we have the best technical traiing of any service. I am a master avionics instructor here in virginia. My courses hold a higher accredidation than any other service.


    The last peice of advice I can give you is to not join the guard and stay home. Join a regular branch and do your first tour away from home. it will help you mature in many ways. Then if you are not happy after the first enlistment then go reserves.



  7. Activision has released the 1.2 mp patch for call of duty:



    Last Updated: 2004-01-29







    1. Behind Enemy Lines

    2. Search & Destroy






    1. New Gametype - Headquarters

    2. Killcam On/Off

    3. Disable Freelook Spectating

    4. Disable spectating enemy players

    5. Force team balancing

    6. Shared Friendly Fire

    7. Ban Abilities For Server Administration

    8. Server Hardware displayed in Server Browser

    9. New Server Filters

    10. Server Info Screen

    11. Timedemo statistics

    12. New script commands

    13. Allow Downloads






    This document details numerous additions, fixes and changes to Call of Dutyin the Multiplayer 1.2 patch.


    IMPORTANT NOTE: Use of the in-game console is not supported by Activision®. Please do not contact Activision® Customer Support with issues that arise from using console commands in-game.




    - It is recommended that any user modifications that have been installed to the Call of Duty directory be removed before installing this patch. These modifications are not supported by Activision® and may not be compatible with some of the new features that are included.


    - Call of Duty does not support mods that have spaces in the mod's folder name. Be sure that the folder that contains your mod does not have spaces, otherwise users will not be able to download the files. For example, a mod in a folder called "My Mod" would be invalid, whereas "MyMod" or "My_Mod" would work.




    1. Behind Enemy Lines


    - Fixes some allies not showing up on the compass in large servers.

    - Fixed a bug that would make enemy indicator on the compass not show up.

    - Fixed the killcam window remaining on screen during the black screen when you are about to spawn as an allied player.

    - At the end of a round all players show on the same team to make it easier to see how players ranked.


    2. Search & Destroy


    - You no longer have a weapon when planting the bomb.

    - Planting the bomb near the end of the round stops the round timer, so that the bomb is now the condition for victory.

    - Bombs can no longer be planted after a round has been declared over.

    - Reaching the timelimit (scr_sd_timelimit) no longer ends the game mid-round.




    - Adjustments made to the sniper rifles to make them balanced.

    - When a player lands after jumping, his/her speed is briefly reduced, making bunny hopping a less effective tactic in multiplayer.

    - Adjusted hitboxes on player models to make them more accurate and thus making rifles more effective.

    - The number of grenades given to a player is now based on the weapon selected. Sniper rifles provide 1 grenade, Bolt-action rifles provide 3 grenades, and all other weapons provide 2 grenades.





    1. New Gametype - Headquarters


    - A radio randomly spawns into a map as neutral. Your team must capture a radio by standing near it with no enemies around.

    - Your team must control a radio to gain points. A team is awarded 45 points for every 45 seconds it holds the radio.

    - Destroying an enemy radio rewards your team with as many points as are left on the reinforcement timer (e.g. if you destroy the radio with 16 seconds left on the reinforcements timer, your team will receive 16 points).

    - If your team loses the radio, a new radio will spawn in a different location. This radio is now neutral and must be captured.

    - Spawns are regulated by a reinforcement timer, which spawns players in 45 second intervals. This reinforcement timer is displayed on the HUD and players only have to wait until the closest spawn period before rejoining the battle.


    2. Killcam On/Off


    - Added server-side cvar scr_killcam to turn on/off killcam


    3. Disable Freelook Spectating


    - Added server-side cvar scr_freelook to turn on/off freelook spectator mode


    4. Disable spectating enemy players


    - Added server-side cvar scr_spectateenemy to turn on/off spectating the other team while dead


    5. Force team balancing


    - Added server-side cvar scr_teambalance to force teams to have the same number of players. Teams with an odd number of players will be as balanced as possible. (Round based gametypes will adjust the teams between rounds, respawn gametypes will adjust the teams every 60 seconds)


    6. Shared Friendly Fire


    -Setting scr_friendlyfire 3 will share damage in cases of friendly fire between the victim and attacker.


    7. Ban Abilities For Server Administration


    Uniquely identified players printed in stats logging:


    -The log used for stat tracking now includes player unique identifiers so players can be uniquely tracked based on cdkey instead of being tracked by player name. Note that there is no way anyone can determine your cdkey from your GUID.

    - Server administrators now have the option to Ban players from their server permanently. The banned players are stored in a "ban.txt" file on the server, which can be manually edited by the server admin.

    - The commands "banUser" and "banClient" ban somebody currently playing on a server by their in-game name or client number. This adds the player to "ban.txt," and kicks them from the server.

    - You can unban every uniquely identified player with the name "UnnamedSoldier" using "unban UnnamedSoldier" from the console. If you want to unban a single player whose name appears more than once, you should edit "ban.txt" manually.

    - Server administrators also have the option of temporarily banning a player from a server for X amount of time (in seconds). Use the command \sv_kickBanTime to change the length of the ban. This Temp Ban option has also been added to the CallVote menu, allowing players to kick "griefers" and prevent them from simply reconnecting immediately.


    NOTE: Ban commands are for Internet servers only. They do not function on LAN servers.


    8. Server Hardware displayed in Server Browser


    - Added a column with icons displaying what hardware each given server is (Win Dedicated, LINUX, etc).

    - Added an indication whether or not the server is modded to the server browser.


    9. New Server Filters


    - Added pure server, friendly fire, killcam, server modded, and dedicated only server filters.


    IMPORTANT NOTE: The "Pure Server" filter is set to "Pure Servers Only" by default. When the patch is installed, it will show only pure servers unless you change to another setting. This setting can be found by clicking on "Join Server" and selecting the "Filters" submenu.


    10. Server Info Screen


    - On connecting to a server you will now see a server info screen which lists the servername, message of the day, gametype, and current settings appropriate to the gametype.


    11. Timedemo statistics


    - Timedemos write a .csv file based on the map name and resolution that says how many milliseconds each frame took. This can be opened directly in a spreadsheet program for benchmarking performance over time.


    12. New script commands


    - Added "precacheTurret( turretinfo )" script command to MP.

    - Added "spawnTurret( classname, origin, turretinfo )" script command to MP.

    - Added "enableWeapon()" and "disableWeapon()" player script commands to MP.


    13. Allow Downloads


    There is a new client command in the Multiplayer Options screen called "Allow Downloading." When set to on, connecting to a server that contains a new map or mod will automatically begin downloading the files associated with the map or mod.




    - Removed music from multiplayer menus

    - Fixed minefield explosion sounds not always playing correctly

    - Fixed minefield explosion damage killing nearby players

    - Teammate icons (scr_drawfriend) are smaller and slightly transparent now. They are also based on nationality.

    - Fixed crash that would happen for some people on start of multiplayer if "cl_motd" was set to "1".

    - Fixed an exploit that would turn the world solid black.

    - The "tell" command works from a dedicated console to send a message to a single client.

    - You cannot "callvote" a non-existent map from the console.

    - Fixed "callvote" failing as soon as one less than half the people vote no.

    - Fixed some issues with mods and some issues with pure servers.

    - Fixed nearby trees vanishing in large outdoor levels when lots of effects go off at once.

    - Changed the draw order on the compass so that friendlies draw on top of objectives.

    - Font files now try to load from the main language folder first.

    - Fixed bug where if you strafed off a ladder it would repeatedly grab and drop the whole way down the ladder.

    - When you fall from a ladder you no longer play the ladder climb down animation.

    - Grenades no longer float in air if they planted on something that moved.

    - Grenades no longer jiggle when planting on players.

    - Adjusted the position of the Kar98 when aiming down the sight.

    - Players no longer run in place when planting a bomb.

    - Fixed case of the gun not getting placed in the right hand when you die while reloading.


    - Fixed the reload animation playing after you respawn.

    - Fixed some view problems with the MG42.

    - Fixed cvar propagation issues seen when joining a server and then starting your own server

    - Fixed ambient sounds continuing from the previous map when starting to load the next

    - The scoreboard now is scrollable at the end of a map.

    - The icon for password-protected games should now properly show in the server browser menu.

    - Fixed a crash in the main menu that came about when users left the computer sitting at the menu for prolonged amounts of time.

    - Fixed a crash changing map and gametype via vote menu.

    - Fixed a problem with the host not being able to join a team after the map changed.

    - Fixed sporadic friendly fire message when killing an enemy player in Behind Enemy Lines.

    - Fixed a problem with cdkeys not being displayed after connecting to a server running a mod.

    - The Server Info button on the Join Server screen now displays additional server information. Friendly Fire and Kill Cam settings are now displayed.

    - Removed unused cl_timenudge cvar to prevent possible exploit.

    - Cheat-protected r_colormiplevels to prevent possible exploit.


    download it here

  8. I would say my most memorable would be about 18 months back. I was a member of VFA-14 tophatters flying Jane's F/A-18 on hyperlobby.


    There I was minding my own business and this guy from the 169th came in and starts bad mouthing my mother, my squad and me. So me being the alligator mouth and canary behind type guy that I am give it back and challenge them to a dog fight 4v4


    So we go into game and get setup for a 4v4 fight with guns and heaters. After a click of a mouse we are on the tarmac calling BTC's. Spike, Prowler, Jar and Myself lined up in pairs ready to roll. Spike calls 1 rolling and we all release brakes.


    Gear up and feet wet we transition in to the hunt. Radar off and ECM on ESM listening and there is the spike. I call spike 12 o'clock. the flight splits into two pairs. we dive for the deck and spread to 5 miles. I call to jar to bracket low as i stay a little higher to troll for a radar hit and visual.......


    I have a target. I uncage my aim-9s and start a hard port turn. Jar is engaging my contact, I am turning to come in on my wingy's 6. He pickles his first 9 and it flies wide and misses. in the mean time spike and prowler are closing our position to assist. Jar is continuing to follow and pickles number two. at this point spike is now passing head to head of the engaged bogey. and kaboom jar has just shot down spike. prowler starts a loop and comes around nose first on the bogey and opens up with his guns and flames #1.


    Jar is now engaged with #2 and i have sorted to #3 with #4 on prowlers 6.


    I pickle a 9 and kaboom my bogey is down. I am now following prowler and almost simultaneously both bogeys are gone. I should say at this point that regen is on and the first guy has respawned and is enroute.


    All four decide to foul mouth us and quit.... The satisfaction of that moment was unlike anyother.... VFA-14 has been and probably will always be the best online pilots on the net....


    Thanks for the memories fellas.



  9. Gents and Ladies,


    I stand corrected on MR. Ragers. seems i have spouted misinformation that stems to an urban legend.


    i have posted an article from a telvision historical website.


    Fred Rogers served as a sniper or as a Navy Seal during the Vietnam War, with a large number of confirmed kills to his credit.

    This same rumor has often been applied to boyish country singer-songwriter John Denver (among others), and it's just as false when told of Fred Rogers. Not only did Fred Rogers never serve in the military, there are no gaps in his career when he could conceivably have served in the military — he went straight into college after high school, he moved directly into TV work after graduating college, and his breaks from television work were devoted to attending the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (he was ordained as a Presbyterian minister in 1963) and the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Child Development. Moreover, Fred Rogers was born in 1928 and was therefore too old to have enlisted in the armed services by the time of America's military involvement in Vietnam.


    Fred Rogers always wore long-sleeved shirts and sweaters on his show to conceal the tattoos on his arms he obtained while serving in the military.

    As noted above, Fred Rogers never served in the military, and he bore no tattoos on his arms (or any other part of his body). He wore long-sleeved shirts and sweaters on his show to maintain an air of formality — although he was friendly with the children in his viewing audience and talked to them on their own level, he was most definitely an authority figure on a par with parents and teachers (he was Mister Rogers to them, after all, not Fred), and his choice of dress was intended to establish and foster that relationship.


    It also seems that the site I read on CK was a hoax as well. CK was a marine in the reserves in 45-46. her is his bio


    BOB KEESHAN. Born in New York City, New York, U.S.A., 27 June 1927. Attended Fordham University, 1946-49. Served in United States Marine Corps Reserve, 1945-46. Married: Anne Jeanne Laurie, 1950; children: Michael Derek, Laurie Margaret, and Maeve Jeanne. Began career as Clarabell for NBC-TV's Howdy Doody Show, 1947-52; appeared as Corny the Clown (ABC-TV), 1953-55, and Tinker the Toymaker (ABC-TV), 1954-55; starred as Captain Kangaroo (CBS-TV), 1955-85; president of Robert Keeshan Associates, from 1955; appeared as Mr. Mayor and the Town Clown (CBS-TV), 1964-65; president, Suffolk County Hearing and Speech Center, 1966-71; director of Marvin Josephson Associates, Inc, New York., 1969-77; director of Bank of Babylon, New York, 1973-79; chair, board of trustees, College of New Rochelle, New York, 1974-80; director of Anchor Savings Bank, 1976-91; chair, Council of Governing Boards, 1979-80; commentator, CBS-Radio, 1980-82; television commentator, 1981-82. Member: Board of Education, West Islip, New York, 1953-58; board of directors, Good Samaritan Hospital, West Islip, New York, 1969-78. Honorary Degrees: D. of Pedagogy, Rhode Island College, 1969; D.H.L. Alfred University, 1969; D.F.A., Fordham University, 1975; Litt.D., Indiana State University, 1978; L.L.D., Elmira (New York) University, 1980; D.L., Marquette University, 1983; D.P.S., Central Michigan University, 1984; D.H.L., St. Joseph College, 1987. Honorary Fellow: American Academy of Pediatrics. Recipient: Sylvania Award, 1956; Peabody Award, 1958, 1972, 1979; American Education Award, Education Industries Association, 1978; Distinguished Achievement Award, Georgia Radio and TV Institute-Pi Gamma Kappa, 1978; Emmy Awards,1978, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984; TV Father of the Year, 1980; James E. Allen Memorial Award, 1981; Distinguished Service to Children Award, 1981; National Education Award, 1982; American Heart Association National Public Affairs Recognition Award, 1987; Frances Holleman Breathitt Award for Excellence, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, 1987; Clown Hall of Fame, 1990

  10. Ruger,


    As an active member of the US navy... I have 15 years in and 5 togo


    I relieve you sir, I have the Watch..


    You are here by reassigned to the home front


    Fair Winds Shipmate

  11. Fred Rogers is one of the most decorated marine snipers...


    he wore those sweaters because of the tattoos Going up his arms


    CK was also a highly decorated vet. he was awarded both the bronze star and silver star for valour...


    I am trying to find the write ups to post in honor of this great american

  12. After receiving this item for christmas from my better half i have spent the las 4 weeks playing on line using this little item to kill ELF's online.


    I am happy to say the this item is a great little tool at a reasonable price. MFR is 50.00 us from Belkin. i am happy to say that it can be found by the frugal for around 20.00.


    This item offers up a whopping 16 buttons d-pad and scroll wheel which has 3 modes of function totaling 48 possible button combos. the ergonomic design makes the adjustment guite easy. The software is also very nice with no visible quirks at this time. I programmed operation flashpoint and BF1942 in to the profile manager in about 15 minutes. This item takes full use of the direct x controller calls and makes key assignments extremely easy. overall i give this unit a 8 out of ten stars for quality and usefullness. It still has a slight bug witht he keyboard type buttons wanting to double press sometimes but is just a sensitivity thing in learning how hard to press the buttons. Here are some attatched files to look at:








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