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Everything posted by ProblemChild

  1. I am new to this game but I am loving it and the dynamic campaign is amazing. my only and only problem is that planes just dissapear in the distance, literally just dissapear a short distance a way, around 200 - 500 meters away? not too sure but its very off putting and its clearly an issue for gameplay. I am using Patch July 2013 Wings over Korea mod I play on 3840x2160 4K resolution (I'd prefer playing on that) I have extracted the flightengine ini into SF2 Filght folder as well as to the korea folder and made some changes like turned off fade away and increased mesh values, but still to no avail? Anyway to fix this? Its literally the only thing destroying the fun I have with this game.
  2. Tried that, seemed to make it better i think, I'll have to test it more to see.
  3. Yeah, everything is in its own folder. Really frustrating I even downgraded the game to May 2012 in hopes that it could just be a patch issue but still nothing. Definately something wrong when you can't see a plane beyond 200 - 500m in a flight combat sim... Would editing those LOD files maybe help me fix this annoying problem?
  4. I have noticed this with the North Korean aircraft, I haven't played with Western planes yet. So far i tried the Yak 9 and Mig 15 A and B same results.. Looking at the Mig ini, these are the LOD specifications: [LOD001] Filename=MiG-15.lod Distance=100 [LOD002] Filename=MiG-15_lod2.lod Distance=250 [LOD003] Filename=MiG-15_lod3.lod Distance=500 [LOD004] Filename=MiG-15_lod4.lod Distance=1000 [LOD005] Filename=MiG-15_lod5.lod Distance=8000
  5. I see thank you. Would you know if that is editable at all?
  6. I want to know wether for example if I destroy a factory in particular cities will that have any sort of influence on the course of the war? I've been playing it for some time and the experience is fantastic, I just would like to know if the war can be changed in any way to fit the narrative in my playthrough. The game has some campaign settings that allow you to tweak historical accuracy or not, so I wanted to know wether I can have any real input in the way the war progresses.
  7. Thanks a ton for your answer, love your videos too. You actually persuaded me to ge the game.

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