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About archangel15

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  1. Hi All, I'm having trouble loading missions on the program as when I loadout and click the "fly" button the program just hangs at 10%. I can fly campanigns and instant action. I just d/l the newest patch and dx. (this was happening before I did the d/l's) All help/suggestions are appreciated. Archangel
  2. SF2 Israel

    I added it to c:\documentsandsettings...... What am I missing??? How do I link the files?? Arch
  3. SF2 Israel

    Thanks for that link I appreciate it. I tried adding c:\....strikefighters2\campaigns and it isn't recognizing anything. Any advice?? Arch
  4. Can anyone advise how to find or create my campaigns folder? I want to move some of my missions from WOV to SF2 Israel
  5. Can someone advise me how to add planes and terrains to this sim? There aren't any folders currently in place.. Thanks Archangel
  6. Does anyone have any existing networks regarding this? I'm using WOV and would like to join a few people flying.
  7. Super Hornet

    Any help would be appreciated
  8. Hi all, I saw the thread saying that someone was working on a super hornet. I was just wondering if it had been completed and made available for download? Also, I added the sound pack to WOV that would put chatter on the carrier, but it's not working. Any ideas. (Yes the speakers are on LOL). Lastly, does anyone have any mods that will add landing lights as well as the ball work? Thanks, Archangel
  9. I am trying to install the "danger zone" mission for Strike Fighter. Unfortunately I keep on getting an error message and the game shuts down. Anyone know of any specific files I am supposed to have for this game? Thanks The Archangel
  10. I am using WOV, I have all of the patches needed, and I found some good mods that will incorporate "TOP GUN" themes into this (an exe file, missions etc) to make it more like the movie ( I got this from AVSIM.com). The trouble I am having is where to save this. There are a lot of files (ie tod) that when I search for in my WOV directory aren't there. Has anyone done, or seen a top gun like mod. Also, I would like to add more missions to my game, I have the Libya one, and the basic Vietnam. Thanks The Archangel

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