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Everything posted by Wodin

  1. A small tracer mod I made

    Love the mod...thanks mate...
  2. Pilot Photos

    Sorry realised I was wrong...
  3. Really want the Brisift...but no way will I buy the two current two seaters as I'm sick of the sight of them. I want to see the Halb III, Fe2B, Fe8, Be2c, Roland CII then we could have some fun upto Bloody April.
  4. new campaign generator

    Looks like the latest upgrade may have scuppered Pat's efforts...it seems the mission log has been taken out of the sim.....which he was relying on for his next update...if it has gone not sure why 777 would remove it when they knew he was going to need it.
  5. The amount of trouble I've been in recently for passing on my thoughts on a certain sim is quite remarkable...I've been totally misunderstood and the reactions to my comments took me by surprise...seems a fair few simmers who love this particular sim are hypersensitive. Shame as in all the posts I made about said sim I praised it aswell and I never thought I'd get the reaction I have got back...infact just today I was told I was kicking up a stink!! I only pointed out some shortcomings in a non aggressive way it wasn't a rant nor diatribe...I said it in a relaxed manner expecting some reasonable reply not some sudden defensive shout back...so as 95% of communication is body language and tone of voice no wonder forums are full of misunderstandings.
  6. OT I've got an Interview

    Just watched the vid...looks like a good Job to me...I always fancied working on the airfield...using those panels...controller or something not sure what the Job is called.
  7. OT I've got an Interview

    Can anyone explain what a Rampie does? Good luck in the interview...fingers crossed...
  8. @Ratatat....seems we are....an excellent list if I may say so....BA is a possibility sometime in the future.....do you frequent Matrix or The Wargamer forums per chance?
  9. Followed by a tremendous Beano....where cuts and bruises are the norm...
  10. All our boys went west I think two years ago now or early last year...can't remember..we had three left and they all died within a few months... I wonder if ther are any German veterans left...such a shame they are never really considered even by their own country...
  11. I wish the FE 8 was modelled....not keen on the DH 5....hate ground attack...
  12. Great work...thanks very much...do we always have to go into the text file to give ourselves a different medal instead of say countless DFC's? I had to go in and change those DFC's to something else.
  13. Post you best RoF screenshot

    Two shots of a flight from tonight...thats me in flames after my attack run. It was the gunner staring me out that took me down... The DVII was taken awhile ago...
  14. N17-Bis Campaign

    I also notice the N26 and N27 (I think thats the numbers, anyway there are Nieuports that have no description ) yet they just give the N24 description....what were the differences between them?
  15. N17-Bis Campaign

    I neglect the Spad because of visibility aswell. Oh just realised it had an extra gun....I always look at it's speed and it seemed a little to slow compared to the AlbII's. Still the N17 was Ball's favourite...
  16. N17-Bis Campaign

    The SE5a and the Camel are the Allied planes I fly the best in....how come the BIS is a fair bit slower than the Lewis version?
  17. CPU s

    It will have four clocks most MB's support you using any of the four...did you try out both other cores? Also I have 3 cores running and a semi decent fan and I'm not running that hot...
  18. Soundtweak II

    It's a fantastic mod...I have to say this sound mod is superb...one aspect of RoF I don't like is the barley audilble engine sound...lots of wind not much engine...tis mod gives some planes a right roar...
  19. How are you testing framerates?

    if you can only see at 25 fps why the need for so much more?
  20. Thats a shame because your missing out with OFF...I have both and enjoy it's as they both have their merits...maybe you should give it ago you maybe surprised...but like you said if single player isn't for you then maybe RoF is the one. I do think if you want us all to come together and you love WW1 sims then the more the merrier. I do hope I haven't come on to strong or have upset anyone including yourself.....for me it's been a constructive debate. I did feel like commenting on your review but decided against it as it may come across as inflammatory...thats not what I wanted. However I did want to comment on your apology over at RoF but the thread got locked...which in a way speaks volumes...this one didn't.
  21. I say perfect and get the update out sir... May all your Huns be bagged.....
  22. "I don't care if a sim has the most perfect single player career, or campain, with out MP I would be hard pressed to give it a 5.0." Lets hope you don't review OFF phase 4 then. Not everyone flies multi player and those who don't and read your review will be misled by your very high score. You really should edit your review and state your only interested in the multi player side of the game and thats where your score lies...you should also give the game a single player score as well. To be honest I can't believe you've just said that. Totally discredits your whole review...you can't review just the part you like and score it on that only.... Finally my problems with the game like the terrain would require a massive graphical overhaul that isn't going to happen...I know it and anyone else would know it...the other stuff will I'm sure improve over time but I'm not giving my view on how good the sim maybe sometime in the future I'm giving my opinion on what it is like now...not finished with a long way to go...but has potential...
  23. How are you testing framerates?

    I press Z and get anywhere between 30 and 59 FPS. hwen I look behind during take off it's at its lowest can drop to 27...when looking straight ahead which is where most of the flying is done it's around 46...looking at the sky goes upto 59.

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