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About Eric2020

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  1. @Niels I have tried to download the viper and did not have any error during the transfer. the link stated here works so try this one. http://www.wpnssgt.com/Viper/Vipers.exe
  2. @ Niels I downloaded the file without error, perhaps wait an day and see if it is mirrored here or at other sites.
  3. get the new Viper pack here: http://www.wpnssgt.com/Viper/Vipers.exe the F-16 ADF was removed from this release as it was giving CTD
  4. looking around and found interesting things to come soon. The Javelin is very far, and released soon. The F-14 all of us wants so badly is in the middle of development by C5, and on finals is the on topic F-11 by fleetdefender and C5. the F-11 is an long awaited model, and suffered from problems with the skin around the nose. Furthermore very soon, perhaps today there will be new skins for the F-16 up for downloading. Sundowner and Tiwaz are outstanding skinners and have done their homework. Also very important site is the return of Gramps flightsims. He has done much hard work on the SF scene, and is getting his work back online in the next few weeks.
  5. looking spot on model Capun!! very good to have an new chopper model in the works.
  6. Welcome new staffers!

    Hello to all at Biohazcentral As long standing fan of Strike fighters, I'm happy to have been chosen by Madjeff as an mod for the SF forum. I will keep up with the news on the SF front, and look forward in many very many posts on this outstanding sim, which turns better by the day. I truly appriciate all the hard work done by all of the modders be it modern or WWII aircraft, or just the editing of INI files or terrains and so on. At the Biohaz Forum much new developments will come, and make the sim better than it is now, and that is outstanding as well. Most Users are able to run SF without problems on graphiccards or sounds. And more developments are about to be released in the not to far future. I call upon modders to inform me on the release dates so that space can be made to give it an warm welcome it deserves after all the months of hard work on modding and testing. Testing I like to do too, and I'm contructive in commenting on that too. I keep maintaining the list at SF mods, and do keep working on the group I founded at Yahoo for the Ini files. I also like to mention that I appriciate the warm Welcome given to me here at Biohazcentral and the continuing support I get from Sony Tuckson, Jet-Z, Sleepy Sweeper, CBHIERO, Howling1, Hackworth, Capun, Sundowner, eagle114th, Falcon six two and all whom i seem to forget. The other new staff members I look forward read and learn from too, and that together we will be able to keep this site an outstanding and informative site now and in the future. Eric2020
  7. Jeff I mailed you some time ago, but did not see an reply from you. can you confirm to me if you received my email?? thanks
  8. feel free to join my group at yahoo. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/StrikeFightersFM/
  9. I hope so to, it is well worth its time
  10. BiG John i can help you on the XB-70 mail me sound_project110@hotmail.com
  11. More Eagle's ok like to see these please 1 TFW Langley AFB 49th TFW Holloman 3 squadrons 36TFW 2 more please!! 52TFW 1 squadron 1 FW 48 FW ANG units please AFRES units Please Korean F-15 More Israeli eagle's And not the least colourfull!!!! Japanse skins would be super cool to see

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