CDT when players exiting game. Lag and warping develop in multi after about 15 minutes to the point of a CDT.
My multi option menu only provides one option...LAN,,is this correct
Bombs bounce and do not explode.....
Aircraft bounces, Especiallly hitting ground inverted.
Keymapping issues with Cougars. Will not always recdognize stick in the custom settings
In multi aftera regen I get a bitmap in my hud. Looks like part of the interior cockpit bitmap....really annoying.
A4 seems to load rapidly in turns.and loses airspeed badly.
No Sams
Wish List:
I know to late probably.
3d volumetric clouds
Ground effects like dirt and water tails
More detailed maps
mission creator with save function
campaign muti[player
Explosions of ground ordinance like the aircraft explosions
Thx Silver